Chapter 5 : Telepathy

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Chapter 5 : Telepathy

Saturday 14th September 2020


noun: telepathy
the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.

"WE. WERE. ON. A. BREAK." The sound of F.R.I.E.N.D.S blares out of my flat screen TV. I chuckle at the television, enjoying my quiet time alone.

Seeing it's lunch time, I pause the episode and walk to the kitchen to find something to snack on. I open some cupboards and find a packet of hobnobs, ripping it open gently and taking my first one out.

For a few moments, I just look at this sad little biscuit. Do I need to eat this?

Deciding against it, I hop back to the cupboard they came from and deny myself from eating it. That was a good decision, a healthy decision. My stomach rumbles so I pull out a cup and just drink some cordial water in hopes that it calms down.

Picking up the remote, I press play again and carry on watching the TV. But even then, the thought of eating is still at the very back of my mind, mocking me.

"You know, you could do something else instead of spending all your time rewatching the same shows" my mum says behind me, "oh actually, i love this episode. Did you know that when I was young they only showed these episodes once a week. No Netflix or recordings or whatever it is that you kids do, you just had to be there on time to see it every week until the next episode was out."

I roll my eyes, "yes mum, you tell me this everytime i watch it" she perches on the seat next to me and huffs.

Next thing I know she's got the remote and turned it off. What the actual fuck.

"MUM, I was watching that!"

She drags me up and says, "You, need to get out of the house."

I look at her in disbelief and whine. I swear it's supposed to be the teenager begging to go out.

"But mum i'm tireddd-"

She starts pushing toward the direction of the stairs, "Come on Alison, you could invite some friends round or go out and meet them. Just please stop just watching pointless tv!"

Knowing I'm not getting out of this one I reach for my phone and walk up the stairs to my room. Quickly, I text my friends a quick message inviting them round for a sleepover. They all agree and I tell them to meet at mine.

I start to gather up sleepover necessities and show my mum the text, so she can walk off satisfied.


"Ughhh, why are there so many girls here?!" Ezra groans as we set up 'camp' in my sitting room.

Me, Nancy, Esther and Quinn have infiltrated the house with boy bands, face masks and toffee popcorn. And by the look on the guys faces they are not happy.

"Like what even is this?" Levi lifts up a pink eye mask which Quinn quickly snatches away.

"Hey that's mine!" we laugh and retreat back into our den.

Fairy lights and blankets adorn the walls of the room, Netflix and food are at our disposal and skincare products sit in bags waiting to be used. I look at the towering basket of calories - my metabolism is wailing right now - and I swipe off a bar of dairy milk oreo chocolate. I'm about to open the packet when I see one of the labels on the side.

SUGAR : 4g per strip.

Hesitantly i open the packet and take a bite, unleashing an insatiable hunger.

2 bars of Cadbury's and a packet of Haribos later, we settle into our duvets and turn on 'Me Before You'.

The opening scene starts to begin, when my brother and Levi jump onto the sofa behind us. My bowl of popcorn is snatched swiftly from my hands into my brothers. Umm...yeah no i want my popcorn back.

"Ugh, this film sucks. And thanks to Allie here I've already seen it like 50 billion times" Levi complains in a bored voice from the corner of the room.

"Yeah it's sooo boring. HEY, where did you get all this food," Ezra looks under the table and steals some of our sweets causing a wild commotion.

"You can't do that."

"Uhh, yeah i can?!"

"Ezra, give it backkk."

"Stop your going to ruin everything."

"Everyone shush. I'm tryna watch the film!"

"Quit it Leviiii!"

"Make me Allie. I dare you."

It soon turns into a full blown argument and when I reach for a pillow and whack it around Levi's head the real fight begins...


My parents slam the door shut and run round the corner of the open plan area to find feathers, popcorn and cucumber face cream flying through the air.

'Cough' 'cough'.

We all slowly turn to see Mum and Dad looking rather pissed off. "Oof" a hit to Levi's head makes them look even more angry.

" God's name, is this?"

We take a second to look around at the room around us. What was once an instagram worthy vsco style cinema room, is now a half fallen down mess.

