My Demon King (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader)

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You playfully rolled your eyes and shook your head at Crowley as he flirted. This was your normal. How silly is that? Your normal is sitting there listening to the King of Hell flirt with you. It was an act, sure. He was probably just trying to get information. But he was charming and could be really sweet. Deep, deep down. You knew the demon didn't care for you the way you had come to care for him, but you had a nice thing going.

In truth, you really liked Crowley. Your brothers may have hated him and been loath to work with him sometimes, but you didn't. You weren't sure how it happened, but Crowley had taken up a space in your life that felt empty when he wasn't around. Somehow, he'd managed to win your heart, piece by piece.

Your conversation with Crowley was interrupted by Sam, who came into the room with his laptop in hand. "Y/N? Think you can handle a simple hunt by yourself? There's an easy salt-n-burn in Colorado." You nodded and stood. "Sure. See you around, Crowley," you told him, giving his arm a squeeze as you passed by. You missed how Crowley's eyes watched you leave.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop," Dean warned with a growl. Crowley swung his hazel eyes over to the eldest Winchester. "You're sending her alone?" Sam shrugged and told him that you went alone on easy hunts all the time. "Y/N knows what she's doing. She'll be fine. And if she isn't, she'll call." For some reason, Crowley didn't look appeased, which both infuriated and intrigued Sam and Dean. Sam shook his head and left the room while Dean stayed behind to study Crowley a moment longer. Crowley could see Dean putting the pieces together and made an excuse to get out of there as quickly as possible. Your brothers were right. You could handle yourself. Crowley knew that. So, why did he have a sinking feeling in his stomach?

*time skip*

Crowley was a demon who was proud of the fact. He was proud that he was ruthless and sometimes cruel. He was proud he had no attachments or anything. But since he had met you, that had changed. Crowley found out he did have a softer side. It was a side he only showed to you. Crowley didn't think it was possible, but you had somehow managed to make him fall in love with you.

So, when he hadn't heard from you for three days after you left for your simple hunt, Crowley began to worry. Something was telling him that you weren't alright. That feeling didn't sit right with him, so when he finished his daily meeting with his demons, Crowley snapped himself to Earth, where he sensed the angel Castiel was. If anyone knew where he could find the Winchesters, it was the blue-eyed angel.

Much to his surprise, Castiel was already with your brothers. The motel room was a mess and your brothers were no better. They were pacing and arguing so much, they hadn't even noticed Crowley's presence until he cleared his throat. Suddenly, to guns were pointed at his face. "That's more like it. Now, what seems to be the trouble boys? And where is your lovely sister?"

The guns lowered and the two exchanged a glance. "Where is she?" Crowley asked, receiving no answer. Not even Castiel would meet his gaze. Anger coursed through the demon when no one would give him a response. "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS SHE?!" he screamed, making the seasoned hunters jump a bit.

"We don't know. We haven't heard from her. I-It was just a simple salt-n-burn. I don't understand," Sam muttered, turning away from Crowley. Dean still stared at Crowley, but took a moment to glare at his brother. If there was one person Dean was more protective of than Sam, it was you.

"Where did you denim-clad morons send her?!" Crowley demanded. He was going to find you. Sam told him the area you had gone since he didn't have an actual address. In an instant, Crowley was gone again. Finding you was now his first priority. Sam and Dean looked at each other for a second. Sam shook his head and moved, eager to start his search again. He didn't have time to worry about Crowley. Dean on the other hand couldn't help his mind from wandering to the two of you. He'd never seen Crowley this way. Not in all the years he'd known him.

Another couple of hours later, Sam's computer pinged. "I got it! I got her! Good girl, Y/N!" Dean rushed over and looked at the small red ping on the computer that hadn't been there before. "She got her phone turned back on. We got her, Dean!" Sam was up in an instant, grabbing his jacket and running out of the room. Dean pulled out his phone and dialed the number he usually hated calling. "Crowley? Sam found her."

"So did I," Crowley's voice came from the other end of the line, as the demon in question turned to face you lying on the hospital bed. Your body looked so frail. Your skin was littered with bruises and you'd suffered a couple broken ribs and a broken leg. Crowley had found your car first and then followed the signs to the hospital. Once there, he plugged in your phone and turned it on so your brothers could find you.

Crowley hung up the phone before Dean could say anything else. Then, he pulled a chair up next to the bed and took your hand in his. He didn't say anything at first. Crowley didn't do feelings well. He wasn't sure how to handle them, other than anger. But when he looked at you, all the feelings that he normally suppressed came bubbling to the surface. "What have you done to me, Kitten?" he whispered. He watched your hand for any sign of movement. Anything that would tell him you were waking up. The sign he got was not what he expected.

"C-Crowley?" His hazel eyes snapped up to your face. Your voice was scratchy and a bit deep from being unconscious. "Hello, pet. Had me worried I was going to have to take your soul back to Hell with me." You let out a chuckle which turned into a cough. Crowley snapped you a cup of water.

"My brothers would kick your ass and you know it," you said after you put the cup down. Crowley laughed lightly, his hand still in yours. "I-I'm glad to see you, Crowley." Crowley blinked in surprise. "Are you?" You smiled and nodded. "I am. I thought I was going to die. I couldn't really move and no one knew where I was. And all I could think about was how my brothers would be and you. I love you, Crowley. I know it's silly, but I do."

"Kitten, it isn't silly. I am quite a darling devil, you know." You rolled your eyes, making him smile. "Crowley," you playfully warned. "Truthfully, pet I think that, perhaps, I love you as well." You beamed, wanting nothing more than to sit up and kiss him. As if reading your mind, Crowley laughed again. "None of that. When you're fully healed, we can get into all manner of diabolical trouble. Until then, you are staying right here." You pouted a bit, but knew he was right. "Alright. I love you, my demon king," you whispered before your eyes began closing again. He leaned up and kissed your forehead, not really paying attention to the two people standing outside your hospital room.

"Are we going in there?" Sam asked, itching to storm in and pull Crowley away from you. Dean just shook his head. "Dude! He's kissing our sister!" Dean laughed lightly, placing a hand on his baby brother's shoulder. "I'm not blind, Sammy. But...she's happy. And honestly, I've never seen Crowley so worried before. I think he really cares about her. I mean, as much as a soul-sucking demon can care. He'll keep her safe."

Sam huffed, but stayed where he was. Dean let a small smile grace his lips as he watched how careful Crowley was with you. Sure, they'd give him the "big brother talk" later, but for now, Dean was okay just stepping back for a bit. As long as you were happy and protected, Dean was happy. And it seemed the King of Hell was the perfect guy for the job. 

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