Spilled Coffee -Pt. 2 (Dean Winchester x reader)

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(a/n: read part 1 first)

Finally, your shift ended and you breathed a sigh of relief. You clocked out and made your way back to your apartment. Once inside, pulled your cell phone out of your pocket and the paper Dean had given you fluttered to the floor. You picked it up and smiled. Maybe today would have a happy ending after all. You dialed the number and Dean picked up after the second ring. You made plans to meet a bar down the street in two hours. You quickly hung up, eager to get in the shower and rinse the strawberry milkshake that had dried off your hair and now sticky skin.

Two hours later, you were sitting in the bar waiting for Dean and his brother. The beer in front of you had barely been touched when they showed up. "Hey there, Y/N." You smiled at him. "Hi, Dean. Listen, thanks for this. I really needed it after the day I've had." Dean flashed another one of those smiles and you almost chocked on your beer. You sat with the brothers for several hours until a gorgeous woman at the end of the bar caught Sam's eye. "Go on, Sammy." The two of you watched Sam smirk and walk away.

"Am I cramping your style, Dean?" you asked with a giggle. Dean turned back to you. "Nah. I wouldn't leave you on your own." You smiled at him and let him buy you another drink. The two of you sat drinking and talking for several hours. Finally, Dean kept looking back at the door. "You need to go?" He shook his head. "Nah. I just want to make sure Sammy's okay. What about you? You need to go?" You mimicked his answer.

After several minutes of silence, Dean looked at you, his green eyes riveted on your face. You plucked up the courage to ask the question that had been on your mind since the diner. "Dean, why did you give me your number? I know you're just passing through. " He quirked his brow in question. "This is a small town and I've never seen you around before. So, what am I to you?" For a moment, Dean said nothing then, he replied, "I've seen a lot of bad all my life, but seeing you trying to put on a smile even when you're having a bad day is just a little bit of good in this world and I wanna be able to say I was part of it."

Another stretch of silence passed before you reached over and put your hand on top of Dean's. "Thank you, Dean." He finished his beer and gazed into your eyes. "Come on. Let's get out of here." You looked back over your shoulder at Sam. As if reading your mind, Dean said, "He'll be fine. I'll give him the keys to my car."

Thatwas how you found yourself sitting in the kitchen of your apartment with Deanat 2AM. You continued to talk for hours until the sun came up and you thankedwhatever deity there was that you didn't have to work that day. When the coffeefinished you went to pour Dean a cup, but he stopped you with a grin. "I'drather not end up with coffee all over my pants again." You playfullysmacked his chest but handed him an empty cup for his own coffee. By the timeDean left, you knew you had a friend for life that you could call on anytimeand it was all because you spilled coffee.sup-0V

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