Chapter 9

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Everything had been planned down to the last detail about an hour later. At least, everything but the present. The gang had agreed that, due to not having much time to go around and searching for stuff individually, they all had to get Tiberius one gift sent by all of them. But no one knew what to get him. Many had suggested a scarf but it was currently summer and the hawk already gotten one back in December for Christmas. And nobody was going to catch some poor innocent creature to be eaten.

Pacing around in her apartment, Gidget sighed softly. It was no where close for any of them to head home to greet their owners but the pets had headed off to get ready for tomorrow. The fluffy white Pomeranian went home to figure out where everything was going to go for the party that would be held at noon tomorrow. Having had mapped out everything on a piece of paper ten minutes ago, she was now completely bored. Sighing, she hopped up on the couch and was about to turn on the TV to watch her favorite show when she spotted something up on one of the shelves. It appeared to be a folded white blanket.

Padding over to the shelf after pushing a chair towards it, Gidget climbed up on it and jumped as high as she could towards the top of the shelf where the old blanket was. Grabbing it, she pulled it off and fell towards the ground, landing gracefully on her feet. Shaking herself, the fluffy white Pomeranian sniffed the blanket. She recognized it as one that her owners didn't use much anymore. It had been sitting up there for months now, almost a year and a half now. Placing a paw on it, she was marveled by how soft it was. Wagging her tail, she laid down on it.

Staring up at the ceiling, Gidget recalled how Tiberius had been sleeping on the bones of his shed. He had seemed so uncomfortable on them. She also knew that, back in the winter, it was freezing cold up on the rooftop. The shed, though it was shelter, didn't provide much protection with holes in the walls and no wooden boards covering the front half of it. While everyone had been cozy and warm inside of their apartments, the old red tailed hawk had been freezing his tail feathers off. Even Ozone, who would practically get frostbite the moment he stepped outside, had taken refuge inside a crazy old cat lady's apartment where he spent the winter staying warm and getting free meals. Glancing down at the blanket she was on with a sigh, Gidget suddenly got a bright idea. Rushing over to the window, she called for Max.

Sticking his head out the window, Max was about to say something when Gidget barked, "Tell everyone to come over to my apartment! And make sure that Mel and Buddy bring over some art supplies!"

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