6 years ago : December 24th 2014

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6 years ago : December 24th 2014

"But Dadddyyy" i complain, "we always go away for Christmas, why aren't we this year?" I say whilst sucking intensely on the straw of my hot chocolate.

Christmas won't be the same if we don't go to Grannie and Grandad's! I mean everything would just feel wrong and it wouldn't be right. Christmas is about traditions and so everything has to stay perfect and normal.

"Because Button, the Hayes have very kindly invited us round for the Christmas holidays. And, your Mum doesn't want to go far this winter because the weather caused really icy roads that meant there's already been a few crashes so it would just be too dangerous and way too delayed until we get there," he explains whilst I sulk quietly not wanting to seem spoiled while also slightly choking on a mini marshmallow.

I bet it was a pink one.

I've always grown up in a fairly well off household but my parents taught me to know the value of money so I know to be grateful for what I have. Obviously i'm annoyed at the whole situation but there's gonna be people out there who don't even get presents, some might not even have food for dinner, so my immature sulking is just an overreaction and would only ruin my mood for the rest of the holiday, so i may as well not dwell on it.

Still, I'm a bit irritated that instead of spending Christmas with my Grannie and Grandad, it's gonna be in Levi's guest room with the permanent smell of Ezra's sweaty feet in my face as I try to sleep.


We slowly approach the Hayes house, the tyres of our car crunching on the thin layer of snow that's settled on the ground. Rolling into the drive and hop out the car, my chubby legs finding it hard to push my body forward with the 18 layers I have on.

My brother runs to get the knocker and I see Liam and Levi's heads poking from around the curtains. I can see their dark brown hair poking up and their noses pressed against the windows like little children.

They erupt into action at the sight of us and run off at full speed to get us into the house. As soon as the door opens, we quickly get pushed inside and immediately there's so much noise - the boys have a loud conversation, our parents give each other welcomes while 'Wham's - Last Christmas' plays distantly in the kitchen. Compared to the cold, frosty outside - the heat of the indoors causes a shiver to go up my spine, my blue fingertips slowly thawing in the warmth.

We practically get shoved in through the corridor and get settled into the cosy blankets with hot chocolate in our hands within seconds. Photos of their family adorn the walls, something they only do at Christmas, occasionally I see the odd photo of Ed or Jennifer in University, huddled up with their friends or boyfriends. It's weird to think they had a life before their family.

One photo is face down, it's an image of just after Levi was born. It's Jennifer, Ed, their parents and another man but I don't know who he is.

Picking it up, I place it back on the counter. It probably just fell down?

We all gather in the living room, cosying up next to each other even though there's plenty of space - even though half the room has been taken up by the Christmas tree and all the presents underneath it.

Completely at peace, I watch the fire flicker and spit as the sound of 'Elf' starts to play on the television.

Marshmallows and cream swirl in my cup as I twirl my spoon. I sip the chocolatey goodness and smile.


I listen to the cringey Christmas songs that play on repeat, and sit back in the recliner with Liam by my side.


After a while, I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I notice I dozed off - the films must've finished because now Bruce Willis is on the screen.

'Die Hard'. There's only one person in this whole house who would argue that this is a Christmas film and that's my brother.

I push a pillow up against Liam's head before removing myself, giving him this illusion that I'm still lying next to him so he doesn't wake up. He continues to snooze, every few seconds a little snore sniffles out his mouth. Adorable. Levi looks expectantly at me as he ushers me towards the corridor, so I follow him into the hall and into the utility room.

"You just woke me up, so what you're about to say needs to be really important or I'm gonna be pissed," my eyes are still adjusting to the light; unlike the dark room next door, I practically have to squint at the harsh brightness.

"Oh...oh okay...shit sorry i should've done this another time," he chuckles at his thoughts which no doubtely are filled with guilt and regret.

Oh great, now I feel bad. Stupid mouth.

"Don't worry, i'd rather be here," smiling, i attempting to make him feel better. This visibly makes him brighten, his dimples dipping as he grins.

"I wanted to give you something," I scrunch up my face in confusion at what he's saying to me.


He blushes and looks at the tiled floor.

Since when did Levi Hayes blush-

"Levi, Christmas is tomorrow? You know, the 25th of December?" he chuckles and pulls something out from behind his back.

It's well wrapped and looks impossibly expensive. The deep velvet between his fingers slides effortlessly like water from one hand to the other. It's quite a slim box since Levi can easily fit his hand around the whole thing - or maybe he just has big hands - and when he grips it, he does it with meaning, like he's nervous to give it to me.

"Yeah i know, but i wanted to give it to you now- you know what your right, it was a stupid idea anyway, i just got overexcited and should've waited for tomorrow," he starts to put away the box but i stop him last second.

"No. No, it's ok. Thank you Levi, it means a lot to me. It really does."

He passes me the box and I look at the burgundy velvet. Gliding it between my hands, I feel the soft fabric against my skin. I look at the sides and I see my initials are engraved on the bottom of the box.

I smile straight into his nervous eyes. He looks utterly hilarious, the strong look of concentration as he doesn't know what to do except make sure to restrain from biting his lip too hard.

I open the box with a loud clap.

A warm silver necklace with my name matches the colour of the initials on the outside of the box and each letter is detailed to perfection. I feel as if I touch the necklace, it would break within seconds from me accidentally getting it tangled into something or whatever.

The note in the corner writes : 'Don't worry, the necklace is made from a strong alloy metal so you don't need to worry about it snapping in half if you have to tug your hair out of it when it gets caught in the necklace the next time you fall over.'

Levi taps his feet impatiently on the tiled floor, "you like it?"

Looking up, I stare into his eyes and smile. I'm practically mesmerized by his kindness as he stands unsure in the dimly lit room, "Thank you. Thank you so much Levi."

Immediately, I go in to hug him tightly to thank him for his thoughtfulness.

On coincidence, we accidentally go the same way causing our lips to connect for a split second. I jump back and blush. Did I just have my first kiss? With Levi Hayes? In his house?

My eyes go wide at the thought. Oh my god. Ezra would kill me. Like full on take a kitchen knife and stabby stabby my life away.

Well actually I see that more in Levi's future than mine at the way Ezra reacts.

I can tell Levi knows how awkward I feel, so he ducks down to my height and gives me an actual hug this time. He takes the necklace from my hands and clasps it around my neck. I feel the cool metal against my skin and I look down to see the shiny words 'ALLIE' written.

"I'm gonna wear it forever. Thank you Levi," i smile softly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. In truth I wasn't lying, there was no way I'd ever take off this necklace.

"Anything for you Allie."


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