Saved From the Turn (Dean Winchester x reader)

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Typical SPN angst ahead!

This wasn't supposed to happen. You were a trained hunter for goodness sake! You weren't supposed to be ambushed by this nest of vampires! You were kicking yourself for telling the Winchesters you could handle this hunt alone. It was only supposed to be a couple of rouge vampires, but it turned out to be a nest of more than ten. More than any hunter could handle alone. Luckily for you, the Winchesters didn't listen.

"Come on, Sammy! Haven't you tracked Y/N's phone yet?!" Dean snapped at his brother. You had been gone a long time. Far too long and Dean was worried. "Relax Dean. I got it. Y/N is in a an abandoned farmhouse just up the road. At least that's where Y/N's phone is." Dean nodded and pressed harder on the gas.

The Winchesters had lost too many friends for them to count and they weren't ready to lose you too. You had become a close friend and ally, to Dean especially. He wasn't going to let you die when he had the chance to save you. He sped as quickly as Baby could go to your location, praying he wasn't too late.

"There!" Sam cried and Dean whipped down the road he indicated. His jaw was firmly set and he had that look in his eyes that Sam knew well. The "I'm going to kill the monster that dared to mess with my family" glare. Dean slammed on the brakes and parked the car. "The farm is just up that way. We need to be ready for what we might find, Dean. Y/N has been gone a while..." Dean directed his glare at Sam and the younger Winchester stopped talking.

Dean quickly grabbed everything he needed to take down some vampires and made his way toward the farm. His mind was racing and his heart was pounding in his ears. He didn't want to believe that Sam could be right, but he knew there was chance. You could be dead already or worse; you could have been turned. Dean didn't know how close he was to the truth until he broke down the door to the farmhouse.

As soon as the door burst open, five vampires whipped their heads around to look at Dean and his brother. There was hunger in their eyes and Dean's anger was only fueled by it. he wasted no time in taking them out with Sam's help. Now, they had to find you. They walked through the farm and found several vampire corpses. Obviously your work. You had been able to kill a few at least.

There was no sign of you in the house other than the bodies and your discarded phone. But, there was a barn outside. Dean readied himself for whatever he would find in that barn, but he still wasn't prepared. From just outside the door, he could hear a voice screaming the word "drink" over and over. It gave Dean a little hope that you were still alive.

He burst through the doors and swung at the vampire that immediately attacked him. Sam helped take out a few more while Dean's eyes were glued to the sight in front of him. You were tied to a hook, your arms over your head and the vampire, the leader of the coven Dean assumed, was trying to get you to drink his blood. He was trying to turn you.

That only enraged Dean further. Cutting down every vampire in his way, Dean stalked toward the vampire. He wasn't fast enough though. The leader's hand shot out and he grabbed Dean around the throat. "Must you hunters ruin everything?" he asked in a bored tone of voice. Dean smirked and groaned a little. "Yeah, we're real party poopers."

The vampire threw Dean effortlessly across the room and turned back to you. "Now, you're going to drink or I will kill your friends. Okay?" You shook your head and closed your lips tighter. You weren't going to give in, no matter how tired you were. You refused to become a monster like them. He sighed. "You're only making this worse for yourself. I didn't want to have to kill you. Having a hunter as one of us would make the Alpha very happy, but since you aren't cooperating..."

He cut off with a groan. He turned slowly and you saw the syringe sticking out of his neck. Dead man's blood. You looked and Sam had his rifle pointed at the vampire. Dean sauntered over and without a word, sliced the vampire's head clean off. Then he turned to you.

"Are you okay? Did you drink anything?" You shook your head. "Are you sure?" You nodded vehemently. You didn't want to talk in case there was vamp blood on your lips. Dean seemed to understand and grabbed a bandana out of his pocket. He wiped your face and let you down from the hook. "Thank you, Dean," you whispered before hugging him.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he said. But then, as it usually did when Dean was worried, his anger came out. "Don't you ever do that again! What were you thinking trying to take on a nest by yourself?!" You smiled because you knew Dean wasn't really angry with you and he was just trying to protect you."I promise I won't go off hunting vampires on my own anymore. Thanks for coming to save my butt, guys." Dean sighed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Come on. Let's torch this sucker and get out of here." 

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