Chapter 6

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Hello dear friends and minna.I hope you all are enjoying this story.This part will be longer.

Now time to party~




I parked my car and got out.I knocked Lucy's door and waited for someone to open up.I heared the click of the door opening.There stood my little sister standing wearing the galaxy dress which Lucy gifted her.

"Wow Wendy you look beautiful" I complimented her and gave her a quick hug.Wendy giggled at me and cleared the way so I could enter.

I entered the hall to see Romeo fixing his hair in the hall mirror.After seeing me,"Hi Natsu-san" he greeted me.I fist bumped him and asked,"Okay looks like you guys are ready but where's Lucy?" "I'm here...I'm here...Sorry I'm late so can we go now?" Lucy ran down the stairs and picked her purse from the table.

I guess she realised that I didn't reply because she turned to look at me with raised eyebrows.I saw Wendy and Romeo in the corner of my eyes giggling and went outside saying,"We'll be waiting outside" "Don't come late" Romeo said smirking.But I waved it all off since I could only look at the beauty in front of me.That pink dress she wore complemented her looks and her hair.

"L-Lucy y-you l-l-look pretty" I blurted out the thing which ran in my mind since I looked at her.I could see blush coating her cheeks or was it my imagination? "You l-look p-pretty n-nice too" I felt warm at her words.

We stood there looking at eachother.We snapped out of it by Wendy shouting that it was time.I checked my watch to see 11:30pm

"Let's go" I opened the door for Lucy she smiled at me in return.I scratched my head,smiled and followed her.

Natsu's dress

Lucy's dress


After reaching the place,We parked the car and got out.Lucy tied a cloth around Wendy's eyes so she wouldn't see the suprise we planned for her.

I opened the door for them.Romeo guided Wendy inside.I and Lucy walked inside together."Do you think she'll like this?" I whispered."Natsu you have done all this hardwork for her...I'm sure she'll love this" She squeezed my hand in assurance.I squeezed it back and thanked her.

After entering the hall,Romeo removed the cloth from Wendy's eyes,"HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDY!!"Wendy's classmates and her friends shouted Wendy smiled at them"Whoa!!Amazing...Thank you everyone"

Wendy turned and hugged me tightly mumbling,"Thank you...Thank you's beautiful...I love it" I hugged her back and told her that it was done with Lucy's and Romeo's help.She released me and hugged Lucy saying thank you.Lucy smiled at her and said that she was happy  to do anything for her.

After that wendy cutted the cake and gave it everyone.Then later everyone started dancing to the music.I stood near juice stand and looked at Wendy who was laughing and dancing along with her friends.Good...she's enjoying...I shouldn't have ignored her at that time...she was hurting as much as I was...How can I be that stupid atleast Lucy was with her at that time...I looked at Lucy who was talking to one of the teachers.

Ah!! I should thank her for everything she's done.She's really been a support for Wendy...Such a good friend...I guess she saw me looking at her because she said something to her friend and walked towards me.

"You okay Natsu?" I smiled at her and nodded.She didn't believe me so I assured her it was nothing.She hesitated but let it slide for now.

A slow song came up and people started pairing up and moved to the dance floor.I looked at Lucy,"Can I have this dance?" Her cheeks went pink but took my hand.I led her to the dance floor,took her left hand and grabbed her waist with my right hand.We swayed to the music.

I don't know why though it feels good to dance with her.I looked at her chocolate brown eyes which looked amazing.I noticed that she was also looking at me.We locked eyes and danced.I felt as if this was the happiest movement of my life.


After all the partying we came back at 2:30pm.Since it was late Lucy decided to crash at my place.Wendy and Romeo went along with their friends to their dorms.

I changed into comfortable grey t-shirt and kaki pant.Lucy went to refresh.I took extra blanket from the cupboard and started making bed on the couch.

I heard the sound of door opening and light footstep sounds."Okay I'll crash on the couch.You take the-,"While I turned my word stuck in my throat" b-b-bed"My face warmed up seeing Lucy dressed in my shirt.My blue shirt was too big for her,it reached till her thighs.Let me just say she looked so adorable and also so hot.

No Natsu...NO....don't go there....but she looks so deli- SHUT UP BRAIN!!

She looked as if she was drowned in my shirt which kinda gave me a happy feeling.Her hair was still damp from shower and covered her face.Her brown eyes filled with innocence looked at me shyly.

"C-can I...I...borrow t-this...I don't have anything to wear and it will be uncomfortable to sleep in a dress so that's why I took your shirt which was hanging s-sorry to use it without asking if it's not okay with you m-maybe I can s-sleep in my dress it--"

"NO!!" I cut off her rambling by shouting.I cleared my throat and spoke again normally"U-uh I m-mean you c-can u-use i-it" I could feel my face burn.

She blushed and looked at me.We both stood there blushing at eachother not knowing what to do.I decided to break this awkward silence by clearing my throat.

I asked her to sleep in my bed to which she constantly refused.Atlast finally she agreed and went inside my room."Good night Natsu" I think my heart did a double take when she looked at me and smiled sleepily.She went inside the room and closed the door.

"Good night Luce" I replied absentmindely.I switched off the lights and layed down on the couch.I started replaying what happened today.Wendy's birthday went just as I planned I should thank Lucy for that.

The party went awesome everyone loved it and enjoyed.The only thing I can't figure out is that why my heart races when Lucy looks at me with that cute smile.She became my best friend within this few weeks.

I sighed and placed my arms over my eyes.Her face looks like a semi-heart face.A body to die for and her legs which goes on for days.Her blond hair which reaches till her waist shines brighter than any light. Her cute little button nose. The way she smiles making me feel like the most happiest person on earth.The line which shows around her chocolate brown eyes when she smiles is the cutest.When she's embrassed or shy the blush would spread across her cheek till her neck.Her pink plum lips so kissable which I want to grab it with my lips and do-

I sat upright in the couch breathing heavily.Oh God did I just think like that about Lucy.I walked towards the kitchen trying to collect my jumpled up mind.I poured myself a glass of cold water and gluped it down.

I sighed and went back towards the living room.I glanced towards my room where Lucy was sleeping.I don't know what happened but the next minute I foung myself walking towards the room.I gently opened it and peeked inside.

I tiptoed inside my room.The room was pitch black only allowing the moon light to come inside through the window.I sucked my breath in after looking at the scene before me.The moonlight fell on Lucy and  bounced off her skin giving her a shining glow.

I closed the door and fell on the cough groaning.Aww...Man...I can't deny it any longer.I can't believe I have a crush on her.Crush on my sister's teacher.My best friend-Lucy.As I discovered this I don't know what will the next day bring in for us.Does she have a crush on me too? My eyes widened So what if she does...what will I do...Should I tell her...Ugh...I can't believe I'm behaving like a teenager...I don't know what will happen tomorrow.Maybe this will be new I smirked at my end thought and closed my eyes.Finally the tired day took toll on me and I drifted off to sleep.


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