Episode eight: Monster (Part Three)

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Starting off with Sho walking off as then normally the extermination squad for 4C but they didn't due to the fact that a blind guy pretty much killed Amazons so if they think they can kill him they'll be mistaken then Takeshi went up to the two Amazons: Tsubasa and Houma

Takashi: "Well then we should get you two back."

Tsubasa: "Huh? Why though?"

Takashi: "Well first off it was order from the director and second neither of you two are able to fight."

Tsubasa: "Fine." Then they all went to 4C


As the extermination squad of 4C made their way Tsubasa was greeted by Yugo

Yugo: "Ah Mr.Itō or should I say Mr.Kozuma."

Tsubasa: "What?"

Yugo: "You see we had someone to record on this and we found out that you were related to Sho Kozuma and that his child is you."

Tsubasa: "Yeah and so what of it?"

Yugo: "Also you are a special type of Amazon. You see there is an Amazon who created all of this which are known as origin. You happened to be one."

Tsubasa: "WHAT?!"

Yugo: "Well then you should have told the truth."

Tsubasa: "I did not knew about him!"

Yugo: "And yet you might have some other secrets." Then Shougo went up to Tsubasa

Shougo: "Now you should know about a few things. One remember when we used those HP on you? Well then you should know that Houma can't feel pain but we'll just kill her when she's not of use." Then Tsubasa was dragged of by guards who were standing there as they dragged him to where the others were


Kazuya, Harmamo, and the extermination squad of Nozama were locating the source of the creation of the amazons but unbeknownst to them Mizuki and Kota were spying them in a van as they kept following them

Back with 4C

while the other of the extermination squad they notice a odd box coming down which was surrounded in a cage which then Tsubasa appears with the guards making sure he doesn't escape as then the cage was opened as then the guards unscrew the box which had a chair to restrain Tsubasa as then he walked up to Houma who she was staring at a wall

Tsubasa: "Houma this the last time I get to see you so...anything you want to say to me?" She didn't reply as then the guards drags him in the cube as they restrain him onto the chair as they seal the box and screw up the box

Tsubasa's thought: "Houma...please know that we only knew each other but I feel like we known each other for years..." This was then he placed his hands on the glass that was seen as then suddenly purple veins appear on his arms as then the lift stops as then the box was quiet as it breaks as then purple unknown things looking like tentacles appeared as then suddenly everyone in the room were freaked the fuck out as then the guards were scared as hell so they try to run but when the exit was blocked they shot the purple things which was a bad idea because they got cut up like minced meat

Takashi: "Shit! Everyone get down!" This was when he got down and then Shogo got down as another guard was killed as he was firing the trigger which then a bullet was shot at Ichiro as the only one who was not giving a shit was Houma "HOUMA! KILL TSUBASA!"

Houma: "Tsubasa is not who we hunt." Then suddenly Shougo was being carried up as the alarm activated as the guards were running but no matter what they were getting killed off as then Shougo was face to face with a monster that was so dangerous it would be something in hell wouldn't accept it

Shougo: "What the hell?!" Then he pulled out his phone as then the smoke cleared up to see Tsubasa as he then took a photo

Then Tsubasa then dealt damage to him and by damage it's his body cut in half as Yugo appears as he sees it all as then Tsubasa uses his tendrils to wrap his body and then crushes his bones which didn't killed him because he was let down when Takashi came in the room as he throws a frag grenade at him which caused him to let go of Yugo and in the process scratching Houma as then his rampage was over when he put down Yugo when he had him in his hand as he reverted to his normal form as he saw what happened

Tsubasa: He started panicking "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He then smashes his armlet while running away

Takashi: "Dam it!" Then he called for some back up

Shougo: He send the picture to someone as he got a call back "Yeah...this is it...the origin Tsubasa...i'll be leaving my position..." Then he died as his arm drop to the ground and the person he was talking to on the other line was Reika

Back with the Nozama extermination squad and the two Amazons

They were at a abandoned building as they entered in

Shido: "You guys can come out there's no point of hiding." Then Mizuki and Kota reveals themselves

Kazuya: "So you guys are after the origin as well?" They nodded "Alright then." Then that was when Kazuya slowly opens the door and he saw something he couldn't tell what it was because it was invisible as then tendrils shot out "EVERYONE LOOK OUT!" Then the tendrils were launched as then everyone took cover but Takai took a scratch but Shido got the worst as he got stabbed in the stomach as then the extermination squad went to take care of his wounds but that was when the unknown creature disappear as the Mamoru and a few other of the Amazons were on the roof

Mamoru: "Hello."

Kazuya: "Mamoru!"

Mamoru: "I should have known you would kill the origin. At first we thought of you as a leader but now you're nothing more than a coward. 5 years and yet you haven't changed a bit."

Harmamo: "Mamoru...you son of a bitch. We are only in it for the origin not for you so leave now before things get ugly." Then suddenly the Amazons that were with Mamoru transforms as they surrounded the two "Really 7 versus 2. That's unfair...but then again who cares." Then the two pulled out their new drivers and puts it on

Then they grab their injectors as they insert it onto the driver and pulls it up a bit and then the two press the button on the injector

New Omega!

New Zeta!

Kazuya and Harmamo: "Amazon." Then the two transforms."

Kazuya: "Boosted gear." Then his sacred gear was summoned


Then the two started to fight which was rather easy as their blades were given some sharp edges as they kept striking them over and over again and that was when Mizuki saw this unknown beast as she pulls out a gun which has enough pressure which is powerful enough to kill an Amazon with one shot as then she inserts the round onto the gun as she points her gun at the figure and that was when Mamoru was blocking the aim but that was when the remaining amazons stops him from blocking as they pushed him away as Mizuki fired the gun and that was when the three exploded when they got shot as then Mamoru left

Kazuya: "Quick we should get Shido help!"


At 4C there were soldiers carrying the corpse of others as Houma was still looking at the wall and that was when Takashi puts his shoulder as he then made her face him


Houma: "...Understood."


Tsubasa was crying while driving on his motorcycle as he couldn't even take up with the amount of people he killed but he stopped as he was angry and he was going to see someone that took care of him for 2 years


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