Sneaking In(Multiple Pairings)

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(Pairings: Crowley x teen!daughter reader, fem!teen reader x Robert Winchester{OC}, Sam Winchester x Eileen Leahy)

Being a half-demon had its perks. Being the half-demon daughter of the King of Hell had even more. You could, quite literally, get away with murder. Not that you ever tried. Well...okay there was that one time but, to be fair, the jerk deserved it. Unfortunately, it didn't get you out of attending school. Your father insisted that you have a good education since he wanted you to help him rule Hell one day.

However, when you were finally a senior in high school, you didn't mind school so much. You were really popular. You were friends with half the people in school, including the son of Sam and Eileen Winchester. Sam's son Robert was so sweet and a little too innocent when you met him, but you'd slowly begun corrupting him. You took him with you to parties and encouraged him to drink. And while you were corrupting him, you were falling for him. That was how you'd ended up in your current situation.

You tried to stifle your giggle as you pulled Robert behind you up to the door of your earthly home. You had his hand in one of yours and your tall, nude pumps in the other. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" he whispered, his words somewhat slurred. This time you did laugh. "It's fine, Robbie. Dad's usually not here on the weekends. He stays in Hell." You pulled him to you and kissed him. You were far more drunk than he was.

"Hey, Y/N. Slow down," he said with a chuckle, "I'm already here with you. No need to rush." You rolled your eyes and opened the door, pulling him in after you. Your drunken giggles bounced off the walls in the empty house. At least you thought the house was empty.

"Well, well." Your father's voice caused you to freeze. You turned your head to see your father sitting there in one of his most comfortable armchairs with a glass of Craig in his hand. "Where have you been? It's 4 AM. And what the bloody Hell are you wearing?" You glanced down at your admittedly too short, skin tight, lacy black dress and you broke out into another fit of giggles. "Are-Are you drunk?" he asked and you nodded. "Yep," you replied, popping the "P".

Crowley's gaze traveled to the boy beside you. "Of bloody course. You would have to be to throw in your lot with young Winchester here." Robert looked absolutely terrified. A look that only grew when a door opened and Sam and Dean entered the room. "D-Dad. Uncle Dean." You tried to reach over and give Robert's shoulder a reassuring squeeze, but, in your drunken state, you missed and ended up tripping over thin air.

Dean crossed his arms over his chest and Sam just stood there. "They're drunk," he stated. "Very good, Moose. Any idiot could see that." You were now snoring on the floor and Robert had sunk down into one of the chairs and fell asleep too. Crowley and the Winchester brothers shook their heads. "What should we do?" Sam asked. "Let 'em sleep it off. Then give them hell in the morning when they're hungover," Dean answered looking between you and his nephew.

Deciding that a hangover would be bad enough for two teenagers without having to deal with a crick in the neck from sleeping on the floor, Crowley snapped his fingers, sending you to your bed and Robert to one of the guest rooms.

The next morning, you groaned loudly went the sun hit your face. Cursing yourself for not closing your curtains the night before. Your head was pounding and you felt the need to throw up. "Ugh." Your mouth felt like you'd spent the evening chewing on a dryer sheet. The events of the night before came rushing back to you and you swallowed thickly.

For a few minutes, you just sat there. Your dad was going to let you have it, but you knew that you had no choice but to face him. If you didn't go downstairs, he'd come to you and it would be worse. You got up and stretched, your tight dress still hugging your skin. You peeled it off and changed into something more comfortable before heading downstairs.

You made your way to the kitchen where you found Robert sitting at the breakfast bar across from his family and your father. "Morning, Daddy." Crowley narrowed his eyes at you. "You have some explaining to do, dove." You bit your lip and shrugged. "Why in the bloody Hell did you decided to get drunk and come home with a boy at 4 in morning?!" You winced at his volume.

"Crowley, not helping," Sam said, turning back to you and Robert. "I just don't know what to do with you anymore, Robert," he said with a sigh, "Ever since you guys became seniors, you've been acting out. I think Y/N is too much of a bad influence. No offense, Crowley. I think you need to spend some time apart."

"No!" you cried, immediately wincing and sinking down into a seat when you hurt your head. Robert placed a hand on your shoulder. "Please, Dad. Don't. You can't keep me away from Y/N. She's my best friend!" You picked your head up and smiled at him. "It looked like a bit more than friendship from where I sat. Come on. We're going home, Robert. We can talk to your mother about what we're going to do. Crowley, talk to your kid." With that, your father snapped his fingers, sending the Winchesters home.

"Y/N, tell me what that was about." It wasn't a question. You shook your head, fighting back tears. You hated crying in front of your dad. "Y/N, dove. If you don't tell me, I can't do anything about Moose keeping you away from young Robert." You snapped your head in his direction, your eyes flashing red. "You can't do anything anyway! You're never home! I'm always alone except for school."

"So, you need attention? Is that what this is all about? Darling, you could have as much attention as you want without going out, drinking to oblivion and bringing home a Winchester. I am certain there are hundreds of people who would love to spend time with you."

"I need you to spend time with me, Dad! Like you did when I was little." You got up and left the room, leaving Crowley to ponder how to fix things with you. As soon as you were out of sight, you snapped, leaving the house. You ended up in Robert's room, much to his surprise and delight. "Y/N," he whispered. "Are you okay?" He nodded and opened his arms for you. You sat down on the bed next to him and cuddled into him.

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble." You felt him shrug. "No big deal, but I'm never drinking with you again. My head it going to explode." You let out a chuckle, making Robert cover your mouth. "Ssh! Mom and Dad will hear you." You nodded and he removed his hand. You let out a yawn and Robert kissed your hair. "Go to sleep, Y/N." You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Sam smiled at his wife. Eileen returned it and signed, "I told you I smelled sulfur." Sam nodded and signed back, "Should we go in?" Eileen shook her head. Sam kissed her and followed her away from their son's room. Even if no one else could see or understand it, Sam and Eileen knew that you and Robert were good for each other, even if you were a tad rebellious together.    

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