Return Of The King

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Dakota had his duel disk out and was standing in front of Raynare while challenging Dohnaseek to a duel

Dohnaseek: So you want to duel fine. Let's just hope you know what a Shadow Duel is

As the area around them grew darker and misty Dakota's eyes changed as well and he grew a sinister smirk

S Dakota: Let's get this started shall we

(S Dakota means Supreme Dakota)

When Raynare saw this she was surprised and shocked, but Dohnaseek was terrified

Dohnaseek: It's you! How?! Your supposed to be dead! Supreme King

S Dakota: Shut up and duel fallen

Dohnaseek: Grr

Dohnaseek activated his duel disk and faced Supreme Dakota


Dohnaseek: 8000 LP
S Dakota: 8000 LP

Dohnaseek: I'll start by discarding a card to special summon Infernity Wildcat. Next I activate Double Summon allowing me to summon Infernity Patriarch and Infernity Mirage. Now I tune my three monsters together. The dead and the living...The moment they meet at zero, the demonic dragon will be released from the cage of eternity! I Synchro Summon! Come forth! Infernity Doom Dragon! I end my turn

S Dakota: Good move on your first turn, but unfortunately it will be your last! I draw! Since you showed me your strongest monster I should show you one of mine at least

Raynare: Huh?

Dohnaseek: What do you mean one of

S Dakota: Well I think I should say Dakota's strongest card

Dohnaseek: Stop being cryptic!

S Dakota: Well I guess I could show you

Dakota who was under the control of the Supreme King reached in his pocket and pulled out 9 dragon type cards that belonged to the nine strongest Fallen Angels which caught Raynare off guard and petrified Dohnaseek

Dohnaseek: H-how... how did y-you do it

S Dakota: You really think this is my first Shadow Duel don't make me laugh. Now back to the duel shall we

Dohnaseek: Grr

Dohnaseek was shaking and sweating seeing that Dakota killed the nine strongest fallen angels

S Dakota: Now I activate the spell Polymerization to fuse my three Blue-Eyes. Three mighty dragons merge your power together to dominate our opponents, fly up in the sky and shake Heaven itself with your roar! I Fusion Summon! Descend now! Level 12! NEO BLUE-EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON

Three white scaled dragons with bright blue eyes flown in the air and combined into one showing a gigantic white scaled dragon with three heads

S Dakota: Now my dragon attack his Doom Dragon

Dohnaseek: 6500 LP

Dohnaseek: Aaargh

Dohnaseek felt the pain of the attack as if it was real only because it is real in a Shadow Duel at least

S Dakota: Now his ability kicks in because since he's the only face up monster I have on the field and he attacked I can now send Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to the graveyard and Neo Blue-Eyes can attack again

Dohnaseek: What?!

Dakota: Blue-Eyes attack his life points directly

Dohnaseek: AAARGH

Dohnaseek: 2000 LP

Donhaseek felt the same pain only one a much higher level since it was direct

S Dakota: Oh and fyi I can use Neo Blue-Eyes ability twice per turn

Dohnaseek: NO!

S Dakota: So I'm sending Alternative Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to the graveyard so Neo Blue-Eyes can end this

Dohnaseek: Wait! No you can't!

S Dakota: Don't tell a king what to do. Blue-Eyes end this with Hyper Neutron Blast!

As the dragon attacked the fallen angel fell to the ground in defeat while Supreme Dakota slowly walked towards him as he slowly died

S Dakota: You are nothing compared to the nine fallen warriors they lasted way longer than you

S Dakota then put his foot on Dohnaseek's head

S Dakota: What you are is a insignificant little bug that needs to be squished, so obey this one request. Perish

Dohnaseek was in complete fear as he was now dead with only his deck left. Dakota then took out Infernity Doom Dragon and saw two other dragon monsters and took them too

As the Shadow Duel finished Dakota returned to his normal self

Raynare: Dakota?

Dakota: Hey Raynare did I win

Raynare: You did more than won. You completely decimated him

Dakota: Well that's his fault for threatening such a lovely and beautiful girl

The two were about to kiss again until a red summoning circle appeared and Dakota saw Rias, Akeno and...

Dakota: Kiba?!

Kiba: Dakota?!

Both: What are you doing here?!

