Chapter 4

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The girl closed her eyes tightly waiting to feel the impact of falling on the hard floor.Natsu looked at the girl in his arms.Her blonde hair covered half of her face.She opened her eyes and brown eyes met with black charcoal onyx eyes.Natsu had never seen such beautiful brown eyes they shined with innocence.He felt like melting while watching her eyes.

He helped her to stand on her feet and took his arm from her waist,"Uh...I'm sorry.I didn't watch where I was going" "It's okay it's my mistake too.I didn't watch where I was going to" When he heared her voice he felt he was hearing some music.This feeling felt foreign to him.He shrugged it off thinking it was because of something he ate.

They both heared a creak,they turned to see the shelf was shaking and was falling on them.Before the girl could think of running,Natsu pulled her to his chest,turned back so that he could protected her from the impact of the shelf.The shelf fell on Natsu spilling all the clothes on them.Natsu couldn't hold the weight,he lost his balance and fell on to the floor.

The girl closed her eyes to feel the hit on her head which never came instead she felt a warm hand at the back of her head protecting her head from the impact.She opened her eyes to see the boy who saved her closed his eyes in concentration not to let his weight fall on her.

They heared the voices of people coming trying to lift the shelf up.After few tries they both were free.They thanked everyone who helped them and turned to each other.When Natsu opened his mouth to talk,"Looks like you both met eachother" They both turned to see a blue haired girl wearing pigtails and a boy with black hair looking at them"Wendy?" Natsu and the girl was confused.They both thought How did she/he know Wendy?

Wendy and Romeo went near them."Natsu-ni this is my music teacher teacher Lucy Heartifilia-san" then Wendy turned to Lucy,"Lucy-san this is my army brother Natsu whom I told you about"

Natsu and Lucy looked at each other and shook hands"Nice to meet you.Wendy spoke a lot about you" Lucy smiled and took her hands back."The pleasure is all mine.I was hoping to meet you but not under such circumstances" Natsu scratched his head and laughed making Lucy to smile at him.

Wendy and Romeo shot each other knowing looks while looking at Natsu and Lucy."Hi Natsu-san I'm Romeo conbolt Lucy's brother" Lucy looked at Natsu's confused face and explained him"He's not my own brother he's a distinctive cousin of mine but I love him as my own brother" Lucy replied while looking at Romeo.Romeo hugged Lucy while Natsu and Wendy smiled at them.

Lucy smiled at Natsu,suddenly she hugged Natsu by his waist and hid her face in his chest.Natsu was shocked by her sudden action.Wendy and Romeo shot amused look at each other.

Natsu was shocked and looked at Lucy,"Uh..." Lucy hugged him tight,"Hush....don't speak and stay still" Natsu raised his eyebrows in suspiciously,"There's a guy,his name is Dan.He's my friend's friend" "Okay why are you hiding from him?" "That beca-"

Wendy intruppted Lucy,"Oh I know him.He always used to come to us and ask about Lucy-san and what she's doing and like that.One or two times he even asked her number but I managed to escape him"

"Ohhh so you have a fan huh?" Natsu smirked at Lucy.Lucy mumbled,"Fan duh...I'll prefer the term stalker" Natsu chuckled at her.

Lucy peeked to see Dan looking in her way she squeaked and hid her face in Natsu's chest.Natsu felt his cheeks burn.Wendy giggled looking at her brother blushing which she had never seen her brother doing.

After making sure that Dan went away,Lucy sighed and looked up just then she realised that she was hugging Natsu that to tightly.She blushed and stepped back mumbling out sorry.Natsu chuckled at her reaction but did not say anything.

"Okay if you guys done staring at each other can we go and eat.I'm starving",Romeo said smirking at both adults.They blushed and said,"No we were not staring at eachother" "Oh talking at the same time I see" Wendy said giggling along with Romeo."Aww...Come on Wendy not you too" Lucy pouted at her.Natsu looked away thinking Oh...She's cute...No I mean what she did was cute well that makes her cute right??Urgh...What's wrong with my mind?

Natsu was cut of his thoughts by someone shaking his arm,he turned to see brown eyes staring at him expectingly "Come on...Wendy and Romeo already left."Natsu nodded and followed Lucy out of the store.


"So what do you guys want?" Natsu asked everyone after seating down in foodcourt."A veg macaroni burger" Wendy replied."Make it double please" Romeo said."I'll have cheese salad with fries" Lucy replied.Natsu looked at her,"I taught girls were conscious about the food they eat"

"Yep we are but that should not make us to stop eating what we like.I hate that kind of girls who only eat vegetables to make them look thin and good"Lucy shrugged."Yep Lucy eats all kinds of eatables"Wendy giggled hearing what Romeo said.

Lucy slapped Romeo on his head,"Hey!Should I talk about your eating habits" narrowed her eyes at her brother.Romeo grabbed Lucy's hand and laughed nervously,"You wouldn't do that to me my sweet sister" "Oh try me" Lucy smirked at him.Natsu chuckled at them.

While eating they talked about whatever came to their mind.They laughed,enjoyed and had best time of their life.Later Natsu insisted that he'll drop off everyone at respective places.Wendy and Romeo sat at the back whereas Lucy sat near Natsu in passenger's seat. First stop was Cat shelter dorm,Wendy got down and Romeo followed her"Romeo I think my sister knows how to reach her room" Natsu said in a teasing voice.Romeo and Wendy blushed while Lucy laughed."No Natsu-san...its not like that.I stay in dorm too" "Huh?" Natsu looked at him confused.

Romeo and Wendy waved at them and went inside the dorm.Natsu looked at Lucy for explanation.Lucy sighed,"You see I want him to have normal life.I work two jobs in a row.I can't be with him throughout the day so if he stays in dorm at least he'll be surrounded by friends and won't feel lonely" Natsu nodded his head."Okay wait...two jobs?" Lucy looked away from gazing at the stars to him"Oh yeah I didn't tell you that?I work as a waitress in a cafe named "Celeste cafe" it's a part time job.Sometimes I even have night shift"
went back to gaze at stars.

Natsu glanced at her in the corner of his eyes to see ger gazing at the stars longingly from the window.He opened his mouth to ask why but quickly decided against it.

After reaching her apartment Natsu looked at her,"Oh you're only two streets away from my apartment" "Really?That's great" They smiled at each other.Lucy got down from the car and thanked him.Natsu smiled at her and waved it off saying it's okay and he had a great time to which she smiled,"Me too...It was really great meeting you Natsu" Natsu smiled at her and drove away from there.Lucy watched his car disappearing into the dark road.She smiled to herself and went inside.

Later they both layed awake in their bed thinking What a great day...


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