Chapter 18

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"Surprise," Gidget spoke softly, pointing the camera at Tiberius. Slowly turning his head towards the fluffy white Pomeranian filming him, the old red tailed hawk remarked, "Well, now I know why none of you bothered to bring out any presents. You were keeping them here." Looking the Pomeranian in the eye, he muttered, "Or are you the only one who got something?"

"Actually, this was from everyone," Gidget replied, smiling. Nudging Tiberius towards the gift, she added, "Will you just shut your beak and open it already? We all worked hard on making this for you." Rolling his light brown eyes, Tiberius murmured, "Alright, I get it." Approaching the present that was meant for him, he glanced over at Gidget suspiciously. Holding the camera up so it was pointed at the old hawk, the fluffy white Pomeranian motioned for him to open it. Sighing heavily, the red tail gently tugged the ribbon off, untying it with ease. Using his sharpest talon, he sliced a clean cut in the wrapping paper. Watching as her friend ripped open the present, Gidget's tail wagged happily when she saw the look of shock on his face.

Shaking himself slightly, Tiberius looked over at Gidget and mumbled, "You guys got me a blanket?" Nodding her head, the Pomeranian set the camera down as she responded, "And that's not even the best part." Padding over, she helped the hawk unfold the once white blanket to reveal a side that wasn't so white anymore. Paw prints in colors of red, blue, pink, green, orange and purple decorated it, hinting the entire gang had dipped their paws in paint and walked across it. It was fairly easy to tell who was who. The wheels of Pops' wheelchair left two blue lines running alongside Sweetpea's green footprints. Norman's, Duke's and Buddy's were in purple while Snowball's, Max's and Mel's were in orange. Chloe and Ozone had done red while Leonard and Gidget were in pink. In black paint in the one corner of the blanket was written 'To one of our greatest friends, thank you for being our pal'.

Glancing over at Tiberius, Gidget was a little surprised to see tears brimming in his eyes. Tears of joy. Returning the Pomeranian's gaze, the hawk whispered, "You all did this... for me?" Nodding her head, the small dog replied, "Like I said, that's what friends do." A split second after she had said those words, Gidget got one of the biggest surprises in her entire life when Tiberius hugged her. "Thank you..." the old hawk mumbled softly. Smiling quietly as she wrapped her paws around him, Gidget replied back kindly, "You're welcome. Happy birthday Tiberius." Breaking the embrace, she went on, "Goodnight."

"Night," Tiberius responded, a small smile on his face. Picking up the blanket, he carried it into his shed and placed it down in the corner where he always slept. Gidget watched silently as the old hawk curled up on it. He fell asleep in seconds with a purr rumbling in his throat. Happy that she had accomplished what she had set out to do, the Pomeranian picked up the camera and headed off to her apartment for the night, leaving the red tailed hawk to his dreams.

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