dead center-street part 2

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Ok listen this is hard to make a chapter by getting the dialogue on each character and adding some for moxxie to join in but I won't give up pls vote or don't need to thanks

The next day
It was morning and moxxie was woke up from ellis wiggling his tail

Moxxie: eh what are you- agh!

Ellis: *stops twisting tail* sorry I was feeling it I didn't know it would wake you up

Moxxie: isn't it obvious its connected to my spine?

Ellis: did not know till now I even touch your horns as well, are those even heavy on your head?

Moxxie: no, there not

Ellis: figures

Coach: *walks in* hey your awake here

Moxxie: *catches soda*

Coach: it's all I can find here

Moxxie: this will do *drinks soda*

Everyone is all together discussing

Rochelle: I can't believe I'm stranded in Savannah

Ellis: lady, Savannah is awesome!, Come on I show you the sight on the way to the mall

Rochelle: ok I guess, oh pls god don't you let me die in Georgia

Coach:...there's a gun store on the way to the mall, what don't we say we pay it a visit?

Moxxie: but what if everyone already headed there and got all the guns already we could be too late for that?

Nick: I think of it, but it's are only option for weapons, plus a gun store sounds like a fine place to stop

Rochelle: a whole store full of guns your talking my language coach!

Ellis: he is?

Rochelle: well no not usually but for now, yes

Ellis: *laugh* zombie apocalypse ain't all that bad!

Moxxie: well I really want to see all there entire guns so let's go now!

Coach: looks like someone excited

Moxxie: I'm good at guns

Nick: I guess living here ain't all that bad

Coach: mister...I don't think I like your attitude

Nick: call 911 I hurt his feelings

Coach: oh excuse me! Excuse Me!!!

Rochelle: ok nick, being an asshole may have work before, but you can change that tune now if you want

Ellis: my buddy Kieth try camping on top of a building once, he was shooting crows but the police were too busy tear gasing him to ask what he was doing up there, he screamed for an entire year everg single time he opened his eyes, oh hoh at first it was funny,  then it got sad, and it got funny again, oh man

Nick: and your point is?

Moxxie: why are you bringing this up?

Coach: your tiring me really fast son

Rochelle: uh, we need to get going

Nick: *approach door* are you guys ready

Rochelle and coach: yes

Moxxie: I might have enough ammo I'm ready!

Ellis: yeah let's do this

Nick open the door exiting the safe house with everyone too they see a group of zombies walking around as well

Nick: let's go kill some zombies *starts shooting zombies*

Ellis(mind): oh this is gonna be awesome

They all start killing the zombies that are in the way, while that ellis saw two zombies fighting each other

Moxxie: *was about to shoot*

Ellis: *stops moxxie* wait, I wanna watch this, haven't seen a good brawl in a while

*Zombie kill another zombie*

Ellis: *see zombie coming* *kills it with crowbar*

Moxxie: *sees zombie brain on Ellis crowbar* gross!

Ellis: nasty! *Removes zombie brain*

Nick: are you sure this is the way to the mall?

Ellis: yep, we're heading the right way

Rochelle: bullshifter, classy shirt there Ellis

Ellis: yeah thanks, it's my favorite

Nick and moxxie sees a tent with a Molotov on the table lefted there

Nick: *picks Molotov* that will come in handy, I should take it you already have a med kit when needed

Moxxie: sure, hey what you think about the three of them?

Nick: hmm just survivors like me who we are just together to get to the mall

Moxxie: hmm alright sir

They continue walking until they see a sign showing the liberty mall for the ceda evacuation

Rochelle: great were heading the right way to the mall

Coach: follow me

Rochelle: ok go ahead

Nick: l trust ya, you look like a man who knows his doughnuts

Coach: aw shut up nick *continues walking*

Rochelle: *slaps nick* I wanna call you an asshole I do

Nick: whatever sweetie

Moxxie: should we not ask?

Ellis: I don't know but I like how she slap nick like, man I like tough woman's *laugh*

Moxxie:...well this will be long to get home

Coach: let's go find that helicopter!

Ellis: hope we're making the right call by going to the mall

Coach: let's try the door

*Unusual zombie cough sound*

Moxxie: *sees weird smoking zombie* uh Ellis

Ellis: yea- *zombie try to grab Ellis Ellis* what the!

Moxxie: *sees monster gone* it's gone!

Nick: Ellis! possum! Keep up!

Moxxie: *furious*

Ellis: *laugh* he calls you a possum!

They all went down stairs taking a break till there cut short by someone crying

*Some woman crying*

Ellis: hey do you here that crying?

Moxxie: it doesn't sound like a child

Coach: yeah, Rochelle, that ain't you isn't girl?

