The Sun Meets the Sea pt. 2 (fem!reader) Little Mermaid AU

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Your lungs were on fire when you finally took a breath of air. Gasping heavily, you dragged yourself out of the water. When you glanced down, you quickly realized you were naked and searched for something to cover yourself. Finding a sail, you decided it was better than nothing. You struggled to stand and walk along the beach. You tried to take a step and ended up falling flat on your face. If you could have screamed, you would have. Walking was harder than it looked.

It took you several tries, but you managed to wobble over to the discarded sail. You stared at the sail for a moment, unsure of how to cover yourself with it. Then, you heard voices and they were getting closer. Your eyes widened in panic as you quickly wrapped the fabric around you and secured it with a rope before you ducked behind a rock.

"I'm telling ya, Sammy, I'm starting to believe we dreamed of that girl," a voice you recognized spoke and you brightened. The men you saved. You poked your head out and watched them. "Maybe you're right, Dean. I guess all that sea water did clog our brains." The two men laughed before a pair of hazel eyes found you. "Dean?" The green eyed one followed his gaze. "Hey there, sweetheart. You okay?"

You nodded and smiled. The hazel-eyed one, Sam, was staring at you in interest. "Dean...I think it's her." Dean grinned and turned to face you again. "We've been looking everywhere for you. What's your name?" You tried to tell him, but of course you couldn't. "What is it?" You gestured to your throat and frowned. "Oh. You can't speak." You shook your head sadly.

"You can't be her then," Sam said sadly. You wanted so badly to tell him that it was you that saved them both. Then you remembered your grandmother's words. You had three days to find true love if you wanted to stay human and you still had no idea how you were going to do that without your voice.

The two boys were talking quietly between themselves while you were thinking about your situation. "Hey, sweetheart?" You glanced back at Dean. While you really wanted to hear your name fall from his lips, you had to admit, you liked the nickname. "You're not from around here, are you?" You shook your head. "Do you have family here?" Again, you shook your head and Dean sighed. Sam gave you a soft smile and asked, "Why don't you come stay with us? At least until you can get on your feet. We lived just up that hill." Your gaze followed his finger and your jaw dropped. A castle. They were royalty.

*time skip*

You ended up staying in the castle that night and the next. Over the course of those two days, you got to know both princes. They were both so kind and caring. You had to admit that you were falling for both of them, but you had no idea how to let them know that. And you were running out of time.

You decided that the only thing to do would be to show them how you felt. So, one morning, after you had dressed and brushed your hair, you made your way downstairs. You stopped short when you saw two beautiful brunettes standing next to Sam and Dean, their arms linked together. They looked vaguely familiar but you couldn't place them.

"Hey there, pretty lady," Dean greeted you with a smile. You returned it, but your gaze returned to the stunning women on their arms. Sam was staring at the girl at his side. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off her, as if he were under a spell. She was smirking at you. "We found our mystery girl," Dean told you, gesturing to the girl Sam was hooked on, "And it turns out she has a friend who helped her." The girl on Dean's arm was smirking as well, but there didn't seem to be much malice behind it. Her eyes kept jumping between you and Dean's best friend, Castiel, who was standing off to the side.

You felt your heart breaking as you watched the boys, your boys, falling deeper under the spell of these strange women. You did your best to smile, but you couldn't seem to do it. Instead you gave a little nod of your head. "What's wrong, sweetie? Cat got your tongue?" The brunette on Sam's arm quipped and it clicked. Ruby! You fought the urge to clench your fists. What was she playing at? Then, you realized something else. If that was Ruby, then the other girl had to be Meg.

You flicked your gaze over to her and tried to convey how hurt you were. To ask why they were doing this. What had you done to deserve such treatment from the two mermaids that were supposed to be your friends?

