Chapter 16

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"You all better enjoy this cake. I worked very hard on it," Pops declared a few minutes later when everyone was settled down and gathered around the eating area they had laid out. Just then, Buddy let out a loud cough. Seeing that he gained the elderly basset hound's attention, the dachshund quietly pointed at himself, Mel and Norman. Recalling that he had help, the old dog cleared his throat as he quietly corrected himself, "Uh, with the assistance of Weiner Dog, Squash Face and Guinea Pig Joe of course. I'll go grab the cake." Heading towards the kitchen, he beckoned Leonard to follow him.

"Are you getting the cake or is Leonard there gonna get it?!" Ozone called out.

Sitting beside Max, Gidget jumped out of her skin when there was a small thud at the window. A moment later, she realized that it had been Sweetpea. At the same time, Chloe was heading over to open the window for the small parakeet. Not too long ago, the gang had sent the tiny bird on a quick mission. The fluffy white Pomeranian was impressed at how fast the parakeet had done his task. "Guess Sweetpea's back," Max whispered softly to his girlfriend. Resting her head against the Jack Russell terrier's shoulder, Gidget mumbled in agreement, "Yeah."

"Alright, make way before you get your toes and tails crushed!" Pops called as he and Leonard returned from the kitchen. The poodle was dragging the wagon with the cake on it behind him. Meanwhile, the gang quickly got out of the way. However, the warning came too late for Snowball. Pain flashed across the white rabbit's face as he had his left foot run over by both Pops' wheelchair and the wagon wheels. Once the wagon passed, he collapsed on the floor and clutched his foot in agony. Duke went to check on him. Looking up at the large mutt, Snowball cried, "Someone call a doctor!"

"I am a doctor. Quit your bellyaching, you'll live," Pops muttered. Meanwhile, Leonard halted in his tracks where Max and Gidget could carefully get the cake off the wagon. Buddy brought over some candles while Mel brought the lighter. The pug was about to light the candles when Max took the lighter from him. "How bout I get them," the terrier suggested while everyone breathed a sigh of relief that the lovable idiot amongst them wasn't going to set the apartment on fire. Looking upwards towards the heavens, Chloe mumbled, "Thank you Lord for not letting us be burned at the stake by the idiot."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mel whimpered.

"Nothing," Chloe replied. Sighing as she shook her head at the gray tabby cat, Gidget heard two pairs footsteps behind her. Turning her head, she watched as Norman led a tired looking Tiberius over to where the cake and the rest of the gang were waiting. The cake was covered in white frosting with 'Happy Birthday Tiberius' written in red icing. Five lit candles adorned it. Once the old hawk had been brought over, everyone took a deep breath and sang, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy brithday dear Tiberius. Happy birthday to you." Sweetpea whistled a little solo at the end.

"Wow, you guys should go on Broadway," Tiberius commented, yawning. Confused, Duke mumbled, "Thank you?" Rolling her sky blue eyes, Gidget patted the old hawk on the shoulder as she stated, "Just make a wish and blow out your candles before Chloe gets upset." Nearby, the gray tabby cat was staring at the cake hungrily. Thinking for a moment about a wish, Tiberius lowered his head and blew out the candles with ease. Her tail wagging, Gidget smiled happily.

"Can you tell us how old you are now?" Buddy asked while the cake was getting cut up and eaten. Tiberius shook his head and pointed out, "No one is going to find out how old I am and that's final." Norman opened his mouth to say something but the hawk covered it as he added on, "No one."

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