Flirt (Dean Winchester x fem!reader x Arthur Ketch)

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You tried not to frown as Dean gave the brunette bombshell of a bartender a wink. You had been flirting with Dean for years, but apparently the older Winchester didn't get the hint. When you hit the bars after a case, Dean flirted relentlessly with the waitresses or bartenders. It drove you nuts. It wouldn't have if he at least acknowledged your advances, even to reject you, but the man just seemed so oblivious.

In this case, it was worse because you had been flirting again and it seemed as though Dean was catching on. Then, the bartender started eyeing Ketch and Dean switched gears. You had to fight back a groan when you saw the bartender slip Dean a napkin, no doubt with her number sketched out in neat handwriting. Unable to take it anymore, you got up, threw a few bucks down for your drinks, and left the bar.

The cool air hit you, nearly taking your breath away after the stuffy atmosphere in the bar. You heard the door open again and you stiffened. You really weren't in the mood to fight with anyone. "Had enough, Y/N?" Ketch's voice came from behind you. "You could say that," you muttered an Ketch chuckled. "You know, Dean Winchester isn't the only man around. He's merely the only missing out on his chance with you by his own choices."

You turned to look at him. His eyes were staring right at you. You were trying to determine whether or not he was coming on to you and whether it was unwelcome. It wasn't. You'd always though Ketch was attractive and, if not for the fact that Dean was kind of leading you on, you would have probably made a move on him already. "Is that so?" you asked coyly, making Ketch roll his eyes. "You know it is. Now, the question is, what are you going to do about it?" You smirked and crashed your lips together with his. Even if it ended up only being one night, at least you could get Dean out of your mind.

The next morning, you woke to the feeling of someone tracing patterns on your back. You slowly opened your eyes against the morning sun to see Ketch looking down at you. His head was propped up with one hand and while his other arm was around your waist. In all honesty, you were surprised he'd stayed. You thought he'd make his way back to the room he was sharing with Dean since Dean went off to the bartender's the night before.

"Morning, Ketch." He smirked and moved his arm so you could stretch. "Good morning, Y/N." You sat up, clutching your sheet to your chest and looked around the room for your bag. That was when you realized that you were actually in Dean and Ketch's room. Before you could say anything, the door swung open and Dean walked in with a grin on his face. At least until he saw you and Ketch in bed together.

"What the hell?!" You simply arched a brow. "Y/N, you and Ketch?! Seriously?!" You felt the raging bubbling in your chest and your face grew hot. Ketch was smirking as his gaze danced between you and Dean. He wondered how you'd handle this. If not for the fact that Ketch was still lying there naked, you would have gotten up and gotten in Dean's face.

"Who do you think you are, Winchester?! You can't completely throw me aside for years and then get mad at me when I decide to hook up with someone else!" you cried, clutching the sheet closer. You felt Ketch's hand on your lower back as he sat up. Dean's mouth opened and closed like a fish for a moment. "Forget it. Get dressed. We're going home. I'll meet you at the car." Without bothering to grab his stuff, Dean walked right back out, slamming the door behind him.

Once he was gone, you flopped back down on the bed and rubbed your eyes. "Do you regret it?" Ketch asked and you moved your hands so you could see him. There was no judgment in his gaze, only curiosity. "Not at all," you replied honestly. "I was hoping you'd say that. I'd hate for last night to only happen the once. You're the kind of woman who deserves more than a one-night stand." You snorted and sat up again. "Glad you feel that way." You got up and searched the room for your clothes. You could feel Ketch's eyes on you the whole time.

The ride back to the bunker was tense and silent except for Dean's music. You sat up front, knowing Dean would probably punch Ketch the moment he said one wrong word. Ketch actually fell asleep in the back, which surprised you. He usually didn't. Granted, you'd had a long night. You bit back a giggle at the memory.

"You know, I wouldn't have rejected you," Dean said suddenly, catching you unaware. "What?" Dean shrugged as if it were no big deal. "I wouldn't have rejected you." You scoffed. "Dean, you rejected me every time. I flirted for so long for nothing. I believed you weren't interested. After last night, I decided that I was done chasing after you. Ketch was there, like he always is. He offered me the night and I accepted. Just like I've accepted that it's more than a one-night stand."

"Do you think you'll be happy with him?" You glanced back at Ketch and smiled. "Yeah, I think so. If he's willing to give us a chance." You looked out the window, a dreamy look on your face. Dean sighed. "Okay. For what it's worth, I'm sorry." You shrugged. "It's okay, Dean." Dean grinned. "Good. So, you see an apple pie life with this guy or what?"

"Slow down, buddy. We've been together for less than a day. Don't go all bridal magazine on me already," you started with a laugh, "Besides, you know hunters don't get apple-pie lives. Although...maybe we can have as close as hunters can get." Your voice softened the longer you spoke as you envisioned a future with the man in the backseat. The man who wasn't actually asleep and was smiling to himself.    

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