Mouthing the words, "excuse me", you turned and left the room. You wanted to run, but you didn't. You had no claim to those two boys after all. Once you were out of sight, you finally did run. You ran until you were outside, at the shore. You stood there, watching the tide roll in, wishing you had never let Ruby talk you into going to Rowena. You wished you never became human. But then you thought about all the good times you'd had since you had washed up on the shore.

You had come to care for both brothers. Dean was charming and sweet. He cared about you and, even though he'd never say it out loud, he showed it in the little things he did for you. Sam was intelligent and he loved sharing that with you. You had learned so much just by listening to Sam talk. He was more affectionate than Dean and he could sense your moods. He would take you hand in his and give it a reassuring squeeze when he could tell you were upset or scared.

"Y/N?" You whipped around to see Meg standing a little ways off. You glared at her, fists clenched at your sides. "I know you're mad. I'm sorry. It wasn't my choice." You rolled your eyes and arched a brow as if to say, "Right." Meg sighed and stepped a little closer to you. "Really, Y/N. Ruby dragged me to Rowena. Rowena threaten me and, no offense, but I like living." You looked back out toward the horizon.

"Look...I shouldn't be out here, but I want to help you." You didn't acknowledge her, but she continued anyway. "I can get you alone with one of the boys, whichever one you think will listen to you. Make a move." Your brows furrowed. Make a move? What on earth could you do to get across how you felt? "Please, Y/N?" Sighing, you glanced over at her and nodded. It was better than nothing. Meg smiled. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry." You shrugged. You'd deal with her later.

You followed Meg back up to the castle, only to find Dean and Castiel waiting. Meg cast a glance at the latter before turning her attention back to Dean. "There you are," he greeted, "I wondered where you got off to." His green gaze was fixed on Meg. "Here I am. I just wanted to check on this pretty lady here. I suppose that we're going to be close friends now." She turned to Castiel. "Would you mind giving me a tour of the castle? I'm sure Prince Dean has things to do."

Castiel's blue eyes lit up with glee as he agreed. The two exited the room, leaving you alone with Dean. Meg winked at you over your shoulder and you flashed her a smile. Turning back to Dean, you found his eyes following Meg's retreating form. You tapped his shoulder and he looked at you. "Everything okay?" You nodded and your eyes flicked down to his lips. Should you take the chance? You started to lean in when a voice called out. "Prince Dean?! There you are! Where's Meg?" You glared at Ruby before stomping away.

All day long, you and Meg tried everything to get you alone with one of the boys, to no avail. Ruby would burst in and ruin the moment every single time. You were in your room, watching as the sun began to lower in the sky. Sunset was a mere moments away and you were no closer to finding to true love than you had been. In a short time, you would be a mermaid again and in the clutches of your grandmother.

"She wants to see Rowena on the throne," Meg had told you. That was why Ruby had done what she had. You felt the tears rolling down your face as you thought about it. All this for power. What had you done? You had only wanted to spend time with humans and this is where it had lead. "I have one more idea, Y/N. Can you trust me on more time?" You nodded and followed Meg from your room.

She walked right up to Ruby and whispered in her ear while you hid from the former blonde. Ruby frowned and let Meg lead her away from Sam. The tall prince was standing with his brother at the edge of the shore. They were both dressed to kill and you nearly melted.

Meg motioned for you to go for it while Ruby was distracted. You quickly approached the two princes and got their attention. "Hi. You're just in time. We were about to head onto the ship for the ceremony," Sam told you, gesturing to the ship at the dock. You panicked internally so, you grabbed the prince nearest to you, by the lapel and pulled him toward your lips.

Before your lips could connect, you felt yourself being pushed into the ocean. The sun sank below the horizon just as you hit the water. You felt the magic course through you once again as your legs merged back into your (f/c) tail and your voice returned.

"Y/N!" Meg cried out when your head broke the surface again. "SAM! DEAN!" you yelled, making their eyes widen. Ruby glared and grabbed Meg's arm. She ran toward the sea, pulled Meg behind her. She pulled off the bracelet on her wrist, transforming her legs into a tail. You saw her head for you and started to swim away. Ruby caught up with you quickly and dragged you further down into the ocean.

