10: Again?!

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Ace huffed as he rolled down the sleeves of his new coat. His new outfit consisted of a black, no sleeved turtleneck, an oversized green coat, black cargo pants and his jockey boots he had always worn in the killing game.

(^ For reference)

"You look great, Ace!" Eden smiled. Levi nodded in agreement, hands in his pockets. He wore white t-shirt under a grayish purple sweater, black pants and the boots he wore in the killing game.

(^ For reference)

"We all look great!" J grinned, striking a pose. Eden giggled, nodding in agreement.

"Stop posing, you two. You lok like idiots." Teruko deadpanned. J and Eden fake gasped at that comment.

"Alright, before you idiots start arguing we have to decide something." Charles sighed, separsting the three "What do you suggest that we do next?" Charles asked.

"I wanna stay here for a while, but then that just means we would get fucking jumped on by those things." Ace groaned.

"I suggest that we find an actual safe place we can rest." Levi spoke up as he grabbed one of the backpacks "And as quick as possible."

"I agree, we should definitely move outta here before those bears get here." J pointed out.


And just as the effects artist finished saying that, they heard the sound of windows shattering. The windows of this building. Everyone saw how a few bears crashed through the windows, entering the abandoned shop. Ace's eyes widened. There was no way the bears found them. "Holy shit-" he coughed out in surprise as the bears got up, turning to them. His chest was starting to hurt already once again. But he had to bear it if he wanted to get away from those bears.

"RUN!!" Teruko screamed as sye grabbed one of the backpacks with food and ran. Everyone did the same, Levi and J grabbing the other backpacks and running out of the store. They turned left and started running down the street, just as soon as the bears broke down the door Charles had shut to make the bears slow down.

"HOW THE FUCK DID THEY FIND US?!" Ace asked as he held Levi's hand tightly while running, sweating bullets as he tried his best not to trip. The height difference between him and Levi made it difficult, since Levi had longer legs than he did.

"I don't know! Those bears were probably just randomly breaking into any buildings!" J answered as she ran, her eyes darting around the place as she tried to find a place to hide. But all the buildings in the street they were in had those bears inside of them. There was no way for them to find a safeplace on that street.

Especially since now more bears jumped outside and started chasing them too, making the mob of robotic, monochrome bears even bigger.

"There's nowhere we can hide!" Eden cried out as her legs were getting tired from all the running. The group took as many turns as they could before they were able to find an alleyway to hide. Running in, the bears went past the alleyway.

"Haaah... haaaah..." J panted out, nearly falling forwards. She was able to catch herself before that happened. Eden choked out a sob, trying her best not to make too much noise if she couldn't prevent herself from crying.

"Is everyone okay? Any injuries?" Levi asked, worry and concern on his face.

"Thankfully not, but the option of searching for a place to rest should definitely be our top priority now." Charles spoke, bent down, has on his knees to support himself.

"Definitely... and if it can be a permanent one, then great..." Teruko huffed out, laying her back against the wall as she held her stomach in pain. All that running probably made the wound reopen. Which was really fucking bad, since she didn't have any sort of way to get any medical attention. She'd just have to hope her luck helped her in this situation. Charles and Eden looked at her with worry and concern.

"Gh..." Ace mumbled to himself, holding his head. He was getting dizzy, but it was probably just the side effects from the turpentine. And with all that running that he hadn't done in a while, he was tired.

And his stomach kept churning and churning in disgust, like if he was going to throw up. But the question was what it could be since he hadn't eaten anything ever since the day before the final trial.
He could feel something crawling up his throat slowly, but he closed his mouth shut and tried to force himself to swallow whatever the hell that he was about to puke out. However, that didn't work at all.

Ace pressed a hand against the wall, leaning down and throwing up a greenish yellow liquid on the floor. Levi's head turned to his boyfriend as he ran to his side. The jockey panted heavily, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Ace, take it slow, okay?" Levi whispered as he rubbed circles on the other's back.

"Ace..." J whispered, frowning. 'How long... How long has it been since you last ate..?' she thought.

"Where do we go now?" Eden asked "I mean, we can't go back to the store because those bears are now plaguing it... Do we just continue onwards?" she pointed out. She didn't know what to do now. They needed to get moving.

"I suppose that's the only thing to do right now..." Levi sighed as Ace wiped off any rest of bile around his mouth.


"Dude, I don't see anything here." a hooded figure huffed as they searched the remains of the decayed building.

"Well, we have to keep searching, bitch. Don't be a dumbass." another hooded figure, much shorter than the first one, deadpanned as he punched a decaying wall, letting it crumble. The first hooded figure screeched at that in surprise.

"NOIR! WHAT THE FUCK?!" they questioned.

"Whoops. My bad. Sorry, Petra." Noir smirked, laughing at Petra's reaction. The taller figure huffed at Noir.

"Seriously. You're the worst." Petra groaned. Noir just chuckled as he removed rubble. He then stopped.

"Yo, Petra. Look at what I found." he called as he spotted hair. Petra raised a brow as they went over there.

"What did you fi- Oh..." they interrupted their sentence halfway through, mouth agape. Noir chuckled, a glint of malice in his eyes.

"Boss will definitely love this great discovery."


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