Chapter 5

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Let me tell you this is a long chapter...So here you go...I hope you will enjoy...


After few weeks~

I woke up hearing my annoying ringtone.Who calls at this time...If it's again that prank call I'll break this phone ah which I won't probably because I'm kinda low on money.

"What do you want?" "Whoa chill Luce what did I make you this angry" My eyes widened after hearing the voice "Sorry Natsu it's just that- " "I woke you up from your sleep isn't it?" I chuckled He's knows me well

"Yep now tell me why you called me this early" I heard laughing at the other end,"Luce You should check your eyes you know" "I have good eyes stupid" "That's not what I meant it's like 8:15 am and you're still sleeping" I looked at my wallclock to see he was right.

"AHHHH! I'M LATE!" I screamed into the phone,"Ahhh...Luce I think you bursted my eardrums" "Shut up Natsu...What would people think of me I'm a teacher and I'm late what I'm gonna do....Ohh..." I sighed,"Hehe...Guess I overslept.I'm already late for work so probably I'll take leave today" "Sweet...that makes things easier" I rose my eyebrows"Huh?" "Luce meet me at our regular meeting place at 10.I need you're help with something"

"Okay?but with what?" "I'll tell you when we meet up" "Okay" "Okay Luce see ya,get ready soon and don't doze off again" "I won't" I hanged up hearing him chuckle at the end.

I shook my head and got out of bed to get ready.I went inside bathroom and stripped out of my night dress.I turned on the shower and let the water flow down my hair and body.I squeezed some shampoo and washed my hair.My mind went back to what Natsu said.What help he it important or what?Maybe...Within this few weeks we both grew close.

After taking bath,I wrapped towel around my body and stepped out of the shower.I stood in front of my closet debating with myself to choose which dress to wear.At last I decided to wear a pink dress.

I clipped my bangs at the side and curled at the end and let the remaining flow freely in air.I applied some strawberry lipstick and made some kissy face at the mirror.I laughed,picked my phone and took some selfies.I noticed that I'm going to be late.I grabbed my phone took keys to lock up the apartment.I started walking towards cafe.

~Natsu's POV~

After hanging up phone,I also decided to get ready.I'm really glad I met Lucy she's an amazing girl I should say she's kind to people who doesn't even care about her.

Later,after getting out of shower,I grabbed a new set of clothes and changed into it.

Then I made my spiky salmon hair into its usual style and decided to head out.

I reached the cafe and sat down at the usual table.I looked at my watch to see I was 5 minutes early.I took my phone and looked at through new feed.

"Hey Natsu" I looked up,"Hiya Luce" "Sorry was I late?When did you come here?" I waved off her apology,"It's ok Luce no issues I just arrived here before 5 minutes" She nodded and sat in the opposite seat.

"So my regular customers are you ready to order?" We both looked up to see Keni looking at us.Keni is the one who attends us when we come here.Eventually she became our friend.We both nodded.Lucy opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Keni,"I know...I know... the usual" She rolled her eyes and left without giving any chance to speak up.Me and Lucy looked at each other and laughed,"She's...something" "Yeah"

Five minutes later our order arrived Vegetable cheese burger with strawberry milkshake for Lucy;Spicy chicken for me."So what help do you want Natsu?" "Yeah about that,"I finished my chicken,"I need your help with choosing gift for Wendy's birthday" "Yeah...Maybe I would find a gift for her too" "So let's go now?" Lucy nodded and we left the place but not without waving Keni and giving her tip.

~3 hours Later~
still Natsu's POV

Finally we bought gifts for Wendy.Right now me and Lucy were standing in front of Wendy's school to pick up Wendy and Romeo.I was leaning against my car while Lucy stood next to me.We were making sure that all plan were set.

Since Wendy's birthday is tomorrow we planned suprise party for her.I took care of all the arrangements while Lucy took care of inviting people since I don't know anyone here.


The bell rang signaling that the school is over.Students came outside chatting,playing with each other.I saw Wendy and Romeo coming outside the gate with two other girls.Lucy shouted,"Wendy!Romeo!Over here" waved her hands at them.

They both waved at others and came to us."Lucy-san why didn't you come to school today" Wendy asked."I woke up late honey so I decided to take leave" Lucy said smiling sheepishly.I laughed at her making her to glare at me.I lifted my hands in surrender and said"Okay come on let's go.It's already late" Lucy nodded at me while Wendy and Romeo looked at us confused.

"We're going to hang out" Lucy said.I started the car and everyone got inside.I drove towards Lucy's apartment.Lucy stepped out and opened her apartment.We went inside and dropped all the bags on the couch.

"Hey what's all this bag Natsu-ni?" Wendy asked while she and Romeo searched inside the bags.I and Lucy looked at eachother and nodded."Wendy come here" I called to her.I kneeled near her,"Wendy I know I missed three of your birthdays and I'm sorry for that.And I want to make this birthday special for you.So here you go" I bought a packed box from behind.

Wendy's eye twinkled,"Natsu-ni you shouldn't be sorry.I know under what you behaved like that so it's okay.And about this gift you really don't have to get me anything bro" I shook my head,"Wendy as your brother it's my duty to keep you happy and celebrate your birthdays.Now stop and get this present" She got the gift and opened it."Wow Natsu-ni thank you so much" She jumped onto my arms and hugged me tight "So you like it?" "Bro I love it I wanted this bag forever when I first saw it in the shop" I breathed out in relief"Glad you liked it" hugged her back.

(Natsu's gift👇)

"Wendy here's my gift" Lucy gave her gift to Wendy."Lucy-san you don't have to get me anything" Lucy smiled at her"Wendy you're like my sister and of course I'll get my sister a present for her birthday" Wendy laughed and opened her gift.

"Wow Lucy-san it's beautiful"said while touching the dress."Thank you so much.I love it" Wendy gave Lucy a hug.

Next came Romeo"I don't know if you will like this but here's what I can give" gave Wendy a box neatly wrapped in golden paper.Wendy blushed and got it from him.She opened the box to see a beautiful pendant."It's beautiful.T-Thank you Romeo-kun" Romeo blushed in return.

(Romeo's gift👇)

I walked outside with Lucy accompanying me."Okay I'll pick you guys at 11"Lucy nodded and I drove off to my apartment to get ready.


Next chapter party time~

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