Rochelle: what? I wouldn't cry like that

Nick: I don't like the sound of this crying

Coach: let's keep moving

They under the highway tunnel until they stumble upon a woman crying

Coach: hold up *sees woman crying*

Rochelle: what the hell is with that crying

Nick: crying woman

Nick: what do you think she be crying if the mall closed

Moxxie: she could not be human tho look at her

Coach: might be shit ain't right, be careful

Ellis: *approach woman* you alright? can I help?

*Zombie woman turn angry*

Coach: shit that bitch is getting angry

Nick: Ellis!

Rochelle: back! Back! Back!

Moxxie: I got it! *Shoots zombie*

*Woman turns at moxxie*

Moxxie: oh shit *zombie chase moxxie*
*Starts shooting and runs* oh crumbs help!!!

*Zombie woman screaming*

Moxxie: someone fucking help me!!

Nick: *lights up Molotov* Molotov!! *Throws at screaming zombie* *zombie approaching nick* shit! *Shoots zombie* reloading!!

Rochelle: take this *shoots zombie*

*Zombie screaming while burning*

Ellis: I got it! *Hits zombie*

Coach(mind): I'm ready for ya bitch *kills zombie with a bat*

Coach: whoo!! how ya like me now huh!

Ellis: you nailed it coach!

Moxxie: yeah, *sees nick* thanks for saving my ass nick

Nick: your welcome demon possum

Moxxie(mind): I know I hate being call a possum but he save my life there so I get use to it

Rochelle: well at least it wasn't me there

Coach: *sees billboard sign* were getting close to that gun store

Ellis: let's keep moving

They continue heading to the gun passing the zombies in front of the way

Nick: over this dumpsters *shoots zombies*

Ellis: hey watch out for the one in the hazmat suit

Rochelle: fireproof zombies hooray! *Shoots hazmat zombie*

The zombie drop a bottle of puke or something

Ellis: whoa! That one just dropped something right there *examines it*

Rochelle: that can't be what I think it is

Nick: that can't be a bottle of puke isn't it?

Moxxie: I don't even see a single zombie puked yet especially since that boomer before didn't

Ellis: oh man, a jar is no place for a bodily functions

Coach: grabbing puke, I can not believe what I just said that *sees a another sign to the mall* were heading the right way to the mall, just keep following the signs

They continue walking the streets and following the signs while that nick sees an axe on the wall

Nick: *pick up axe*...feels good, mall must be close

Rochelle: CEDA better be at that mall

Moxxie: I hope so

Coach: *sees truck* we can jump down onto this truck

They continue to reach to the gun store passing by a zombie ran to nick

Nick: *chops zombie head*

Coach: nice!

Ellis: hey I recognize this! That gun stores just right up ahead

Coach: yeah

They have arrive at whitetakers gun shop as he open the door there were all excited

Ellis: oh man!

Coach *laugh* pay dirt!

Rochelle: oh sweet Jesus! Look at all these guns!

Moxxie: guess we all get free guns! And I like to have all of them!

Nick: candy store for adults

Coach: let's stock up and keep moving

Rochelle: are all these free?

Ellis: *breaks case* heck ya! Going to pistols

Coach: gonna go all akimbo and shit!

Nick: *see a scar and takes it* I'm not legally allowed to use a gun, hope everyone ok with that

Coach: I don't know how to shoot one, guess we're even

Moxxie: I can teach you how to use one

Coach: thanks demon possum

Rochelle: oh my god, is that a grenade launcher?

Ellis: oh hell yeah, I gotta take the grenade launcher

Moxxie: *see a shotgun and lends it to caoch* this you should use coach for the looks like you and easy to use if you can

Coach: oh hell yeah! I'm taking the auto shotgun, any for you demon possum?

Moxxie: I can't decide the best there a good not even Rochelle can't decide *looks at Rochelle*

Rochelle: oh I choose this one!  Oh wait this one! No no no this one! I want them all seriously, i want every gun in this store!

Ellis: *laugh* Damm girl you sound just like my mama

Moxxie: *sees an M16* I take this anyways

*Speakers sound*

Whitaker: well hello there, my name is Whitaker, I own this establishment, now normally when 5 blood stain looters break into my store, I would shoot them where they stand! But you happen to caught me at a- *distance gunshot* climb that you green skinned son of a bitch!

Ellis: *laugh*

Moxxie: thank God he didn't mention us

Whitaker: caughme at an opportune time, take whatever you need and come upstairs when ya don

Rochelle: *picks an AK 47* I try this rifle

They all headed upstairs to meet Whitaker

Whitaker: hello there

Rochelle: hellooo!

Ellis: whassup!

Moxxie: *waves* hi

Whitaker: I'm guessing you 5 would be heading to the mall for rescue?