Timeskip after explaining what happened

Rias: So Raynare here was sent to kill you, but eventually grew true feelings for you, so then Dohnaseek arrived and was planning to kill you and Raynare. Then you challenged him to a duel and won in one turn

Dakota: Yep that's how it went

Rias: Dakota, I would like to speak to you and your brother tomorrow is that okay

Dakota: Sure, but explaining it to Issei is going to be very difficult

Akeno: It shouldn't be to hard since he's hiding in that bush

Dakota: What?!

Dakota turned around to see his brother trying to sneak away

Dakota: Issei Hyoudou when I get my hands on you I'm going to

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota: So you can't walk anymore!

Dakota was then heavily breathing from the amount of talking he did while the others had a sweat drop hearing what he said

Rias: Well then we'll see you tomorrow

Dakota: Sure thing

As Rias and the others left Raynare spoke

Raynare: Dakota I should tell you I have two other sisters that are being held hostage right now

Dakota: Is that why you had to kill me for their freedom

Raynare: Yes, but I should go and tell them about you

Dakota: Good idea

With that Raynare flew off and Dakota walked home with new dragons and Dohnaseek's Infernity deck

When Dakota got to his bedroom he immediately fell asleep, but only woke up somewhere else

Dakota: Where am I?

???: In your mind or I should say our mind

Dakota then turned around and saw himself in black armor with golden outlines as his eyes were a lighter shade of brown

Dakota: Who are you and why do you look like me?

Supreme King: I am the Supreme King right hand of the original Lucifer himself as for why I look like you is because I AM you from your past life. There you were Lucifer's right hand man and the strongest being of the entire Supernatural realm

Dakota: Damn I was powerful than god then

Supreme King: Indeed you were, but during the Great War between the three factions you or more like I died protecting Lucifer

Dakota: Huh? I sound pretty badass back then, but if you were me in the past why are you in my head now

Supreme King: Easy I transferred my soul to what would've been my next life and my soul and your soul fused into one those special dragons were when I took over fighting other fallen angels

Dakota: That makes a lot more sense now

During this time Dakota and his past self were talking to each like friends until Dakota started fading away

Dakota: Woah! What's going on?

Supreme King: You're waking up until we meet again Dakota

Dakota: Until then Supreme King

Supreme King: Call me Jaden

Dakota: Alright then

Dakota's alarm clock went off and he turned it off while waking up

Dakota: *yawn* Man that was a nice sleep huh?

Dakota then felt some extra weight and saw a bump in his bed and when he looked he saw a naked Rias


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rias: Good morning Dakota

Dakota: Umm. Morning Rias can you tell me why we're both naked

Rias: I always sleep better naked so I thought you would too

Dakota: Well not going to lie I did get better sleep than I usually do. We should probably get dressed... ow!

Dakota then tripped over himself and fell on top of Rias which was when his mother opened the door

Mom: Dakota it's time to wake up breakfast is... on the... coun...ter

She slowly stopped talking when she saw the situation and closed the door and ran downstairs

Dakota: Well this morning couldn't get more embarrassing

As Dakota and Rias got dressed Rias mentioned that Raynare brainwashed the others to hide her identity except for Dakota and Issei

Dakota: Thanks for the heads up

Rias: You're welcome

As the two walked out of Dakota's room Issei walked out and saw it

Issei: So did you two have se...

Issei was immediately slapped by Dakota

Dakota: Did you learn nothing from last night Issei

Issei then shivered at what he went through last night


The Hyoudou brothers and Rias were walking to Kuho while Rias was holding Dakota's hand while Issei was a little jealous he didn't show it

Everyone then started to talk about how Dakota and Rias were a couple until they got in school

Rias: I'll send someone to fetch you two later today

Dakota: Thanks Rias

Issei: Yo bro duck

Immediately Dakota bent downwards avoiding a punch from one of Issei's perverted friends

Matsuda: What the hell?! How did you end up with the biggest rack in school

Dakota: Easy

Dakota then turned around still bending downwards a punch Matsuda right in the gut knocking the wind out of him

Dakota: I'm not pervert like you jackass

Dakota then walked off leaving a scared Issei, a shocked Motohama, and a passed out Matsuda


During the free time the class Dakota had was relaxing until he heard someone

???: Wow so this is a school huh?

