Trap (Mick Davies x fem!reader)

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"Aren't you ready yet?" Dean asked, practically pounding on the door to your motel room. "Just a minute, Dean! Geez!" you called out, slipping on your shoes and grabbing your purse. You hated cases like this. The ones where you had to dress up in order to get information or to catch a monster. In this case, you were hunting a werewolf who chose victims with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, just like you. They were built like you too. When you discovered that your suspected werewolf worked at nearby bar and grill, Sam got the brilliant idea for you to go undercover to catch the monster's attention.

You opened the door and Dean gaped at you. "Close your mouth before you catch flies. Where are Sam and Mick?" Dean cleared his throat. "Car." You nodded and closed the door behind as you pushed past Dean toward the Impala. Sam was in the passenger's seat and Mick was leaning up against the back door. You knew he was waiting for you so he could open the door like the gentleman he was.

You didn't notice Mick staring openly at you until you got closer to the car. Mick had always thought you were gorgeous, but this was a different side to you. Although he preferred seeing you comfortable in jeans and flannel, he liked this look too. "Ready, luv?" You nodded and let him open the car door for you. "You know the plan?" Sam asked as soon as everyone was in the car. "Yes, Sam."

"Okay. You go in first and sit at the bar." You rolled your eyes, unaware of Mick's gaze on you again. The former British Man of Letters was suddenly uncomfortable with this plan. "Mick? Are you listening?" Mick sighed. "Yeah. I got it. Are you sure you want to do this, Y/N?" Your brows furrowed in confusion. "It's not like we have a choice." By the time Mick thought of a response, Dean was parking the Impala outside the bar and grill.

Once inside, you quickly found your target and sat at the bar. "Hello, beautiful. What can I get you?" You gave him a coy smile and turned on the charm. "What would you recommend?" You maintained eye contact when he grinned at you. You had to suppress a shudder. You had a job to do.

Across the room, Mick was fuming. "Mick, what has gotten into you, man?" Sam asked, taking his eyes off you. "I don't like this. At all." Dean scoffed. "Mick, we've all done it. Pretending to be cops, feds, all that jazz. Y/N is doing her job and has got this guy wrapped around her finger." Mick growled, making Sam arch a brow. "Wait a minute. Mick...are you jealous?" Mick didn't answer which only confirmed Sam's suspicions. "Dude, save the chick flick moment for after the case, okay?" Dean whispered harshly as you walked past their table, arm-in-arm with the werewolf.

At the table, you "accidentally" dropped your purse, spilling some of the contents, including the napkin with the werewolf's number on it. Sam could trace the number and hack into the GPS to follow you. Dean, got down and helped you with your belongings. Your back was to the werewolf, hiding the fact that Dean had taken the napkin. "Thanks," you said rising and turning back to your "date". Sam took the napkin and made his way to the men's room where he could hack discreetly.

"We can't let her go, Dean. He'll kill her," Mick said lowly so you wouldn't hear him. Dean sighed. "No he won't. She can take care of herself. She'll hold him off until we get there." Mick chose that moment not to listen. Before the Winchester could stop him, Mick had left the table and was heading for the door. Dean waved the waitress over and tried to settle the bill as quickly as possible.

Mick opened the door and scanned the parking lot for you. He didn't see you at first, but he heard a breathy laugh coming from around the side of the building. He'd been around you long enough to know what your nervous laughter sounded like. He rounded the corner to see the werewolf pushing you up against the side of the building. He breathed out your name, catching the werewolf's attention.

You bit back a groan as the monster ripped away from you and headed toward Mick. Luckily, you didn't have to do much before Sam and Dean arrived and took care of the threat. Dean glared at Mick. "You two. In the car. Now," he growled. You pushed past Mick and ran to the Impala. You heard his hurried footsteps following you.

"What the hell, Mick?!" you cried when you'd reached the car, "We had a plan. Why didn't you stick to it?!" Mick put his hands in his pockets. "I-I." You exhaled loudly. "You what?" His startling blue eyes gazed at you and you could see the fire in them. "I didn't want his hands all over you!" Your eyes widened in surprise. "Mick...that was the plan, but you know I would never have let him do anything."

"I know, luv. I just couldn't stand the thought." You smiled at him. "Mick, you have nothing to be jealous about." He stared at you in silence and you rolled your eyes again. You stepped close to him and wrapped your arms around his middle. On instinct, his arms went around your back. "I wasn't jealous," he muttered and you laughed. "Yes you were."

"Yes I was," he whispered before capturing your lips in a kiss. You smiled into the kiss as you returned it. You'd been waiting for him to make a move for months and finally it happened. "Seriously? Instead of sucking face next to my car, you could be hacking into the bar's security cameras and erasing the fact that we just ganked a monster out there," Dean's voice made you break apart. You glanced at him and saw he was smiling and so was Sam.

"You got it." You climbed in the car and pulled out your tablet as Mick got in on his side. Once you finished your given task, you put the device away and leaned into Mick. You kissed him before resting your head on his shoulder. Mick pressed another kiss to the top of your head. You were only a couple of hours away from the bunker, so Dean decided to go home.

By the time you got back to the bunker, you had fallen asleep on Mick's shoulder. He smiled to himself as he picked you up and carried you to your bedroom. Your eyes never opened. He crawled in bed with you and pulled you close to him. After that night, he just wanted to be close to you and soon, he found himself drifting off to sleep with you in his arms.    

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