Rochelle: yes

Whitaker: I also guess that you gonna have a hell of a time doing it, seeing how those government fools blockaded the road getting there, so here my propersation, you give me your creature with you so I can examine him

Moxxie: what!

Nick: sorry he stays with us!

Rochelle: wow your protective for him

Nick: he haven't answer everything yet so letting him go will blow it

Moxxie: thanks again

Nick: your welcome

Whitaker: I was kidding man, here the real thing, if you go find me some cola at Honda food store, I clear the path for the mall for ya

Coach: finally something that make sense to me, a man in his snacks

Nick: so let me get this straight, we get you your shit and you help us get to the mall right? Ok, you screw us and I kill you with your own gun

Whitaker: I am a man of my word sir, procure me my cola and I clear a path to the mall for ya, the guns, are on the house

Rochelle: ok we're in!

Coach: alright let's go!

Ellis: cola for guns I think this is like the reverse of what my school did

Whitaker: oh and devil possum

Moxxie: yes (Damm why did I responded to that)

Whitaker: let's hope the evac take you in

Moxxie:...I hope so

The survivors headed to the store to find cola for Whitaker

Rochelle: alright you guys ready?

Ellis: ya now stick together

*Alarm sound*

Ellis: let's go!

Ellis, Rochelle and moxxie head inside to find cola nick and caoch stay outside to fight

Coach: aw hell this about to get bad!

*Incoming zombies*

Inside the store

Moxxie: *see cola* I found it *tries to pick up cola but it's heavy for him

Rochelle: I take it devil possum

Moxxie: alright I head out and fight *runs outside

Rochelle: we got whitakers cola let's go!

Coach, nick and moxxie are killing the zombies approaching them just in time Rochelle and Ellis made it out

Rochelle: I got the cola let's go back!

Ellis: whoa! Back up!

*See more zombies coming*

Moxxie: we can't fight those many!

Coach: time to see what this does! Heads up! *Throws puke at them*

Just then the zombies are now attractive to the puke Rochelle and moxxie made a run for it

Rochelle: let's go!

Moxxie: come on!

Ellis: perfect! *Shoot grenade at the grouped zombies* why don't ya remember that for the next time ya sons of bitches!

Rochelle and moxxie headed to whitakers just then a smoked zombie is about to grab them

Rochelle: what the *zombie grabbed Rochelle and pulling her* oh shit what the hell is going on! I'm getting pull *chocking*

Moxxie: hold on got you ma'am *shoots unusual zombie* Rochelle!

Coach: hang on were coming!*shoots the zombie also*

Nick: *finally kills it*

Coach: you alright? Alright then, grabbing cola!

Moxxie: I got ya back coach *shoots zombies coming

Coach: *running* almost there!

Moxxie: hurry! *Keeps shooting zombies*

Whitaker: that my cola! Quick put it in the sloth!

Coach *puts it in sloth* take this! *Swings bat at zombie behind moxxie*

Moxxie: fuck thank you!

Coach: no, thank you!

At thear point Whitaker shoots his rocket launcher at the truck clearing a path

*Loud Explosion and alarm off*

Ellis: woohoo! There she goes let get outta here!

Coach: *laugh* when that man say he gonna clear a path, he clears a path!

Moxxie: oh what a relief! I wish I can also go for some cola!

Coach: we get cola if they have there in the mall devil possum

Moxxie(mind): I feel like I like the name as they call me

Rochelle:...shit I think I accidentally grab diet cola, hey thanks Whitaker! *Whisper* we should go

Whitaker: good luck to ya gang! God watch over ya!

Nick: let's go!

Coach: haha there the mall!

Ellis: I ain't never been so happy to see a Damm shopping centre!

They headed to the parking lot making Rochelle realize no one's around

Rochelle: okay... evacuation center aren't usually this quiet

Nick: Jesus this place is a ghost town

Coach: guess all the people must be inside *see a safehouse* safehouse!

Ellis: I swear to God ceda got to be in that mall!

Coach: close that bitch!

Ellis: *close door* we are the kings of the world!

Everyone began to get ready to sleep except moxxie who feels nervous and sad nick cam in to comfort moxxie

Nick: what wrong?

Moxxie: it just I don't know if they will let me in because...I'm not a human and they think I'm a zombie...I'm also worry about Millie she now worry I didn't come home yesterday so I think she be very worry!

Nick: well I'm not much of a couraging person but there know that you be ok and they keep there hopes up finding you realizing your in the human world...with us

Moxxie: *smiles* yeah your right

Nick: trust me wants we convince them to let you in you be able to charge your phone and contact your love to get ya outta here

Moxxie: thanks nick for helping me out of this zombie apocalypse

Nick: no prob

They both lay and sleep

We're safe...for now

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