Fighting it is Useless (Mr. Arthur Ketch x fem!Winchester) Soulmate AU

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Soulmates and love. Those two words clung to Arthur Ketch's brain and on his tongue like a bitter aftertaste. The very thought of needing someone, of not being able to live without them after meeting them, was ridiculous to Ketch. Yet, that was exactly the position Ketch found himself in.

Ketch glared down at the mark on his right hand. "That damned cross," he thought to himself, "Damned Winchesters". He was so engrossed in his own thoughts, he almost missed hearing a group of people approaching the briefing room. He probably would have if he hadn't caught the one voice that he, regretfully, wanted to hear most. Yours.

Ketch was barely able to return his expression to neutral before you rounded the corner with Mick and your brothers. Ketch took a moment to discreetly scan your form. Your (h/c) hair was pulled back in a high pony-tail. You wore a pair of jeans that hugged just right along with your typical flannel over a tank top. He would have leered longer, but he didn't get a chance.

Your eyes met Ketch's and you glared at him. As much as Ketch wanted to glare back, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Not anymore and that irritated the man to no end. It shouldn't be that way, not for him. He did notice that the usual malice behind your glare was missing. Instead, you looked worn and almost like you were in pain.

Mick greeted Ketch, forcing the latter's gaze away from yours. The tension in the room was nearly tangible. It made everyone uncomfortable. Mick and your brothers knew that Ketch was your soulmate. The identical marks on your hands was proof of that. They also knew neither one of you were happy about it. Ketch found it amusing that Mick kept trying to convince him that he needed you.

"Easy hunt, I presume?" Ketch's voice finally cut through the tense silence, his eyes on you. Nodding, you set your weapons down on the table. "Good. It sounds utterly boring, but good," Ketch responded and Sam cleared his throat. "Right. Mick, can we get those reports done now?" You turned your (e/c) eyes to Dean. "Dee...can we go home?" Your voice was much softer than usual. "You got this, Sammy?" Without looking up, Sam nodded. Dean wrapped his arm around shoulders and lead you out.

Ketch watched you go, scowling the whole time. He'd never admit it out loud, but it was getting more and more difficult to watch you leave. The deep-rooted need to be near you was becoming hard to ignore. Ketch didn't even need to say anything. Mick and Sam could see what could only be described as pain written all over the man's face.

"Mate," Mick started, but cut off at Ketch's steely gaze. Sam wasn't fazed and he finished Mick's thought. "Look, you're both miserable. It will only get worse the longer you ignore it. Just stop fighting it. Your soulmate brings out the best and worst in you. You need the balance." Ketch scoffed loudly and retorted, "I do not need her. This entire soulmate nonsense is just that. Nonsense. A children's story. Besides, your sister doesn't appear to need me. She doesn't act like she's met her soulmate." Sam sighed heavily. "Do you know why she acts that way?" Ketch replied that he didn't and Sam gave him a sad smile.

"She saw what happened to mine and Dean's soulmates. Jess is dead and Lisa doesn't even remember who Dean is. Y/N never wanted that. She's already a hunter. She doesn't think she can handle losing the one person that is supposed to be her soulmate. Then, she met you. Since she didn't like you, she thought it'd be easy to fight the pull she felt toward you. As she's gotten to know you a little better, she's gotten closer to you and now? It's so hard to fight it hurts her. She needs you and you need her."

With that, Sam turned on his heel and followed Mick from the room. Groaning, Ketch ran his hand over his face. "I need a drink," he said to himself out loud. He made his way to his room to pour a glass of his favorite scotch. As he drank, Ketch thought about every event that had lead him to this point. He hated it and honestly, it scared him. Yes, Arthur Ketch was afraid. He was afraid of needing you. Afraid of loving you and being loved by you. He drank himself into oblivion that night, desperate to be rid of the fear. Deep down, Ketch knew there was only one cure for that fear. He had to talk to you. He had to accept that he needed you. His soulmate. K"

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