35: (Fatir)- The Creator

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In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn . The Only Owner of the Day of Recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help. Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace , not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray .


35: (Fatir)- The Creator

(The Originator)

No. 35 (Revealed at Mecca)

45 Verses in 5 Sections

Fāṭir (فاطر, "Originator"), also known as al-Malāʼikah (ﺍﻟملائكة, "The Angels"), is the 35th chapter (surah) of the quran with 45 verses (ayat).

Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbab al-nuzul), it is an earlier "meccan surah", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina.

Sura Fatir is about the ressurection, situation and difficulties of the day of judgement and repentance of disbelievers. It also warns mankind of deceitfulness of satan and life which lead astray. Blessings of God are also mentioned in this sura and it recommended people to say prayers, spend for God and recite Qur'an as valuable deeds.

The famous verses of this sura of Qur'an are the fifteenth verse which states that God is not in need of anyone while mankind is in need of God, and the eighteenth verse which talks about divine justice  and severe punishment of God on the Day of Judgment. It is narrated from prophet muhammed (s) that if someone recites Sura Fatir, three doors of the heaven will invite him toward themselves on the Day of Judgment.

Feature of the surah

This Surah has been revealed at Mecca, and contains forty five verses.

'Fatir' is one of the attributes of Allah and it means 'the Originator'. The name of this Surah has been taken from the first verse of the Surah in which Allah has been introduced as 'the Originator of the heavens and the earth'.

Like other Meccan Suras, the main axis of the discussion in this Surah is about Origin, Resurrection, and struggle against polytheism.



Imam Sadiq (as) in a tradition said:

"There are two suras in the Qur'an which are one after another and they begin with /alhamd-u-lillah/ (the praise belongs (only) to Allah): Surah As-Saba, and Surah Al-Fatir. Whoever recites them by night, Allah will protect him in His support, and whoever recites them during the day, there will come to him no affliction (on that day)..."



There are 45 ayaat in this Surah and it was revealed in Makkah. In a narration from the Holy Prophet (S) it is said that three doors of Jannah will be opened for the person who recites this Surah. He will be able to enter it through whichever door he pleases. In another narration it is said that the eight doors of Jannah will open to him and he will be permitted to enter through whichever he likes.

It is narrated that a person once came to Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and complained that his daughter had a problem of getting severe migraine headaches all the time. The Imam (a.s.) placed his hand on her head and recited verse 42 of this Surah and she was cured.



We can learn a lot of things about Surah Fatir. How none can withhold the mercy of Allah (Subahana Wa ta ala). We ask so much from others. Also, we fall into sadness as soon as we don't receive what we are seeking for. I remember feeling sad and always wanting people around me. How I easily felt stressed when things don't go the way I expect. I wanted something to reflect on. So I start reading through surah Fatir, I came across this Ayah (verse) that was the cure to my sadness, and hopelessness. I learned to let go of things, and letting things be the way it is.

. مَّا يَفۡتَحِ ٱللَّهُ لِلنَّاسِ مِن رَّحۡمَةٍ۬ فَلَا مُمۡسِكَ لَهَاۖ وَمَا يُمۡسِكۡ فَلَا مُرۡسِلَ لَهُ ۥ مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِۚۦ وَهُوَ ٱلۡعَزِيزُ ٱلۡحَكِيمُ

Whatever of mercy, Allah may grant to mankind, none can withhold it; and whatever He may withhold, none can grant it thereafter. And He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. [35:2]

To sum up, if you want something, do not let any negativity to get to you. You will have whatever that Allah (SWT) bless you with. Then I came across a similar ayah in Surah Yunus Ayah 107. How none can remove the pain you're in.

And if Allah touches you with harm, there is none who can remove it but He; and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can repel His favor. [10:107]

Do not worry about what will happen. You have no control when it comes to what happens to you in life. You can only be patient. Remember, a teacher does not talk to its students when taking an exam and they don't expect an answer from the teacher. You can only do your best and let Him do the rest, In Shaa Allah. That was one of my lessons from the Quran, specifically, surah Fatir.


