I Remember (Dean Winchester x fem!Singer reader) No monsters AU

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Dean licked his lips as he waited. Today was the day. He was finally getting married, something he never thought he'd do. He had almost gotten engaged once, but then he'd found out that Lisa had lied to him about being Ben's father. But he'd never felt for Lisa what he felt for his bride. He never had the connection with her that he had with you.

You and Dean had known each other since you were little kids. Your fathers own a mechanic's garage together. You, Dean, and Sam had practically grown up together. And now, Dean was waiting for you at the end of the aisle. His mind began to wander over the years of your relationship and he couldn't help but smile.

"Boys, this is my friend Bobby," John introduced, his hands resting on his boys' shoulders before continuing, "And this is his daughter Y/N." You gave Sam and Dean a toothy grin. You looked to be about a year or so younger than Dean. "Hi!" you greeted cheerfully, clinging to your dad's hand with one hand and clutching a toy in the other.

"Will you play with me?" Sam and Dean nodded and your smile grew. You let go of Bobby's hand and stepped closer to the boys. Without waiting a second, you reached up and booped Dean on the nose. "You're it!" You grabbed Sam's hand as you darted away. John and Bobby laughed as the three of you chased each other around.

*time skip a few years*

"Alright kids we're going out for a bit. Dean's in charge." Dean smirked. True, Dean was seventeen now, but you didn't need him to babysit you. You were sixteen after all. Sam was the one who needed a sitter half the time. "Seriously, Dad? I don't need a babysitter!" you complained, "Especially not Dean."

Dean didn't reply. He just waited for your fathers to leave the house. It wasn't like he wanted to babysit. You were right. You didn't need a sitter. Dean hoped to be able to leave you in charge so he could go out on the date he'd planned before he got roped into looking after you and Sam.

You sat on the couch with your arms crossed over your chest. Dean's smirk deepened at seeing you all riled up. "Wipe that smirk off your stupid, handsome face before I knock it off." Dean just rolled his eyes. You often threatened to hit him when he got under your skin. It took a lot for you to actually do it though. "You think my face is handsome?"

Your eyes widened. "I-I...shut up!" With that, you bolted from the room. As you passed him, Dean could see tears forming in your eyes. He frowned. He hadn't meant to upset you. After all, you joked like that all the time. Clearly there was something different this time though. Dean didn't want to leave things like that so he called up his date and cancelled. You and Sam were more important anyway.

*another few years goes by*

Dean pounded on the door of your apartment. It was late, really late, but Dean needed someone now. He heard grumbling from the other side just before the door swung open. You glared up at him for a second. Dean took in your hair that was sticking up all over the place from sleep, your pajama pants, and loose tank top. One look at Dean's face had the glare melting from your eyes.

"Dean? Are you okay?" Dean swallowed thickly and shook his head. You moved to let him in. Dean walked in and let his eyes scan your apartment. There wasn't much there, but it was cozy and lived in. It made Dean feel at home. "Can I get you anything?" Dean frowned a little. He really wanted a drink, but you didn't drink much.

Seemingly reading his mind, you grabbed a beer from your fridge. Dean looked at you in confusion. "Dad was here the other night," you said with a shrug. Dean grabbed the beer and took a long swig. "Whoa, Dean. Easy there. You wanna tell me what's going on?"

"Sam and Dad got into again." You frowned. The older Sam got, the more he and John got into it. It seemed the two of them were fighting more and more. "What about this time?" you asked. "Sam wants to go away to college instead of staying around here. Dad was pissed."

"Why?" Dean shrugged. "I think it's because of Mom. Ever since she died, Dad has wanted to keep us close. And Sam is more like Mom than any of us want to think. But I'm so damn proud of him, Y/N. He got into Stanford." You beamed. "That's great!" Dean nodded. "Yeah. Dad's proud too, but I think he's too worried about protecting Sammy to actually be happy for him and show it. The fights are getting worse, Y/N and I can't be in the middle of it anymore."

You sank down next to him on the couch. "Have you found an apartment yet?" He shook his head. "Look, why don't you stay with me until you find one? I have the guest room that no one is using. You'll still be close to your dad and Sam." Dean smiled a little. "Yeah...thanks." You returned the smile. "Come on," you said, opening your arms.

Dean's brow furrowed. "You know I'm not big on hugs, Y/N." You laughed a little. "Don't care. You need one." Dean sighed and let you wrap your arms around him. As soon as he was in your arms, Dean felt a little happier. It was like all the stress disappeared, if only for a little while. When Dean pulled back, he realized how close your faces were. He didn't know what came over him, but he pressed his lips to yours.

You kissed back for a second, but pulled away before Dean could stop you. "Dean, we can't. As much as I've dreamed about this moment, we can't. Not like this." Dean's face turned red and he shot up. Without a word, he stormed from the house, slamming the door behind him.

*two years later*

Once again, Dean found himself knocking on your door. He hadn't seen you since he'd stormed out that night. He'd talked to you on the phone to apologize and to let you know he was alive, but other than that, you really hadn't talked much. But now he needed someone again. Sam was away at school and John was busy. That left you. He only hoped you'd be willing to see him.

The door opened and Dean instantly felt your arms around him. "Dean, I'm so sorry!" Dean chuckled through his tears and hugged you back. "You don't need to be. I shouldn't have left." He couldn't fight the tears on his face as his own words registered. If he hadn't left that night, maybe things would have been different.

"Dean? What is it?" Dean looked at you as his chest constricted again. "S-She lied to me. Lisa lied. She told me Ben was mine." Dean could see the heartbreak registering on your face. Heartbreak for him. "He isn't?" Dean shook his head. "Oh, Dean." You hugged him again. "Come on inside and we'll talk."

A year after that night, Dean decided to ask you out. And another year after that, Dean asked you to marry him. Now the day was here and Dean couldn't be happier. The two years of dates, fights, and make-ups had lead to something so wonderful and Dean knew he was the luckiest man alive. He didn't deserve you, but you stayed with him anyway.

When the music started, Dean stood a little straighter. You appeared around the corner a few seconds later and Dean swore he forgot to breathe. You looked positively gorgeous, more beautiful than he had ever seen you before. He couldn't believe that the two of you had gone from little kids playing tag to the best of friends, to this.

You smiled as you stepped up next to Dean. He couldn't speak until it was time for the vows. "Y-Y/N," he started nervously, "I remember the day you first admitted that you thought I was handsome. I remember our first kiss. It didn't happen the way it should have and I didn't handle it well, but for some strange reason you forgave me. And I remember the day I came back into your life and you welcomed me with open arms despite it all."

He took a deep breath and fought back tears as he continued, "I remember the day I first asked you out and you told me it was about time. And I remember the day I asked you to marry me. I remember everything, but my favorite memory will always above them all is the day we met. You weren't the least bit shy when you poked my nose and told me I was 'it'. I didn't realize then how right you were. You're it for me, Y/N. For the rest of our lives, you're it. And I look forward to making a new set of memories with you. I love you."

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