To Kill or Cure (Team Free Will x fem!demon reader)

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You'd been hiding out for so long, almost from the moment you became a demon. You wanted nothing to do with any of it. So, you left Hell as soon as you were able, found a meat suit and fled to the woods where most demons refused to look. You lost track of all time and, before you knew it, years had passed and the world around you had changed. When you finally emerged from the wilderness, the very thing you feared would happen, happened. You ran into a trio of men. Well, more accurately, two men and an angel.

The men probably would have let you pass if you hadn't, in your fear, flashed your black eyes. That was a dead giveaway that you weren't human. Every rookie demon knew that. The tallest of the three immediately grabbed a knife from the waistband of his pants and the shorter man in plaid trained a gun on you. "Please. I don't mean any harm. I've never hurt anyone." The two with weapons trained on you scoffed.

"You're a demon. That's all demons do." You shook your head, the (h/c) hair of your meat suit falling in your face. "I haven't! I swear!" Your normally (e/c) eyes were pleading with the third male, the angel in the trench coat. "Sam. Dean. Perhaps we shouldn't kill her," the angel said in a gruff voice, causing the other two to lower their weapons in surprise. "Cas, are you insane? She's a demon!" The angel, Cas, nodded. "Yes she is, which means she may be useful to us. For information."

The two men exchanged a glance, having a silent conversation before they put their weapons away and took a step toward you. You began to shake before suddenly feeling cold metal against your (s/c) skin. You glanced down at your wrists in surprise. You recognized some of the sigils on the cuffs. "So you can't smoke out," the tall man told you, not even looking in your eyes. They practically threw you in the back seat of their car with the angel.

*time skip*

It took weeks of answering questions before the boys finally let you out of the Devil's Trap they kept you in. Turned out they were hunters and the only one even remotely on your side was Castiel, the angel. He made them keep you alive, just in case you had any more useful information in your head. The problem was, you kept getting distracted. The world around you had changed so much and you couldn't help your curiosity. It left your captors no choice but to teach you about it or there would be no way you could continue helping them.

During your time in the bunker, you stayed close to Castiel. You were afraid of the Winchesters. They still wanted to kill you. After all, you were still a demon, no matter how much you were helping them. You were free to wander the bunker as long as the cuffs were securely fastened to your wrists. Your small amount of freedom was welcome since you really didn't want to leave. Living in the bunker was the safest you'd felt in years. At least until the day you overheard them talking about you.

"She's gotta go, Cas. We've gotten all the information out of her we're going to," Dean was saying and you stopped walking. You wanted to know what Castiel was going to say. "Dean's right. Y/N is a demon. It's our job to kill them." You bit your lip in anticipation. You didn't want to die. "Yes of course, because you were so worried about it being your job when you were engaging in intercourse with the demon Ruby." Silence.

"Perhaps there is another way," Castiel continued after a moment, "Y/N has done nothing wrong. She has done nothing but assist us as best she could since we found her. Perhaps we do not need to kill her. Do you recall when you tried to cure Crowley? Or when you did cure Dean? Perhaps we could try to cure Y/N. There does not appear to be any reason to kill her, but maybe we could help her." You blinked in surprise. There was a cure? A way for you to be free from being what you were?

"And what? Just let her continue to use that meat suit?" At that point, you couldn't keep quiet anymore. You rounded the corner, getting as close to Castiel as possible before you spoke. "The young woman in this body was dying. She hadn't actually been in her body for a long time when I took over. There's a cure?" The Winchesters stared at you for a moment before Dean glared and Sam reached out for you. You flinched away, closer to Castiel.

The boys looked at one another. They'd noticed your attachment to Castiel and they wondered if there was a part of you that was still human. "Maybe Cas is right, Dean. Maybe we should try to cure her instead of killing her." You could see Dean's reluctance as he nodded. "Fine, but you have to do everything we say. Got it?" You nodded. "You gotta take her back to the dungeon, Cas."

You let Castiel lead you from the room and back to the dungeon where they'd kept you for the first part of your stay with them. "Castiel?" He cast a glance your way. He rarely actually said anything to you, but you'd heard him come to your defense enough. "Thank you." He stopped walking, just staring at you. You paused and looked back at him. You gave him a smile small and took it upon yourself to go into the dungeon. Castiel felt himself smile. He was right. There was hope for you after all. 

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