Whenever Allāh opens up mercy for someone, there is no one that can stop it.When Allāh decides to stop showering His Mercy upon anyone, there is no one that can shower it instead.Shayṭān is our open enemy. Let's treat him like one.Whoever seeks honour in this world, let him/know that all honour belongs totally to Allāh alone.We are all in severe need of Allāh, whereas Allāh is fully independent of us.Allāh's Promise is true, so let not the world deceive you into thinking and acting otherwise.If you give someone a duty, give them the support they need.


China's Rainbow Colored Mountains in the Quran – Surah Fatir

The Rainbow Mountains, located in China's Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park are considered one of the geological wonders of the world. These mountains take their colors from the colorful rock formations and are a major tourist destination. This site was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Normally, no one would think of any mountains to take such amazing colors but the Quran mentions the existence of colorful mountains as one of Allah's creations. 

Translation: "Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and We produce thereby fruits of varying colors? And in the mountains are tracts, white and red of varying shades and [some] extremely black."


As Allah questions us in Surah Fatir "So where are you heading?!" we choose our own destiny, yes Allah ultimately decrees, but our actions pave the way. What will it be, riding high on mounts or dragging ourselves by the face? Dunya is not worth it. Allah grant us strength in our Iman, Aameen.


"Then We gave the Book as an inheritance to those whom We chose from among Our servants; among them is the one who wrongs himself, and among them is also the one who takes a middle course, and of them is the one who is foremost in virtuous deeds by Allāh's permission; this is the great excellence." Fāṭir: 32

There are many verses in the Qur'an that are about the angels' attributes, specialties, missions, and duties. Even the Qur'an has considered the faith in angels in the row of the faith in Allah, prophets, and heavenly Books, and this is evidence upon the fundamental importance of this subject.

The Holy Qur'an says:

"The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. (They) all believe in Allah, His angels, His Books and His messengers..."

No doubt the angels are among the Unseen things for proving which by these attributes and specialties there is no way save the traditional proofs, and because of belief in Unseen, we must accept them.

On the whole, the Qur'an explains the specialties of the angels as follows:

1- The angels are some wise and intellectual beings of the honourable servants of Allah.

"...but (angels) are (His) honoured servants."

2. They obey Allah (s.w.t.) and never commit sin.

"They do not precede Him in speech, and (only) according to His commandment do they act."

3. They have been given many important and various duties from the side of Allah:

Some of them bear the 'Arsh (throne):

"...bear the throne of Your Lord above them."

A group of them manage the affair:

"And those who manage the affair."

A group of them are the angels of taking souls:

"...until when Our messengers came to them to take them away..."

A group of them are the recorders of the deeds of men:

"And surely there are Watchers over you,""Honourable scribes:""They know (and understand) whatever you do."

A group of them are the protectors of man from dangers and evil events:

"...and He sends guardians (to watch) over you until when death comes to one of you..."

A group of them are ordered to punish the disobedient people:

"And when Our messengers (the angels) came to Lot, he was grieved for them and felt straitened to protect them. He said: 'This is a distressful day'."

A group of them are Divine helpers to the believers in battles:

"O you who believe! Remember Allah's blessing upon you when hosts came against you, so We sent upon them a strong wind and hosts, that you saw not, and Allah sees what you do."

And, finally, a group of them are the bringers of revelation and heavenly Books from Allah for Divine prophets:

"He sends down the angels with the inspiration of His commandment upon whomever of His servants He wills..."

4- They are always busy glorifying Allah, as Surah Ash-Shura, No. 42, verse 5 says:

"...and the angels celebrate the Praise of their Lord and seek forgiveness for those who are on the earth..."

Yes, because of talent and potentials of development that man has, he is higher than and superior to the angels so much so that all angels, with no exception, once for the sake of the creation of Adam fell in prostration and Adam became their teacher.

6- Some angels appear for prophets and even other than the prophets in the form of human beings, as we recite in Surah Maryam that the great angel of Allah came to Mary as a handsome man:

"...Then We sent unto her Our Spirit (Holy Spirit) that presented himself to her a perfect man".

