What Are You Doing?!(Mick Davies x fem!Winchester reader)

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Mick was confused as you gave his hand a squeeze. He'd never seen the older Winchesters so worried. "Just...promise you'll be careful," Sam said, concern etched across his features. Dean crossed his arms and nodded in agreement. You rolled your eyes. "I will. I can't stay cooped up in here while my big brothers and the man I love go into a vampire nest on their own. I'll be fine. I'll meet you at the car." You got up and went to your room to prepare for the newest hunt.

"I don't understand. Why are you boys so worried? Seems like Y/N knows what she's doing." Sam and Dean exchanged a glance. Mick had never been on a hunt with you before. He was in for a surprise. "Let's just say if you think Dean and I are reckless, you haven't seen anything yet." Mick's brows furrowed but nothing else was said about it until you were actually on the hunt.

It was in the middle of the hunt that Mick finally understood what your brothers meant. "What are you doing?!" Mick's mind shouted at you while his mouth didn't move. He was in shock. Had you really just rushed head first into a deadly situation to save him and your brothers? Where was your hunter's instinct?

Mick's heart was pounding as you kept going, barely escaping death more times than he could count in one moment. It was as if you didn't care about yourself at all. Mick kept trying to keep you safe, but he wasn't much of a hunter himself and every time he turned around, you were in yet another dangerous situation. How could someone so intelligent have absolutely no idea how to protect themselves on a hunt? It made no sense to the man, but your brothers understood all too well, as was obvious by the yelling they were did when the hunt was finally over and you were being stitched up by Mick.

"And this is why we don't bring you on hunts, Y/N! You can't keep doing this! You have no self preservation instincts." You arched a brow at Sam. "You're welcome. If not for my lack of those instincts, you'd be dead now," you replied, hissing when Mick stuck the needle through your skin again. You were really trying not to laugh at how you were injured. It had nothing to do with the vampires and everything to do with your own clumsiness.

"Don't be so flippant, love," Mick chastised. He was just as upset as your brothers, but kept it under wraps for now. It wouldn't do him any good to get mad while he was holding a needle to your skin. You turned your (e/c) eyes on him with an icy glare. "Don't you start. I'm fine. This is nothing." Mick rolled his eyes and went back to work.

You brothers left the room without another word. They always did when they were upset with you. They loved you, you knew that, but they couldn't express that when they were angry or concerned. That left you and Mick alone in your motel room for the night. For a few minutes, neither of you said anything. It was Mick who broke the silence. "You had me worried, love. I thought I might lose you." You sighed.

"I was fine, Mick." Mick arched a brow. "No you weren't. How could you say that? I know you were trying to protect us, but not at the cost of your own life, Y/N! We need you! I need you." He quickly finished up the stitches and moved away from you. He needed a drink. He heard you get up from the bed and pad over to him across the dingy motel carpet.

Your arms wrapped around his middle. You rested your head on his back. "I'm sorry," you whispered. Mick let out a sigh and placed a hand on your arms. "You're the only good thing that's come from this life for me. I'm not ready to lose you yet," he admitted quietly. You placed a soft kiss to his back.

"You're not going to lose me, Mick." Mick removed your arms from his waist so he could turn around to face you. His blue eyes bore into yours. You gave him a smile. "I love you, but I can't stop helping on hunts." you told him. Mick dropped a kiss on your forehead. "I love you too. I'm not asking you to stop. I just want you to be more careful in the future. Your brothers and I wouldn't know what to do without you." You smiled a little. "Hopefully you won't have to find out any time soon. I promise I'll try to be more careful."

"That's all I ask." You leaned in and kissed him. Mick sighed happily into the kiss. When he had first met you and your brothers, Mick never would have guessed it would lead to this. You were the best thing in his life and he could stay in this moment forever. Kissing you. But then he remembered something. "We should get cleaned up."

You laughed lightly. "You're right. Help me cover these stitches and we can shower," you said with a wink. "You little minx," Mick joked back. You let Mick help you get cleaned up before finding your way to the motel bed. The television played quietly in the background while you laid on Mick's chest. He ran his fingers up and down your spine until you slowly closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Mick smiled to himself. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. Yes, you were such a reckless woman. You were brilliant and yet, you either couldn't or wouldn't protect yourself from the horrors you faced. Mick made a decision that he would protect you, no matter what it took. And as long as you were in his arms at the end of the night, Mick would be happy. 

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