5 years ago : September 23rd 2015

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5 years ago : September 23rd 2015

Year 8. I can't believe it. I'm a year 8 student. No more getting trodden on by the older kids because now we're the older kids.


I'm knocked down onto the floor by a boy in my brother's year.

Ok, so I'm going to get pushed around less.

Unfortunately luck is not in my favour, so when I fall, I catch my hand on someone's foot making a sort of domino effect in the corridor. People trip and collapse, making the person in front of them do the same thing. Soon around 20 ish people are all lying in a heap on the floor and it's all my fault. Trying to not draw attention to myself, I slowly but carefully try to stand up. But unsurprisingly I'm completely unsuccessful and get dirty looks from people from every scary year because they all know I caused this.

My wrist is sore from being trampled on, so I shuffle off to the nurses office with everyone's eyes still on me.

I think I'm the most clumsy person to walk this Earth.



"So here's a wet paper towel and that's going to fix that wrist of yours." The nurse walks off and I just stare at the soggy green paper that's wrapped around my forearm.

How the hell is this supposed to help?

It's like she thinks that as soon as this damp sheet of paper touches an ill person's skin she expects it to suddenly cure cancer. Not to mention the amount of fuss she made when I walked in, it's like she thought that I'd shattered the bone in my arm.

Like no woman.

I just wanted an ice pack, maybe some Calpol. Is that too hard of a request?

Wanting to check on my arm, I lift up the paper, but it breaks from the moisture.


This is really going to work.

"My oh my, Mr Hayes what did you do this time?!" The nurse rushes over in a hurry. Levi strolls in casting a bloody nose and black eye.


Of course.

"Let me guess-" The nurse says in a voice that suggests she's not surprised. Like seriously she's acting as if the person he fought is his Starbucks drink and she was just saying his regular order.

"...Thomas Brent. Yeah." As he says this, his eyes slide over to my direction like he's wondering what my reaction will be.


That's what my reaction is.

"You did what?!"

Slightly smiling at my reaction, he shrugs and licks the drop of blood off his lips slowly, however more keeps pouring from his nose so the nurse replaces it with, once again, a wet paper towel.

He sounds so effortlessly casual about this, like doesn't this boy realise there's consequences for fighting on school grounds? But then again it's not like he would actually care anyways, "I fought Thomas, it's not like it hasn't happened a billion times before."

"True." The nurse pipes in. God I wanted to give her the stink eye so bad. Levi sits down opposite me - in what I'm guessing is his personal seat - and starts to try and talk to me about why punching someone 'isn't that big of a deal'.

"We always fight so chill out."

"I am chill."


"Yeahhh, that's complete bullshit."

"LEVI HAYES! LEAVE THAT LANGUAGE TO THE PLAYGROUND!" Nurse says in a mothering tone. She scolds him with a slap on the hand and sends him to sit next to me on the sofa.

Levi rolls his eyes, "Sandra, I'm in year 9, and it's not a playground anymore."

"You act like it is though..." I mumble into my jacket.

"Sorry, you kids just grow up so fast." I know for a fact that my mum can agree with that. She always bangs on about how 'we kids are acting so much older now' even though we're exactly the same as ever.

Sandra pops off to get Levi a wet paper towel and a bandage for his bloody hand, so now it's only me and Levi alone in the room.

"You look bad."


Sarcastic ass.

"No really, you're bleeding like crazy," I point out that his nose has begun to drip blood again through his old, soggy tissue.

"God damn it," He tilts his head to the ceiling, squeezing the bridge of his nose so now I'm basically talking to his neck, "don't worry I'll be fine, Allie. You should see him, the cocky asshole."

He chuckles but I give him a deadpan look so he just coughs to cover it up. This boy really does find amusement in everything.

"So whatcha do?" I ask him, tilting my head to the side.

"Um, why do you think that it has anything to do with me?"

I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah okay, it was because of me."

"I knew it." I say under my breath, "why?"

"Why do you think so?" He gives me a look that suggests I should know what he's talking about. I don't want to suggest it's because of me since I know there's a million other reasons to why Levi would fight this boy, but the way he's making it sound...i dunno it kinda makes me think he is?

"Thomas talking to me."

"Yup. I warned him about talking to you months ago, but what'd ya know he doesn't listen. And neither do you - that boy will only lead you to trouble so please just stay away from him." Levi shrugs nonchalantly, his dark hair falling in front of his eyes. It's incredibly messy from the fight but to be honest it looks no scruffier than usual. I want to dismiss everything he's saying but it will always be on my mind no matter how much i like Thomas

"Well next time, don't involve me in your stupidly violent extracurricular activities."

"You weren't involved- ...okay you kinda were, but it was only about you. It's not like you were there giving Thomas a punch in the balls!"

I want to give you a punch in the balls - I almost add.

Maneuvering my body to the side in annoyance, i block off my view of Levi and his beautiful, angelic, hot- stupid face.

"Hellooo again! Now what have you two been talking about whilst I was gone!?"

Me and Levi look at each other in the eye and simultaneously reply, "nothing."


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