"Let me go!" you demanded, trying to wrench yourself away from her. Meg was trying to fight her off as well, but the mermaid was strong. Meg broke free of Ruby's hold and swam away. You hoped she was going to get help.

Rowena was waiting at the ocean floor. "Y/N, dearie. Did you enjoy your time on land?" she asked, a sickly sweet smile on her face. Your eyes narrowed at your grandmother. Ruby let you go and swam off, eager to be far away from the action. "How could you? What did my father ever do to you? He's your son! Don't you love him?" Rowena shrugged. "Dear, love is a weakness." You shook your head. "Now, come along."

Rowena took your hand and pulled you behind her. "Mother! Stop!" your father's voice rang out and you almost sighed in relief. You knew he'd be furious with you, but you were so happy to see him. "We had a deal, Fergus. Your precious little Y/N is mine now. Unless you're willing to trade." Rowena bargained and you watched your father's eyes flick between you. You shook your head. "No, Daddy."

Crowley sat for a moment weighing his options. He had worked hard to get and keep his throne, but you were his daughter. Meg swam away again, back toward the shore. She had to get more help. You prayed she'd return quickly. "Please, Grandmother," you begged, if only to play for time. You had no idea how long it would take Meg to come back with help. Luckily, it didn't seem to take long.

As soon as you had turned back into a mermaid and had called out to the princes, the spell Ruby had put over them had broken. They had immediately boarded their ship and sailed in the direction they hoped you'd be. Meg had seen their ship and flagged them down. They almost hurt her, but Castiel had convinced them to listen to her plea. She lead them to where she had left Crowley with you. Dean manned the harpoon gun and started shooting, praying he wouldn't hit you.

The first harpoon barely missed you and Rowena. Rowena looked up and saw the shadow of the ship. Dropping your hand, she swam away as Meg returned to your side with a smile. She knew Rowena would be more interested in saving her own skin than in you and Crowley. She would come up with another way to get to the throne.

"Where have you been?" your father asked you in a growl. You quickly wrapped your arms around him. "I'm so sorry, Daddy," you replied, hugging him close. He hesitantly hugged you back, grateful you were safe. You told him everything that had happened and, as you'd expected, he was angry. Then, he saw the look on your face when you talked about your princes. "You love them? You're in love with at least one of them?" You nodded and he sighed.

"And you?" he asked, turning to Meg. Meg's eyes widened in fear and you quickly jumped to her defense. "Meg helped me, Daddy. And she saved us. Those men up there saved us." Crowley nodded. You grabbed his hand and swam up to the surface with him. Your head popped up and you were met with smiles. "Sam. Dean," you breathed.

Crowley looked between you and the princes and couldn't help but smile. His little girl was in love. He snapped his fingers and you suddenly found yourself aboard the ship, fully human and fully clothed. Dean was the first to reach you. He hugged you and kissed your forehead. "Welcome back, sweetheart." You smiled at him and turned your attention to Sam.

You released Dean and went to Sam. "Sam," you whispered. Sam grinned and reach out to cup your face in his hands. Before you could say another word, his lips descended on yours. You felt your heart leap with joy. Was this what true love's kiss felt like? You hoped so because it was amazing.

You pulled away and Sam wiped away a tear you didn't know had fallen. "Y/N...I love you." You giggled. "Say it again." He brushed a strand of wet hair from your face. "I love you." You shook your head. "I mean my name." Sam chuckled. "Y/N." You hugged him and whispered, "I love you too."

Crowley glanced at Meg who fought the urge to swim away. "You saved her. What do you want?" Meg looked up at the ship where Castiel was still leaning over the railing. "Ah." Another snap of his fingers and Meg was standing next to Castiel. "Hey there, Clarence," she said before pulling him to her and kissing him deeply.     

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