5 years ago : June 12th 2015

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5 years ago : June 12th 2015

I cannot believe it.

Aimlessly, I whack something with my hand and feel around to see what it is.

"That my face, you idiot," Levi says as his breath wafts my palm. Like lighting, I pull back my hand as soon as I feel his wet tongue coat my hand with his saliva.

"Ewww, gross." I say as I wipe my hand on his school shirt. A loud 'yuck' sound comes from his mouth, I roll my eyes and continue to bash against the locked door of our school's sports closet. One which Levi managed to get us locked in, in the space of 30 seconds.

"COME ON, OPEN UP!" I shout at the top of my voice.

I'm not surprised no one's heard us, seen as they're all 300 metres away on the football field. But still, surely someone would have checked on us.

"Ugh" I slump against the door and slide down, "you know this is all your fault. If you didn't volunteer with me to get the spare nets for sports day, we wouldn't have been stuck in here."

"I was just trying to be helpful! And there was no way that I was going to let Thomas Brent be alone with you in here." He specifically spits out Thomas's name with utter disgust.

"He's fine, Levi," Well way more than fine but-

"You shouldn't be with him."


Rolling my eyes, I look over and scan him up and down, "Ugh, shut up Levi. Just because I'm closer to being in a relationship than you've ever been."

He scowls and turns away. Levi starts to rummage through the boxes on the IKEA shelves, mumbling something, "Surely there must be a light somewhere..."

"You're not going to find anything. You're useless when it comes to that kind of thing."

Only replying with a grumble, he goes back to searching. I sit down on the floor in exhaustion. Under his breath, he then says, "well at least I'm helping and not sitting on my ass. But even if you did help you would 100% end up making a massive mess."

"Um I'm tired and no, don't be helpful. Because when your helpful things always get messed up." He tugs me by the wrists, forcing me to stand up. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he keeps me stable by balancing my body against his. I can barely see him because it's almost pitch black but I know I'm close to him since I can feel his fluffy hair graze my forehead as he leans down towards me.

"Help me look."

Not good with the close proximity of our bodies, I shuffle away to check some shelves. It's practically impossible to see so I often knock things over by accident, causing loud bangs. Walking around a bit longer, I feel around for some sort of light source.


My hand clasps around a hard plastic tube and I feel around a bit. My finger brushes over a switch and when I press it a dim light flashes on.

"Voila," I shine the torch in Levi's eyes, making him squint.

Annoyed, he tries to snatch it off me.

Taking it in from his hands, I pull it towards me but he resists. Soon, it becomes a tugging war with me, Levi and a broken torch.

"Let go!"


"Let go nowww."

"You let go!"

Angry growls and shrieks fill the room. Jesus, it sounds like someone's skinning a cat.

"Let. Me. Have. It." I say in a low, scary voice. Well at least what i think a low, scary voice would sound like from me.

Levi thinks for a second then just let's go. Due to me being mid-tug, I end up flying across the room and barricading myself into a load of tennis balls. They roll all over the floor, so I kick them out of the way.

"I hate to say I told you so, Alison. This is what happens when you get involved. One big mess." His voice is patronising and very irritating.

"Just shut up, we both know you're happy about this."

"Hm. Yup. I am." He replies whilst I'm chucking a ball at him. More things fall over making the balls bounce everywhere and various equipment crashes and breaks, just proving his point further.

"Oh shit" Levi mumbles when a tennis ball bounces off his head quickly followed by a rack of boxes to fall on him as he scrambles away.

"Yes. Oh shit."


"We've been locked in here for agesss!"

"Allie, it's only been like," he checks his watch, "23 minutes since I last checked."

Huffing, I play with the ends of my hair, plaiting them into teeny plaits then undoing them 3 minutes later, "Yeah like I said, ages."

With my right foot, I kick one of the cardboard boxes making another shelf top over.


More mess.

"Ughhh, how has no one noticed we're missing, it's been like an hour? We are probably just going to die in here!"

"Allie we're not going to die."

I groan, dragging my hands down my face in despair. This is so dullll.

Bored out of my mind, I spin round and round on my bum, the near darkness blurring into one. The 20 year old torch is already almost out of battery and we have no phones to contact anyone.


"I'm boreddd."

"No way." Levi's voice is sarcastic and monotone. For a teenage boy, he sure is a massive asshole.

I start to tap on the floor with my nails, scraping and scratching every so often,"Ewww no no no! Please stop! That makes me feel sick!"

Taking my nail, I drag it along the floor one more time, "What? Like this?" I smile cruelly, the voice inside my head doing the evil laugh.

Mwah ha ha haaaa.

He cringes, making his nose scrunch up. God, he really hates it.

"Pleaseee stop, I hate nails."

They're nails?

How can he be scared of nails?

"Look, it's some weird phobia thing - like the sound of scraping a knife on china. It just gives me the heebie jeebies. Jhgkjhfkjgh." He makes some weird sound and shakes his whole body, as if he has a shiver down his spine.

He's still squirming awkwardly in the corner, so I decide to ignore him and his weird little phobia and whip out a biro from my blazer pocket. I start to slowly carve my name into the wall, whilst humming the theme tune of Harry Potter.

"What are you doing now?" His attention is back on me and my fiddling.

"You'll see."


"'ALLIE CARTER + LEVI HAYES' that's what you spent 2 hours doing."

Right now, Levi and I are staring at the plain concrete wall, which has now got a small engraving underneath the box of tennis balls.

"Mhm! Don't you love it!" My smile is bright, proud of my masterpiece.

Levi looks less impressed.

"You put a heart with an arrow around our names. So no. I don't love it."


Of course he'd say that.

"Stop being such a spoilsport. I think it looks amazing." I scrunch my eyebrows together and prod him with the tip of my pen.

"Allie, you made it look like we're a drunk hippy couple in our 40's who just got eloped in Vegas. We're not even friends, I only know you because of your brother."


Well that was unnecessarily rude.

"We aren't friends?" I actually want to know this, aren't we at least like friends?

"Well...no. Duh. Of course we aren't. Why would I be friends with you?"

"Thanks. Thanks a lot Levi." Stomping off, I go a dramatic metre away to sit in the corner and sulk.


"I said I was sorry!" Levi pleads.

For the last hour I haven't said a single word. After Levi's shitty comment about how he'd never be friends with me, I've refused to talk to him.

"Please stop giving me the silent treatment!"

"You don't deserve my words!" I shout with passionate sass.


That wasn't supposed to happen. Damn you, Levi freaking Hayes for making me talk.

"Allie, I'm sorry. We are friends, I'm just an idiot."

"A stupid idiot." I add on with a glare.

"Yeah, I'm a stupid idiot."

He wraps me up in his arms, however it's awkward because it's now pitch black in here. Finally we manage to get comfortable, even though I'm more than a foot smaller than him. He strokes my hair and gives me a light peck on the forehead.

"I'm sorry Allie, we are friends." But by the way Levi's looking at me, i can't help but feel like he doesn't actually mean it. That instead he means something entirely different.

Suddenly, a bright light of hope shines in the room - well actually it's just Mr Grey the wood tech teacher opening the door - but we were finally free.

"Guys, I found them! Seems they were getting on quite well." He gives us a big wink in our direction.


What was that supposed to mean?


please remember to VOTE, FOLLOW, COMMENT, TAG and SHARE so i can get more publicity

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