"It's not our fault, the boys disrupted our film!" i argue.

"Umm, not true, you were watching some dull ass movie and you had loads of snacks - it's not like you were ever going to share, so we took advantage of the situation," Ezra replies.

We bicker back and forth until our parents break us up. For good measure, I slap him round the head with the palm of my hand.

"Ok kids, so here's what's going to happen. You will clean this up and then watch something that you BOTH agree on"

Ummm, what?!

"But this is OUR sleepover, they can't just waltz in here and expect to just ruin our night which you suggested" i point judgingly at Mum.

The boys start snickering like 8 year olds so I throw one last pillow in their direction, but it misses by a few meters.

"Ow Allie that realllly hurt" Ezra says sarcastically. I glare at him and then at my parents. This is such bullshit, I can't believe they're trying to ruin our night.

"You will Alison," my Mum shoots me a look - boy is she a tough nut to crack.

"But-" this time its Dad who interrupts

"No Allie this is non-negotiable" and if my dad doesn't take my side, there is no way I'm getting out of this. I huff and mumble an 'ok'.


"I wanna watch a romcom! OOOOH how about 'Love, Rosie'!" I shout as I place the last pillow back on the large corner sofa.

"Ew no, all that soppy shit, ugh" Levi shudders as if the idea of a romantic film is completely out of the question, but then apparently the suggestion of a horror film is a good idea?

"How about a cartoon" Quinn pipes up but we all look at her as if she's delusional, "What? I like Disney geez..."

After lots of discussion, I decided there's only one way to settle this - and knowing my girls, we have to win, "How about a vote, pick 2 genres then we decide the winner. So we're going with romcom and...horror..." I grab a nearby duvet and curl up in it, feeling a shiver go up my spine.

I hate horror.

There's no point in it, all I'm doing is asking not to sleep for the next 3 weeks.

Levi notices and we look at each other almost as if he can tell what I'm thinking. His lips curl up at one side - which is definitely NOT a good sign.

"So-" Levi claps his hands together and rubs them mischievously, whilst still staring straight into my eyes "-whose for a horror film?"

I see Ezra, Levi, Nancy and Esther all shoot their hands in the air.

This makes me gulp.

"Nancy, Esther, care to explain yourselves," since when did they go against a good old romcom? AND FOR A HORROR FILM?!

"What, you know I love a scary horror film, so intense." Esther says with a grin.

Nancy smirks "I chose it cause I know how much you hate them," I chuck a piece of toffee popcorn that hits her in the forehead and rebounds onto her lap.

Me and Quinn curl up next to each other and give the others death glares as they flick through various horror films. They choose a film called 'Hush' and as soon as I see the cover it makes me hide somehow deeper into my fortress of bedding. They switch it on and I feel the room go dark, the light of the screen illuminating each person's face.


"AHHH" I screech when I see the killer jump out of nowhere, "THIS GIRL IS SO STUPID! WHY IS SHE LEAVING THE HOUSE! NO! NO! GET BACK INSIDE BITCH! Oh my lord what did i tell you...AHHHHH!"

A hand closes around my wrist and I get tugged down into the safety of someone's chuckling arms. I smell the familiar scent of Levi's cologne and look up into his eyes - he's still watching the TV but checks up on me every few seconds. Another huge jumpscare happens, causing me to practically shake with fear but he puts a comforting arm around me, soothing me like I did to him in the cubicles.

My body feels warm and safe in his arms. I look up into his blue eyes, which are half covered by his fluffy dark hair which reflects the TV light, and smile. The corner of his mouth quirks up for a second time and pulls me in further when another loud sound blasts from the screen.

Damn, I wonder if this is what it feels like to have an actual boyfriend.

I stare up at him, letting his eyes bore it mine. His usual cold frown is gone today as he smiles kindly and I mirror him back. I probably sound like one of those astrology obsessed voodoo people but it's as if we can hear what the other is saying without even saying it, like a sort of telepathic mind reading thing. Our features and movements communicate to each other, letting me know he's listening to me and only me.

We stay like this for ages not even noticing that the credits had started to roll until my eyes finally droop and I drift off into complete darkness with only one thing on my mind.



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