Episode seven: Monster (Part two)

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Starting off with Sho who was screaming in pain as he kept yelling Tsubasa's name as Kazuya and Harmamo watches him

Harmamo: "Hey let's get going he's down enough."

Kazuya: "Yeah..." Then the two walked away as Sho kept screaming in pain


A year later

At that time

Tsubasa and Tsubaki were walking around Tsubasa was one year old however Tsubasa looks like a four year old and yet he was able to speak his first word which was saying mom because well who else is the one who took care of him. Anyways Tsubaki and Tsubasa were at a park and where she tosses the ball to him and he tosses it back to her to which Tsubaki was happy seeing her son acting more of a healthy child though she still knows that he's an Amazon but as well as a devil at the time 4C was around and then Tsubasa looked at a family which was a father, mother, and a daughter who was Houma as she was going to see Hajime as it was his birthday

Tsubasa: "Mom..."

Tsubaki: "Yeah sweetie." Then he went up to her hugging her

Tsubasa: "Mom do I have a father?"

Tsubaki: "Yes you do but let's just say mommy and daddy didn't get along and we had to leave each other."

Tsubasa: "Do you know what was he like?"

Tsubaki: "..." She didn't replied "Look let's just go back home i'll tell you when you get older."

Tsubasa: "O-ok."


Kazuya was writing a letter as then Harmamo was noticing he's writing a letter and then takes it

Kazuya: "Hey give it back."

Harmamo: "Who are writing it to?" Then he reads it out loud "Dear Irina, Please note that I-"

Kazuya: He took it back "Stop reading it!" He groans

Harmamo: "Bro calm down it was just a joke."

Kazuya: "Yeah then tell me why do I get that you're lying?"

Harmamo: "Calm down isn't today Hajime's birthday?"

Kazuya: "Oh yeah I forgot I should go to his place and thank him for his help."

Harmamo: "Go ahead."


As he was walking his way to Hajime's house something wasn't right as a woman (Houma) was running away from something until that was when it was an Amazon that grabbed her and was eating her off as then Kazuya pulls out his driver and twist the left rod


Kazuya: "Amazon!" Then he runs as he twist the left rod


Then Kazuya goes at Hajime to which he kills him with quick speed as he then went up to Houma who was badly damage she was close to death

Houma: "..." She sees him as the last thing as she dies

Kazuya: "Dam it...this is getting worst."

Next day

Kazuya was at Hajime's lab where he looked at Tsubasa's DNA sample to find that the cells were evolving where not even Kazuya noticed what it was

Kazuya: "Dam it...it's evolving." Then he punches the wall "DAM IT DAM IT DAM IT DAM IT DAM IT DAM IT DAM IT!!!" He takes a breather "It's alright Kazuya take a deep breath." Then he took a deep breath "I should calm down god may be dead but science is still on hope."


Sho was blind his eyes were healed but he was blind. His other senses improved as he founded devils in his ways which he ripped their hearts out and didn't eat them because he want Amazon hearts as at the time he bumped into a particular person

???: "Hey watch where you going?"

Sho: "Huh?

Vali: "I said watch where you going you moron."

Sho: "Fuck off bitch." Then the man was about to punch Sho but he knew it would be a waste of his time as he walks off


Kazuya was still in the lab working on his class work for his college assignment which was going well until that was when suddenly a bright light appears and as Kazuya falls off the chair he was sitting on

Kazuya: "Ah!"

???: "Hello young one."

Kazuya: "You better tell us who you are before I go Amazon."

Micheal: "Calm down now I am Micheal leader of the angels."

Kazuya: "Ok so tell me why are you here? I have no correlations with any angels of yours."

Micheal: "Well technically you have."

Kazuya: "...Wait what?"

Micheal: "Come on you should know you used to date her a three years ago."

Kazuya: "What about Irina? And are you saying that she's an angel?"

Micheal: "Yep."

Kazuya: "Great what else did you want to talk about because not only am I trying to deal with someone but I also have my school life to deal with."

Micheal: "Well maybe try talking to the red dragon emperor."

Kazuya: "Ddraig explain now." Then Ddraig explained on the white dragon emperor "Ok then so basically i'm gonna fight not only another dragon but also Sho constantly?"

Ddraig: "Well then now you'll have to multitask with everything." Then he laughs

Kazuya: He groans "Let's see first I have to deal with Sho, now a dragon, this new Amazon cells, and with college?! THIS IS TERRIBLE!"

Micheal: "Well then at least let me apologize to you with something." Then suddenly a sword was summoned

Kazuya: "Umm why is a sword here?"

Micheal: "This is Ascalon pretty much this will help you with the White Dragon Emperor."

Ddraig: "Pretty much this sword is effective against dragons."

Kazuya: "Well then I guess it'll help me even though I won't even need to fight."

Micheal: "Well that's up to you. Oh and also Irina wanted me to give you this message. She said that she is worried about you and in 4 years she wants to see you again."

Kazuya: "Well then i'll have to keep that in mind." Then he put his hands on his head "More stuff to deal with."

Micheal: "Well that is all I have to talk about. And if any chance when your not busy please talk to me again sometime."

Kazuya: "Wait ho-" Then he already disappeared with a blink of an eye "w can I...? Well this sucks."

Ddraig: "That's the life you're now living with."

Kazuya: He sighs "I know."

Later at night

Sho was hunting for some Amazons and as he didn't notice he kept hearing the sound of footsteps

Vali: "Why are you here?"