Dakota: *mentally* Jaden is that you

Jaden: Yep I'm speaking to you mentally so we can talk when you're not asleep

Dakota: Cool

Jaden and Dakota talked a little bit again before he noticed Kiba

Kiba: Hey Dakota, Rias said she wanted to talk to you and your brother

Dakota: Sure thing. Yo pervert! Wake your ass up it's time to go

Dakota then threw a empty soda can at Issei waking him up

Girls: Oh my god the two hottest guys are leaving class together with rat boy


The three guys walked inside the club and walked inside the main room where they saw a girl with white hair eating chocolate

Dakota: Hey Koneko

Koneko: Hi Dakota

Issei: You two know each other

Dakota: I was guiding her to some of her classes when she got lost or misguided by other douchbags

Just then two voices were heard on was Rias who seemed to be taking a shower and the other walked out

Akeno: Hello you two I'm Akeno Himejima the vice president of this club nice to meet you. Especially you my King

Dakota: Heh no need to bow

Issei: Rias is in the shower

Before Issei could even act Dakota slapped him to where he was at the other side of the room

Koneko: Thanks Dakota

Dakota: No problem sometimes I wonder if I should have a shock collar on him though

Rias then walked out the shower fully dressed

Rias: Sorry about the wait I didn't have time to shower at your place

Dakota: It's fine, so what did you want to talk about?

Rias: Do you know about the supernatural

Dakota: Yeah I do. From the very first Lucifer to the Great War actually

Needless to say the others were shocked

Kiba: How do you know that much

Dakota: Simple I'm the reincarnation of the Supreme King, Right hand of the First Lucifer

Rias was definitely shocked hearing that she was technically talking to the Supreme King himself however Issei had absolutely no idea what was happening

Issei: Wait what now?

Rias explained the supernatural realm to Issei and he was also shocked hearing what his brother was back then

Dakota: There's a little more too the soul of the Supreme King and my soul are fused

Kiba: Meaning you are now once again the Supreme King

Rias: Now for the real question would you both like to join my Peerage

The brothers looked at each other and answered

Both: Yes

Rias simply smiled as she grabbed 8 pawn pieces as four went to Issei and four went to Dakota however something happened. They mutated

Issei: So is our pieces mutating a bad thing

Dakota: It's actually the opposite Issei

Rias: Now that that's done Issei can I see your duel score from your duel disk yours too Dakota

Dakota: Sure thing

Issei: Why? There's nothing special about it

Dakota: Issei hand it over

Issei handed his disk to Rias while they all looked at his score

Rias: Well this is something

Koneko: So you're definitely on a losing streak

Issei: Hey I fight some tough opponents

Dakota: Issei you once lost to a 10 year old

Issei: Grr. Shut up Dakota

Rias and the others looked towards Dakota's duel score and they were all shocked

Rias: 150 wins total

Akeno: No draws

Koneko: No losses

Kiba: Yo man you're on a perfect winning streak

Dakota: Thanks

Rias: Let's check your decks

Again they criticize Issei's deck, but were amazed by Dakota's

Akeno: So what should we do with Issei's deck

Dakota: Everyone follow me I have a plan, but first Issei hand me your deck

Issei: Sure bro

When Issei handed him his deck he started walking

Dakota: Everyone follow me

They all followed Dakota to the card shop and went in

Dorthy: Hi Dakota, Hi Rias

Dakota: Hi Ms. Dorthy

Rias: Evening Dorthy

Dakota: So you two know each

Rias: Yes she is a devil like you and me

Dakota: Wow that's something

Dorthy: So how can I help you today

Dakota: Issei wants a new deck so I'm selling his old one

Issei was shocked hearing this and Kiba and Koneko were holding him back while Dakota sold it and got one hundred dollars and shoved it towards Issei

Dakota: Don't say I never get you anything. Now go buy a actual deck or else

Issei knew he was being serious and he was also afraid of what he would do to him

Dakota: Also I'd like to sell this deck too

Dakota handed Dorthy the Infernity deck and got 200 dollars for it


After awhile Issei picked and made a actual good deck of course it still had some girls in it, but Dakota couldn't complain too much

They decided to head home to get some sleep

As Dakota was sleeping peacefully he felt something on top of him and woke to someone he didn't expect

Dakota: Alexis?

Boom cliffhanger and if some of you are confused when I say red deck Issei just has Jack Atlas's deck and comment if you want more girls in the harem or gender bends too

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