Nitpicking Son (John Winchester x male!reader)

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Y/N never thought he'd end up dating an older man with kids, both younger than 16. But something about John had pulled him in, grabbed hold of his heart, and wouldn't let go. Did he have his faults? Of course he did, but then again so did Y/N. That didn't stop the two from starting a relationship, especially after Y/N found out about the things that go bump in the night. It actually made it easier. There was only one rather large obstacle in John and Y/N's relationship. John's oldest, Dean.

It didn't seem to matter what Y/N, Dean simply didn't like the man. While on the road, Y/N usually stayed behind to keep an eye on the boys. He did his best to cook for them and clean up after them. He thought he did an okay job for a man that no idea how to raise teen/pre-teen boys. Sam seemed to like him okay. Dean just wouldn't budge. He nitpicked on EVERYTHING Y/N did and neither adult could figure why. It wasn't until Y/N and John had been dating for a while that the truth came out.

One night when the four had stopped at a motel after a hunt, Y/N volunteered to go get food with Sam so John could talk to Dean. When the two returned, they heard Dean's raised voice through the door. "He's replacing Mom!" Dean screamed. Y/N froze. "He does all the things Mom's supposed to do and I hate it! I hate HIM!" Y/N felt his heart hurting, but he glanced down at Sam and gave him a soft smile. "I like you," Sam whispered. "Thanks, Sam. I like you too, kid. Come on, might as well get some food in your belly."

Later that night, Y/N sat with John at the small table in the motel room while the boys slept soundly. "I think I should go," Y/N whispered after a few minutes. John let out a sigh. He'd known this was coming. "Yours and Dean's relationship is already strained. I can't be the cause of any more issues between you."

John reached over and squeezed Y/N's hand. "I don't want you to go." Y/N smiled sadly. "I don't want to either, but I really think it's for the best. But, if you need me, I'm only a phone call away." Y/N could see that John was hurt. Those dark eyes of his showed every emotion that he felt.

Y/N stood and stooped to grab his bag. He walked over to the door before turning back to look at John. "I-I really do love you, John. And I love those boys." John looked up again and smiled. "I know. I think I love you too." Y/N then left, closing the door softly behind him.

*time skip*

Y/N heard his phone ringing from outside the door. He hurriedly unlocked the door and raced to the phone. No sooner was a greeting out of his mouth did a soft voice say his name. "Y/N? Please, hurry. It's Sam. Dad and Dean are in trouble." After assuring Sam he'd be there soon, Y/N hung up and ran back out the door.

He made it to the motel in record time. Y/N was pretty certain he broke at least one traffic law trying to get to the young boy he'd come to see as his own. He pounded on the door and Sam opened it, eyes filled with tears. Sam's little arms wrapped around Y/N's waist. "What happened?"

"Dad went on a hunt and Dean decided to follow instead of staying with me. He wanted Dad to be proud of him. But Dean called from a pay phone. He found Dad and they're both hurt. The monster is still out there." Y/N nodded. No wonder the kid was so scared.

"Come on. I'm not leaving you here alone. You'll stay in the car, but we have to go. Did Dean say where they were?" Sam nodded and directed Y/N to where Dean told him he and John were. He wouldn't have had to though because Y/N caught sight of the Impala rather quickly. It was parked on the side of the road only a couple minutes walk from the nearest pay phone. Y/N parked his own car. "Lock the doors and stay here, Sam. I mean it. I will find your dad and Dean." After Sam nodded, Y/N walked over to the Impala.

Y/N knew John kept weapons in the secret compartment of the Impala's trunk. He wasn't stupid enough to go after them without a weapon of some kind. Not if he was hoping to help. Once he geared up, Y/N headed in the woods.

He heard Dean's voice before he saw the young teen. "Can you move, Dad?" Y/N kept his eyes open as he headed toward Dean's voice. "John? Dean? You guys okay?" he called out. "Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?" John's voice met Y/N's ears and he breathed a sigh of relief. He pushed forward, finally finding the two Winchesters.

"Sam called me. You okay?" Y/N wasn't sure why he even asked since John was clearly not okay. There was blood on the leg of his jeans. Dean glared at Y/N, but before Y/N could speak further, movement caught his eye. Quick as a flash, something came crashing through the trees behind Dean.

"DEAN! GET DOWN!" Y/N cried, raising the weapon he'd grabbed. As soon as Dean hit the forest floor, Y/N fired. The monster let out a ghastly shriek as it fell to the ground, dead. "I'm not even going to ask what the hell you load your guns with," he muttered before darting over to Dean.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked. In an instant, the 13 year old wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. Y/N smiled a little and told him it was no big deal. "Come on. We need to get your dad out of here. Sam's waiting in the car with food." Y/N moved to help John, only to find himself being pulled away from the two. Apparently the monster wasn't dead after all. The last thing Y/N saw before the world went black was the grisly face of the creature.

The first thing Y/N heard when the world came back to him was a beeping sound. The rhythm of the beeping told him that he was in a hospital. The next thing he heard was a soft voice next to him.

"Please let him be okay. I promise I'll be better. I won't be mean to him anymore. I'll help instead of fighting. I'll even babysit Sam so Dad and Y/N can go on dates. Please let him be okay." Y/N's heart clenched at how broken Dean sounded. It wasn't anything he'd ever heard from the young boy before. Y/N forced his eyes open and groaned.

"Y/N?! You're okay!" Y/N fought back a chuckle."I'm fine, Dean. Is your dad?" Dean nodded. "Yeah. He and Sam went to the cafeteria. I'm sorry. For everything I said." Y/N shook his head. "You're just a kid, Dean. Living a life that you shouldn't be because something awful happened. You're hurt and angry and confused. But I love your dad, okay? And I love you and Sam. Just try and remember that when you get mad at me. We can always talk about it." Dean agreed whole-heartedly and for the rest of Y/N's relationship with John, Dean  helped out. He even let Y/N teach him how to cook. Y/N now walked with a limp and had some scars, but he didn't care. He had his weird little family now that he loved. And Dean? It didn't take him long to get over his nitpicking and really come to love his second dad. 

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