In other occurrences of the Qur'an we recite that angels appeared in the form of some men before Abraham and Lot. It is understood from the verses of this Surah that the people of Lot, too, saw them in the form of some handsome me.

Is the appearance in the form of man a concrete fact? Or is it in the form of presentation and interfering in the perceptive faculty? The outward of the verses of the Qur'an implies to the first meaning, though some great commentators have chosen the second meaning.

7- It is understood from Islamic narrations that the number of angels is so large that they can never be compared with all human beings.

Once Imam Sadiq (as) was asked whether the number of the angels is larger or that of the human beings, he said:

"By Allah in whose hand is my soul! the angels in heavens are more than the (number of) whole atoms of the dust of the earth, and there is no place in heaven but an angel is busy glorifying and praising Him therein."

8- They neither eat nor drink nor marry. Imam Sadiq (as) in a tradition said:

"Verily the angels neither eat, nor drink, nor marry, and they do live only by the breeze of the (Divine) 'Arsh!)"

9- They have neither sleep nor negligence, nor laziness.

Ali (as) in a tradition said:

"There is no cessation between them, nor there is negligence with them, nor there is sin among them... sleep does not overtake them, their wisdom never involves in mistake and forgetfulness, their bodies do not tend to laziness, and they do not lie in the loins of fathers and in the wombs of mothers."

10- They have different proper positions and ranks. Some of them are always in the state of 'bowing' while some others are in the state of prostration.



Abu hamza al-thumal recorded from a parchment containing a speech on asceticism given by Imam ali ibn husayn zayn al-abidin in which the following verse from Surah Fatir was referenced: (35:28)"Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants who have knowledge: for Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving." Concerning this verse, Zayn al-Abidin comments that the knowledge, by Allah, and the deeds are nothing but two harmonious matters. The one who recognizes Allah fears him, and the fear urges him to the deeds in obedience to Allah; the heads of knowledge follow him, recognize Allah, and strive to do good deeds.


The spiritual elements effective in prolongation and, shortening the life-time: In relation to the discussion stated in the abovementioned verses about the increase and decrease of lifetime by the command of Allah, paying attention to the Islamic narrations concerning the prolonging and shortening of lifetime, a group of Qur'anic commentators have explained some matters in this regard.

There are, of course, some natural factors effective in increasing and decreasing the length of lifetime most of which have been known to human beings yet, like correct feeding free from excess and defect, being constantly busy working and moving, avoidance from any kind of narcotic materials and dangerous addictions and alcoholic liquors, avoiding the permanent excitements, and having a strong Faith which can give man peace and power in the difficulties of life and living.

But, besides these things, there are some factors that their outward relation with the question of prolongation of life-time is not so clear to us, while some Islamic narrations have properly emphasized on it.

As a few examples, pay attention to the following narrations:

1- The holy Prophet (S) says:

"Verily alms-giving (in the way of Allah) and union of kindred cause houses to be furnished and prolong the life-times'."

2- He (S) also has said:

"Whoever desires his sustenance to be increased and his death to be postponed should perform union of kindred."

3- Concerning some of sins, like fornication in particular, Islamic narrations indicate that such sins decrease the length of lifetime.

Among them is the famous tradition of the Prophet (S) in which he has said:

"O' Muslims! Do avoid fornication which has six sequels: Three of them are in this world and three of them are in Hereafter. Those three which are in the world are as these: it causes the worth (and light) of man to be vanished, brings indigence, and decreases the length of lifetime..."

4- Imam Baqir (as) says:

"Kindness and hidden alms-giving remove poverty and increase life-time, and prevent seventy kinds of evil death."

There are also some indications in Islamic narrations concerning some other sins, such as injustice, and sins in absolute.

Some of the commentators who have not been able to make difference between the 'appointed death' and the 'sudden death' have attacked to these traditions and believe that they are contradictory to the texts of the Qur'an which consider the limit of the length of man's lifetime fixed and unchangeable.


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