Chapter 6

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"There you are! We were afraid you got eaten!" Mel exclaimed as Gidget entered through the front door of Max and Duke's apartment. Whipping his head to the left to glare at the pug, Buddy whacked his best friend on the back of the head. This was followed by Sweetpea, Chloe and Snowball doing the same thing. Chloe did it three times. "Maybe you should learn how to keep your mouth shut before you say something you're gonna regret and we have to grab duct tape," Pops murmured. At the same time, Ozone held up a roll threateningly. Sighing heavily, Max turned to his girlfriend and asked, "Is he okay?" Gidget nodded her head. Seeing the sad look on her face, the terrier asked, "What's wrong?" Looking over at her boyfriend, Gidget mumbled, "I just learned that Tiberius never celebrated his birthday."

Everyone gasped.

"What do you mean he never celebrated it?! It's one of the most important days of the year!" Buddy exclaimed. Nodding his head, Mel added, "Other than the holidays." Sweetpea chirped in agreement.

"Someone had a pleasant childhood, didn't they?" Ozone grumbled, propping his head up with one paw under his chin. Standing nearby, Norman remained silent as he glanced away, trying to find something else to look at.

Sitting beside Max, Gidget mumbled quietly, "I don't want to say that he didn't care but it seems like that's the case." Nuzzling his girlfriend on the cheek, Max whispered, "He might just have a different opinion on the whole subject than what we have."

"Or he could be a fun sucker who sucks the fun out of everything," Chloe grumbled. Leonard threw a sock at her.

"Youngsters, you got to keep in mind that Eagle Eye's older than most of us, except for me of course. Hairless is one step closer to joining the elderly class," Pops piped up, receiving a glare from Ozone as he added, "And he probably hasn't had much social interaction with others until he met us. He's probably used to this sort of thing where he wants to be left alone."

"That does make sense. He's always trying to find some excuse to get out of Snowball's crazy ideas," Duke agreed before getting a punch to the shoulder by Snowball.

"Look, it's his opinion. If he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday, then he doesn't have to celebrate his birthday," Chloe pointed out. Another sock was thrown at her but this time from Mel. Buddy high fived his pal while Sweetpea patted him on the back. Meanwhile, Gidget's head was spinning from her thoughts. Leaning a little ways forward, Max looked the fluffy white Pomeranian in the eye as he remarked, "I know that look. What are you thinking Gidget?"

"I think," Gidget spoke, raising her voice slightly so everyone in the room could hear her, "That we should throw Tiberius a surprise birthday party."

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