Pretty Please? (Dean Winchester x fem!reader)

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"No." The word was out of your husband's mouth before you could even ask the question. "Dean..." you pleaded. "No, Y/N. I hate Halloween and you know it." You huffed a little. "But Dean, it's for the kids. Please?" Dean's green eyes met your (e/c) ones. "You're using our kids against me?" You smiled softly.

"Dean, they want this. It's all they've talked about. Please? Pretty please? Even Sam has agreed to go." Dean groaned lowly. You were giving him that look. The one that you knew he couldn't resist in a million years. Not from you and not from your children. "Alright fine...but do I have to wear that?" You shrugged. "Better than what Sam is wearing. Our daughter insists that I'm Dorothy and she wants to be the lion which leaves Uncle Sam being the Wicked Witch."

Dean busted out laughing. "Okay. Okay. I'll go. If only to see Sammy with green face paint and a pointed hat." You clapped your hands together. "Yay! Now get ready, Tin Man while I go tell our children." Dean let out a little grumble and you giggled. You walked over to him and kissed his lips. "I'll make it up to you later," you promised, earning a signature Dean smirk. "Oh really?" You rolled your eyes, but nodded.

"I'll hold you to that." He pulled you close and placed a searing kiss to your lips. "Ew." You broke apart to see Sam there with your youngest in his arms. "Yeah, ew," he commented with a smile. "Guess what? Dean agreed to go with us." Your little girl, already in her lion costume, cried out in glee. "Yay, Daddy!"

If he hadn't agreed before, Dean would have agreed to anything now. His children and your opinions of him meant everything to Dean. His daughter saw him as a superhero in a way and to see her looking at him with such a happy expression made the hunter melt. "The lion is ready and the scarecrow is working on it. Now, Uncle Sam here needs to go get ready," Sam said and you took your daughter from him. "Hey kiddo, why don't you go grab a granola bar from the kitchen and eat it while you wait for us to finish getting dressed?"

The little girl nodded and clamored out of your arms. Once she was gone, you started to get dressed yourself. You were grateful you had been able to find a less revealing version of your costume. Dean could be extremely jealous sometimes and he didn't want other men looking at his wife. You understood. You didn't want other women hitting on Dean either.

"It's worth it," he said suddenly. You looked at him quizzically. "Seeing her face when she found out I agreed to go. It was worth having to go out on this insane night." You cupped his cheek with your hand. "You are her world, Dean. Our son's too. They miss you when you're gone, but they never complain. When they told me the only thing they wanted was to trick-or-treat with you, I didn't have the heart to tell them that you hate the day."

Dean wrapped his arms around you again. "Thank you." He rested his head on yours and nothing else needed to be said. It wasn't easy for Dean to share feelings except with his children, so you'd learned to read Dean's cues and in between the lines. "I love you, Dean." His arms tightened around you.

A knock on the door broke you apart. "Mom, Dad can we go? I don't want to miss all the good candy!" You chuckled. Just like his father. Dean's eyes lit up. Candy. That was the only part of Halloween he liked. "We'll be there in a minute. Go grab a quick bite. I don't want you eating all your candy before we even get home." Your son grumbled a bit, but you heard his steps retreating.

You and Dean finished dressing and you headed for the door. Dean stopped you by gentle grabbing your wrist. "What is it, Dean?" He stared at you for a moment before speaking. "I've been thinking. About cutting back on my hunting." You looked at him in surprise. "Really?" He nodded. "Yeah. I want to spend more time with you and the kids. I'll still hunt some, but I don't want to be gone all the time anymore. I'm getting to old for it anyway." You laughed. "You're not old. But if that's what you want."

"It is. I'm tired of missing important days in the kids' lives." You kissed him again to put his worries as ease. "I will support your decisions, Dean. I love the idea of having you home more and I know the kids will too. Now let's get out there before they start to riot." Dean let out a laugh and followed you out of your bedroom.

Trick-or-treating didn't take very long. In all her excitement, your daughter had worn herself out and fell asleep in Dean's arms. Your son ended up doing the trick-or-treating for both of them. Not that he minded. He still managed to rack up quite a good amount of candy before the night was done. But he was exhausted too and only ate a couple pieces of candy when you got back to the bunker.

Sam and Dean carried the kids to their beds and then Dean came back to you. You were checking the candy to make sure nothing was dangerous. "Babe, why don't you go to bed. You've had a long day with the kids. I'll do this and join you in a few minutes." You smiled at him and agreed. You really were tired.

You stood, kissed Dean and headed back toward your bedroom. Then you heard Dean moan and stopped short. "Don't you dare eat all that candy, Dean Winchester!" you scolded. "Aw, Y/N. Pretty please?" You rolled your eyes and sighed. That was Dean for you. "Save some for the kids." 

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