Flowers and Sweets (Florist!Gabriel x reader) Flower Shop AU

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The first time Gabriel saw you was the day you purchased the building next to his flower shop. At first, he didn't think anything of it. That small building never stayed occupied for long. You had smiled at him as he was locking the flower shop up for the night. He smiled back as his eyes discretely scanned your body. Well, at least he thought he was being discrete until he returned his gaze to your face and saw you smirking playfully at him. He laughed and turned to head home.

The second time Gabriel saw you was a couple days later. The furniture delivery truck outside was an eyesore, but it piqued his curiosity. He watched as all sorts of kitchen equipment was taken into the building. Were you opening a restaurant or diner of some kind? Maybe a deli or bakery? You waved to him from the door and he waved back.

The third time Gabriel saw you was the day he actually learned your name. As he was closing up shop, he noticed a few people heading inside your little building. Curious, Gabriel went to the door. The sign on it read "Y/N's Sweet Treats". Gabriel's eyes went wide in excitement. If there was one thing he loved above all else, it was sweets. Unable to contain himself, he entered the shop. He nearly swooned at the delicious smell of the confections.

You finished up with the customers in front of you. Then, your eyes met Gabriel's and you beamed. "Hello, neighbor! What can I do for you?" you asked. Gabriel stepped up to the counter. Your (e/c) eyes were sparkling merrily. "A sweet shop?" You chuckled and nodded. "That's right. Got a sweet tooth?" Gabriel grinned. "Sweetcheeks, you have no idea." You reached over the counter with a napkin in your hand. Inside the napkin was a small treat.

"On the house." Gabriel quickly popped the treat in his mouth. He let out a moan that should never be heard in the presence of company, but you let out a laugh nevertheless. "Good?" He nodded, making your smile widen even more. "I'm glad." Gabriel licked his lips. "Keep making stuff like that, I'll be back every day." You held out a hand. "Then I look forward to seeing you every day." Gabriel laughed and left your little shop.

It went on like that for weeks. Gabriel would visit your shop after closing up every day to sample the treats you'd made. Once, he was lucky enough to come in when you didn't have any customers. The two of you ended up staying late talking and eating. After that, Gabriel would start bringing you flowers to decorate the front the shop. Over that time, Gabriel came to a shocking revelation. He was falling in love.

He hadn't intended it to happen. Gabriel was something of a rover. He liked to keep his options open. But after spending so much time with you, he guessed it was bound to happen. The thought scared him. He wasn't used to feeling strongly about much. In fact, he was so scared, he called the one person he could think of. HIs younger brother, Castiel.

"You should simply talk to Y/N about how you feel. If they feel the same, wonderful. If not, at least you know where you stand. Besides, it's not so bad being tied down to one person."

Gabriel laughed at Hannah in the background telling Cas that he was "darn right".

"Look, Gabriel, I think it's time you listened to your heart for once instead of your libido. I have to go, but think about it."

After promising he would, Gabriel hung up the phone. That had been only a little helpful. He wasn't sure if he could go through with telling you. Now that he had opened his heart to the possibility of more than a fling with someone, he was terrified of getting his heart broken. He didn't know if he could do it. He'd be saved from having to though.

*short time skip*

The little bell above the door rang, signaling that there was a customer. Gabriel came from the back of the shop as his latest conquest came down from his apartment and froze. You were standing there with a look of confusion painted on your features. "Y/N! H-How can I help you?" You frowned slightly. "I, uh, well you haven't been in the shop for a few days. I thought something might be wrong, but you look okay to me. I think I'll just head back. I wanted to bring you these."

You set a box of your sweets that were rapidly becoming famous in the small town on the counter. As soon as the box was down, you turned to leave. "Y/N, wait!" You stopped with your hand on the handle. "I'll see you around, Gabriel," you whispered before darting from the shop. Gabriel swore under his breath and ran after you. He was cursing himself. He had only been ignoring Castiel's advice and trying to get you out of his system. Now, he was kicking himself.

You were trying to fit your key into the door of your sweet shop when Gabriel caught up to you. "Y/N, please." You shook your head. "No, it's fine, Gabriel. You're free to see whoever you want. We aren't together or anything. I'm just sorry I interrupted." You managed to get the key in the lock and got inside.

"Y/N...I didn't mean for this to happen." You finally looked at him with a look of confusion painted on your face. "Look, I'm not exactly innocent, as you can probably guess. Chicks just dig all this." You rolled your eyes and Gabriel winced. "Sorry. Anyway, I meant that I didn't mean to fall for you. I wanted us to have a professional relationship, maybe be friends, but after a while, that wasn't enough anymore."

Gabriel was speaking so quickly, he wasn't sure you'd heard anything he'd said. Then, he felt your arms wrap around him. You mumbled something into his shoulder. "What?" You laughed a little. "I said, I fell for you too." Gabriel pulled back so he could see your face. "Really?" You nodded. Gabriel could hardly believe it. He pulled you to him again with a happy sigh.

"What does this mean for us?" you asked. "I'd like to take you out on a date, Sweetcheeks. Then, we can see where things take us." You arched a brow, but nodded. "As long as it doesn't take you to someone else's bed again, then I think I'd like that." Gabriel let out another little laugh."Sugar, I'm afraid you're stuck with me for a while." You smiled athim as you leaned in. "Guess it's a good thing I like sweets then, isn't it?" You kissed him softly.     

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