Cool Rider (Arthur Ketch x reader)

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(Songfic! based on "Cool Rider" from Grease 2.)

"Sorry, but you're not my type," you told the guy who had bravely dared to approached the table where you were sitting with Sam, Dean, and your two new friends, Arthur Ketch and Mick Davies. The young man looked nice and seemed really sweet, but he really wasn't what you were looking for. You didn't want the boy next door. His face fell and he looked at you. "Oh." You gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"You don't know how to let them down easy do you, Y/N?" Dean asked with a laugh as the kid walked away. "Easy? He has been trying to ask me out for the past fifteen minutes, Dean." Dean shrugged and took a swig of his beer. "So, if he's not your type and Sam and I aren't your type, what kind of guy is?" You smirked and leaned back in the booth.

If you really want to know
What I want in a guy...
Well, I'm lookin' for a dream on a mean machine
With hell in his eyes.
I want a devil in skin tight leather,
And he's gonna be wild as the wind.
And one fine night, I'll be holdin' on tight...

To a coooool rider, a coooool rider.
If he's cool enough,
He can burn me through and through.
Whhoa ohhhh
If it takes forever,
Then I'll wait forever.
No ordinary boy,
No ordinary boy is gonna do.
I want a rider that's cool.

"I need someone with a little more...oomph. Someone a little mysterious with a daredevil streak. He's gotta know how to drive a motorcycle and a guy who knows how to rock leather." Your smirk deepened as you pictured yourself wrapping your arms around some guy's waist as you rode on the back of a beautiful motorcycle. Only, in your imagination, your mystery guy had a face and a name. Arthur Ketch. You figured now was the perfect time to let him know without actually telling him. "Sounds like you want a rock star, Y/N," Sam cut in and you shrugged. Your eyes cut to Ketch for a brief second, but he was staring at his glass of scotch.

That's the way it's gonna be,
And that's the way that I feel.
I want a whole lot more than the boy next door,
I want hell on wheels.
Just give me a fine motorcycle,
With a man rollin' out of the seat.
And move aside, cause I'm gonna ride...


"So, boy next door isn't gonna cut it?" You shook your head before taking another drink. "No. I want hell on wheels, guys. I need to be with a guy who gives me a similar rush to hunting. No one else would be enough for me." You shrugged again, as if it were no big deal, but you looked at Ketch once more. His eyes were already on you.

I don't want no ordinary guys,
Comin' on strong to me.
They don't know what I'm lookin' for,
They don't know what I need.
They're gonna know when he gets here,
Cause the ground will be shakin'.
I'll do anything to let him know,
That I'm his, his for the takin'.

I want a coooooool rider,
A cool, cool, cool, cool rider.
I want a coooooool rider,
A cool, cool, cool, cool rider.
I want a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R.
I need a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R.

You excused yourself from the table, saying you needed some air. You walked outside, frustrated with the fact that Ketch didn't seem to catch your drift. The boys kept trying to get you to find Mr. All American who had been hitting on you. You didn't believe they couldn't understand. You wanted so much more than ordinary guys. You wanted a man like Ketch. No, you wanted Ketch. You were lost in thought and didn't hear the door open behind you. You didn't even register that someone was behind you until his arm wrapped around your waist.

You tensed for a minute, ready to take whoever it was down with a well placed hit. Then, you felt his breath and heard his voice in your ear. "Care for a ride, love?" You grinned when you recognized Ketch's voice. You turned and looked into his eyes. They were a beautiful shade. A blue-grey-green that held a hint of mischief and mystery. Definitely eyes you could drown in. "Love to."

Ketch smirked and pulled you toward his waiting bike. Before he climbed on, he turned back to you and crashed his lips to yours. When he pulled away, he handed you a helmet and climbed on. He started the bike and looked back at you expectantly. "Are you coming?" You quickly put the helmet on and clamored up behind him. Your arms wrapped around his waist and sighed. You rested your cheek on his back, taking in the smell of his leather jacket. Even if Ketch left you after that night, you'd have your cool rider for at least a little while.    

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