Sho: "Mind your business bastard i'm just here to kill Amazons."

Vali: "So that's what those creatures were." Then he steps aside to show he already killed a couple

Sho: "Well then i'll just get to the straight i'm here to kill amazons nothing more nothing less but i'm not afraid to kill anyone else that gets in my way.

Vali: "So then if I were to attack you then you would try to kill me?" He laughs

Sho: "Not try. Will."

Vali: "Yeah and I doubt you can kill me."

Sho: "I don't give a shit i'll kill you one way or another you filthy creature."

Vali: "Well then I like to see you kill me then."

Sho: "Well then." Then he gets into his battle position and then he charges at him to where the person just dodges

Vali: "Wow you are just pathetic also you're just another beast." Then he kicks him aside

Sho: "Don't fucking compare me to these low life creatures!" Then he attacks as he uses the blade on his arm to strike the armor but it just barley made a scratch as he kept attacking and attacking as this just became boring for the person

Vali: He yawns "Is that all?"

Sho: "SHUT UP!!!" Then he twist the left rod

Violent slash!

Then he slices at the man which actually managed to break the chest of the armor

Vali: "Shit!" Then without any time to waste Sho ended his life by penetrating his heart with his fist as the man lays there dead

Sho: "You dam ugly bastard your arms..." Then he has flashback of his fight with Kazuya "It's similar but only red and green." Then suddenly he felt a bright light on his back as he grew wings

???: Well then I guess you're my new partner."

Sho: "What the hell?! Who are you?!"

Albion: "I am Albion and the person you just killed was named Vali Lucifer. Congrats on killing a devil human."

Sho: "Tch what do you want?"

Albion: "Well I am your partner but I have goal which is to end the red dragon emperor."

Sho: "Well then I guess we have our goal. I'm here to kill the Amazons including two-I mean three fucking creatures that should be dead...one especially that should see everything he cared burned into the fucking ground."

Albion: "Wow you are dark."

Sho: "And dam blind so this is embarrassing for the devil there."

Albion: "So now what?"

Sho: "Kill some dam Amazons and anyone who gets in my way."


As time pass on

Tsubasa was 2 years old or 8 years old physically he kept waking up to something on his mouth which he thought he might have been sleep eating food but Tsubaki kept nothing the weird pattern so she decided to figure what's going on only for her to leave her gagging as what she saw as Tsubasa transforming into an Amazon and saw that he was killing people and that was when one night where Tsubaki was holding him and that was when the doors were busted down to find it was 4C taking away Tsubasa from his own mother and then the rest follows. He hated 4C from separating him from his own family so one night he escaped and was running and running until he was just nowhere, he was nowhere and he just laid there thinking that he would die and this was when at the time Tsubaki felt so much despair she quit on finding her own son and just started walking around and disappeared and nobody heard from her.

Months later

It was raining and night where Tsubasa was in Kuoh. No one to gain help as Tsubasa was in at a abandoned building and as he felt like this was his last days as he barley ate anything since he arrived as he lays down on the cold floor and falls asleep

The next morning

Tsubasa wakes up in a nice looking room where outside the sun was shining and Tsubasa was confused on what's going on

Tsubasa: "Where am I?" This was when he sees a pair of clean clothes, a pair of glasses and a note stating that to put on the clothes and to come downstairs which he did to find a woman at the table drinking black coffee. The only way he can describe her which she was wearing regular clothes, pair of glasses, violet eyes and has black hair and her hair style was a bob cut

???: "Ah I see you're awake."

Tsubasa: "Who are you?"

Sona: "Well then Should tell you. My name is Sona Sitri. Long story short i'm taking care of you under your mother's request."

Tsubasa: "How do you know her?"

Sona: "I was her friend and was part of my household but after she told me and two other people that she was pregnant she was gone left without a trace."

Tsubasa: "What? That's insane."

Sona: "Yes so now then why are you here?"

Tsubasa: "I ran away."

Sona: "From your own mother?"

Tsubasa: "No! I was taken by these people who said they are from a company called 4C or Competitive Creatures Control Center. They kept testing me day and night leaving me in a white empty room for me to lose my mind. I had to run away."

Sona: "I'm sorry but for now you should know about who you are."

Tsubasa: "And that?"

Sona: "Well one you are one third of a human-"

Tsubasa: "And the other two thirds?"

Sona: "The other is one third is devil and other is of Amazon."


Sona: "The Amazon part and devil part is true. There is no lies."

Tsubasa: He cries "You are lying."

Sona: "Ok then if i'm lying then let show you that it's the truth." Then she went into a room and came back with a bottle of water with a dropper "Hold your hand."

Tsubasa: "Ok." Then he does so and she drips a drop water which burned him "OWW! What was that?"

Sona: "That was holy water. As you know devils has a weakness towards holy items. And so there is your evidence on the devil part. As for the Amazon. You have to find out on your own."

Tsubasa: "So then i'm gonna be a slave?"

Sona: "I'm not gonna make you a slave. We aren't monsters. Starting now you'll living under my rules, going to school, and making sure to train you." Then after months of months time passes by as the rest falls into place

End of flashback

As back to with Sho, Tsubasa, Houma, and the extermination squad of 4c were standing there as then Sho walks off

Takashi: "Hey get your ass back here."

Sho: "You are not an Amazon so you live for now son you'll die." Then he walks away

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