Chapter 8

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"Okay, so what we need is a place for the celebration to take place, a cake, presents and decorations. Oh and games. Am I missing anything?" Snowball asked the next day. The gang was currently in Max and Duke's apartment, the place where they usually were when they were holding meetings. Gathered around the coffee table so everyone could see each other and the piece of paper laid out beside a pencil, they were trying to draw up some ideas from their brains.

Scratching his head, Duke mumbled, "Maybe we can have the party here?" Shaking his head, Max murmured, "That's not gonna work. He might suspect something."

"My place?" Pops asked.

"How bout Central Park?" Mel and Buddy said at the exact same time.

"Is there a way to get over to the Statue of Liberty?" Norman squeaked.

"We should also keep in mind that his birthday is tomorrow. We're not gonna have time for something huge and extravagant," Chloe reminded everyone, casting a sympathetic glance towards Gidget. The fluffy white Pomeranian saw it. She guessed that everyone expected she was going to go all out. But knowing her best friend, Gidget had suspected that Tiberius would probably want something a little more simple. Then again, he also never celebrated his birthday and most likely didn't want to celebrate it. Thinking for a moment, she piped up, "It should be in my apartment. He's not going to suspect as much as he would with the other places."

"Myron and I can make the cake. If anyone wants to help, feel free," Pops volunteered. Norman, Mel and Buddy raised their paws in the air.

"I believe we still have some decorations from your birthday Snowball," Max pointed out, glancing over at Duke for confirmation on that part. Holding up the plastic bag beside him, the large mutt emarked, "We have streamers for days."

"I know for a fact the old bird loves the game Hide n Seek. He holds the title of Best Hider," Ozone remarked, flicking his ear. Looking down at the hairless cat beside him, Leonard added on to that, "Because we thought he was missing and it took us two whole months to find him!"

"Yeah, I remember that. I wasn't happy about it either," Tiberius's voice caused everyone to jump with fright. Duke quickly hid the decorations bag under the couch while he also shoved the piece of paper in his mouth. The gang turned around to find the old hawk perched on the windowsill. Glancing around at everyone, he muttered, "Holding a meeting without me? Why am I not surprised?"

"How long were you there?" Buddy asked, his voice cracking. Sighing, Tiberius answered, "I just got here in time to hear what Leonard said. You guys planning on having another game of Hide n Seek or something?" Breathing a sigh of relief when they all realized that the hawk hadn't a clue of what they were doing, the gang glanced at each other. They began pointing and whispering to each other for someone to say something. At last, Gidget replied, "We're just... uh... talking."

"Talking? About what?" Tiberius questioned.

"Random things."

"What kind of random things?"

"Dude, did you ever think about becoming a detective or something?" Mel asked.

"Look, I have an idea," Snowball declared. Hopping over towards Tiberius and placing a paw on his shoulder, the rabbit suggested, "How bout you go off and do whatever it is you usually do? You know, like a... take a day off sort of thing." Glancing down at the paw on his shoulder, the old hawk brushed it off with his wing as he muttered, "Like criticizing you guys' stupidity?"

"Wow, drive that dagger through my heart a little more, see what happens," Snowball mumbled, placing his paw over his heart while his eyes grew round. Meanwhile, Ozone exclaimed, "Ever heard of feelings and such?!" Leonard quickly grabbed the cat before Tiberius could. Stepping forward, Gidget explained, "We are just trying to tell you to go enjoy the day or something. Go fly around the city, go hunt, whatever else you like doing. Okay?"

"You guys sound like you're trying to get rid of me. Rude, by the way," Tiberius grumbled. Rolling his eyes, he glanced away from the gang, who were all afraid that they wouldn't be able to complete their planning. Right before someone could grab a frying pan to use as a bat though, they all heard a weird purring sound. Glancing over at Tiberius, they saw his eyes were focused on something outside, which happened to be a pigeon. A second later, the hawk was out the window and going after it.

"That pigeon needs a medal!" Pops declared. Looking over at the elderly basset hound, Chloe grumbled, "That pigeon is about to be eaten alive."

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