Wet Uniform (Sam Winchester x barista!reader) Coffee shop AU

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You loved working in the coffee shop for the most part. The people were friendly and you always got to meet new ones. You hated closing though. It always made you feel vulnerable and exposed. You couldn't wait to get out of there on nights you closed. But then, one night, you were actually glad you were stuck on the late shift.

Rain was pouring down like buckets and it was freezing outside. You were thankful for the heat of the coffee shop as you cleaned up the last table and flipped the "open" sign to "closed". You were about to go back to cleaning and checking the register when you saw him.

He was standing out in the rain, the look of desperation on his face marred by the rain. He was looking at map that was quickly becoming soaked. He groaned just loudly enough for you to hear over the sound of water hitting the roof. You let out a sigh. You couldn't let him stand out there by himself. So, you opened the door and called out.

"Come inside!" He looked up in surprise, but hastily dashed inside anyway. "Thanks. I'm really lost and my phone died. I have no way of calling anyone." You gave him a soft smile. "It's no problem. I'll fix you something warm," you told him as your eyes scanned him. He was ridiculously tall and lean, some would say lanky. He had brown hair than went down almost to his shoulders and hazel eyes that you swore could read your every thought. That wasn't what caught your eye though. It was the fact that his crisp white button down shirt was soaking wet and see through.

"Uh, I think we have a spare uniform in the back. It's not much, but it's better than getting sick sitting around in those wet clothes." The visitor nodded with a grin. "Thanks again. I'm Sam, by the way." You took his hand and introduced yourself. You got him the spare uniform and showed him where the bathroom was so he could change while you fixed him something warm to drink.

When Sam exited the bathroom, you realized something. You hadn't taken into account the fact that Sam hadn't really been able to dry off. He now stood before you in a work uniform with a pair of pants that fit, but a shirt that was just a little too tight and once again, a little wet. You could see the outline of his abs under the shirt.

"Everything okay?" You shook yourself back to reality. "What?" Sam gave you a smile and you nearly swooned at the dimples he had. "You're staring." You licked your lips as you felt your face heat up. "Sorry about that. I've got a kettle going for some tea for you."

"That's great. Something hot sounds great right about now," he admitted with a sigh. You nodded in agreement. "Sure. A hot drink for a hot guy." You stood there mortified for a second. "I cannot believe I said that out loud. Ignore me." To your shock, Sam began laughing. It wasn't the laugh of someone who was embarrassed or offended. It was deep, real laugh.

"I think you're pretty hot too, Y/N." Your face felt like it was on fire then. You didn't get a chance to reply though because the kettle whistled loudly. You busied yourself making Sam's tea and decided to have a cup yourself. Once the teas were ready, you slowly made your way back over to Sam. You avoided his gaze until he gently laid a hand on yours.

You looked up. "Hey, it's alright. Please don't be embarrassed. I really do think you're attractive too." You laughed in spite of yourself. "Thanks, Sam. Anyway, enjoy your tea. I'm going to finish cleaning up. You can use my phone to call whoever to give you directions or come get you when the rain lets up." Sam thanked you again as you slid your phone over to him.

A little while later, another man knocked on the door of the shop. "That's my brother Dean," Sam let you know. Was everyone in his family hot? Sam laughed. "Possibly." You flushed again. You hadn't meant to ask that out loud. You let Dean in and the two men left shortly, after Sam insisted on not only paying for the tea, but for the uniform as well. When you argued, his brother laughed and said, "Aw, let him. He's a lawyer, he can afford it!" You were all still laughing as the two of them left.

Two days later, you still couldn't get him out of your mind. While he had waited for his brother, you and Sam talked and the conversation flowed so easily. Now, you weren't sure if you were ever going to see him again. The thought almost made you sad. Sure, you'd only just met him, but there was a connection there.

"Hey, Y/N, you've got a delivery!" your manager called out. You walked to the front and sure enough, there was a delivery of fresh flowers. "Who are they from, Y/N?!" You shrugged as you grabbed the card.


Thanks again for the other night. I really appreciate it. Turns out I'm staying town for a little while and I'd love to see you again for dinner. Call me if you're interested. I programmed my number in your phone.

Sam Winchester

Not caring that you were still technically at work, you whipped out your phone and checked. Sam's number was in there, just like he said. You beamed. As soon as you had a break, you grabbed your phone and pulled up Sam's number. He picked up after two rings. "Hello?" You laughed a little. It wasn't a joke. "Hey Sam. It's Y/N. About that dinner..."

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