Laying Low (Mick Davies x fem!reader)

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Mick asked, his brows furrowed. Ketch nodded. "This is the address the Winchesters and I agreed on." The two British Men of Letters surveyed the exterior of the old cabin. After a moment, Ketch cleared his throat. "Best not linger outside," he said, walking up to the door and knocking. The door swung open revealing a woman. You, to be exact.

"You're late," you huffed, but Ketch just shrugged nonchalantly. You moved aside to let them in. "Thank you, Miss L/N." You gave him a slight nod. You and Mick had met before, during a hunt with the Winchesters, but you never had an actual conversation. It made the situation even more awkward. "I shall leave you to it then. Remember, Mick must remain here until it's safe. I'll contact you." You rolled your eyes. "I know, Ketch. I went over all this with Sam and Dean. You can leave now."

The moment Ketch was gone, you whirled on Mick. "Alright, Mick. You're staying here so we need some ground rules. I'm doing this for Sam and Dean, not you and certainly not Ketch. Got it?" Mick nodded. Sighing, your gaze softened.

"I'm sorry . I just don't want the entire British Men of Letters after me. Sam and Dean asked me to help you, though. I'd do anything for them. You can have the second bedroom on the right upstairs. It's right across from mine. I'm going on a supply run. Do me a favor and stay inside, yeah? The cabin is warded and there are salt and weapons in each room if you need it." With that, you were gone. Mick ran a hand over his face, This was going to be more difficult than he thought.

*time skip*

Hiding out with you wasn't as unpleasant as Mick thought it would be. After that first day, you seemed to loosen up. You weren't as combative and you seemed more comfortable in Mick's presence. "How about some poker?" you asked one night after dinner, surprising Mick. "Sounds great." You grinned. "How about we up the stakes?"

Mick couldn't stop his gaze from wandering. You were a beautiful woman after all. You snorted. "Not like that, you perv!" you chided with a giggle and Mick blushed. "I meant that after each hand, the winner asks the loser a personal question. Loser must answer truthfully." Mick readily agreed. He wanted to get to know you. You were living together after all, even if only temporarily.

Unfortunately for Mick, you were very good. You knew how to bluff and ended up winning more hands than he did. Now, you were near tears. Mick had just told you about his time at Kendrick's. About how they forced him to kill his best friend. Just to show how loyal he was to the British Men of Letters.

"That's horrible! I can't imagine if someone tried to make me kill Sam or Dean." Without warning, you threw your arms around him and pulled him close. Mick froze for a brief moment before wrapping his arms around you. Mick felt his own eyes welling with tears as his mind flashed back to the horrible things he'd done. And here you were, this woman he barely knew, trying to comfort him.

You sniffled a few times and pulled away. With Mick's arms around you, you could only move so far away. Your noses were only inches apart. For what felt like hours, the two of you merely stared at each other. Mick's gaze darted to your lips for a split second. He wanted to kiss you, which surprised him. That feeling was new to him, at least for you. You cleared your throat. "I'm gonna go. It's late." You got up and almost ran from the room, leaving Mick to stare after you.

Mick groaned and ran his hand over his face. He didn't have time for this. You'd made it clear that, once Ketch gave the go ahead, Mick would have to leave. He'd probably never see you again after that. Mick got up and made his way up the stairs. His eyes flicked toward you door before he turned to enter his own room. He stopped when he heard your sobs.

Quickly making up his mind, Mick walked across the hall to your room. He knocked once before opening the door. "Y/N, luv?" You were laying on the bed facing away from him, but you glanced over your shoulder. "What?" Mick sighed and, instead of answering, he came over and crawled into the bed next to you. He held his arms open and you rolled over so your head was resting on his chest.

"It's alright, luv," he cooed. He started stroking your hair. You sobs receded and you gave him a watery smile. "Do you even know what I'm crying about?" Mick chuckled. "Does it matter? I just want to make you feel better. Now, if you want to tell me, perhaps I can help."

You sniffled again. "I don't think you can." Mick hummed, encouraging you to continue. "I'm confused, Mick." He kissed the top of your head. "About what, luv?" You gestured between the two of you. "This. I shouldn't feel this way about you." Mick took his free hand and lifted your chin up so he could look in your eyes. "What way?"

You propped yourself up so you could be face-to-face with Mick. You brought one hand up to the back of his neck and pulled him toward you. Mick sat up and brought his hands to your hips as your lips crashed together. It was frantic, needy, and sloppy with emotion, but neither of you cared. The bubble made up of weeks of pent-up tension had finally burst.

When you parted, Mick sighed happily. "I love you," he barely whispered. You opened your eyes to look at him. His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful. "I love you too," you replied and his eyes opened as if he were shocked. You grinned and gave him another, much more gentle kiss.     

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