Chapter Eleven

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Octavian- Augur of New Rome

Owen Dare walked down the street, keeping his head low, almost as low as his thoughts. As he walked the sounds of festivities and liveliness echoed from everywhere. Everyone danced and celebrated the victory. Men drank, Women swooned, children played, dashing in and out of the crowds not knowing that their parents were celebrating mass murder.

Not knowing that they had killed hundreds of people because they were different.

Not knowing the guilt Owen Dare felt every time he wrote his name.

Of he hadn't suggested it. If he had just had a stronger will. If...

If he hadn't fallen for her in the first place.

A pang of pain in his chest nearly caused him to stumble into a group of teens illegally smoking and drinking. Fresh tears came to his eyes. No. He couldn't have not fallen for her. He couldn't have not had her in his life.

He felt something pull on his jacket pocket. He turned, seeing no one at first, and then seeing a small kid he knelt down be eye to eye.

"Mister, why are you crying?" He asked looking up at Owen's sharp eyes as he quickly wiped the tears away. The kid stood waiting for an explanation, which must have been a big accomplishment considering he was only about four.

"I'm crying...from happiness." More tears started to fall, pain and guilt threatened to swallow him. This was his fault. Everyone he knew was dead. It was his fault.

"That's weird."

Owen nodded, forcing a smile that looked fake and felt like a knife digging into chest. "Yeah I know." He said. "Why don't you go back to playing? Go enjoy the party." Before you learn the terrible crime it's for.

The kid ran back into the crowd, disappearing though he could still hear the child's happy screams as he ran around.

Owen stared at the spot he was standing at. The kid had had beautiful green eyes, not unlike...her. He spoke with confidence that reminded him of her.

He pushed of the ground, letting the tears fall freely as he shoved out of the grouping mortals. Of the horrible evil freaks. Of the people who fought and murdered his entire family and friends.

He hated them.

He hated everyone.

He hated himself.

He hated being forced to live and smile and agree with every rotten thing said about Demigods, wizards, and even the mutants that wandered about. They were cruel. And he couldn't do it anymore.

He slammed into blurrs of people, unable to see through the tears in his eyes. He fought the crowd's loud singing and dancing currents and finally pushed through the barrier of mortals. He didn't care of the shouts of protest behind him, he was left running.


Running for his house. To seek safety, in the arms of his love. Just to end it all.

He opened the door, which he never bothered to lock. He didn't have anything worth stealing. He didn't care if someone came to kill him in the middle of the night. He didn't care if a crazy criminal took refuge on his couch. He didn't stop until he was in the bathroom.

He threw himself against the sink, disappointed in the small amount of pain it caused. He looked at his face in the dusted, dirty mirror, only to see unfamiliar sadness glistening back. His icy blue eyes filled with more sorrow than ever imaginable, his defining white blond hair had grown into a tangled mess. His heart ached for her back, to see her again, to hold her for entireity.

A glint of metal caught his eyes, a pair of sciccors that he used to cut his hair weeks ago. It could all be over, in a second. He could join his love in the underworld. He could apologize to everyone in person. He could escape the horrible monster of life that had spung out of control of even the fates.

"Don't you even DARE, Augur!" His eyes flick upwards at the mirror image, astonished by the voice. 

"Rachel?" His voice quivers at the sight of her.

"No you Dummy, I'm Annabeth!" She says crossing her arms, causing a piece of her frizzy red hair to fall from behind her paint splattered bandana.

"Rachel, I-I- " He turned to face her, but was met by an empty doorway. He felt a cold hand grip his heart, and fresh tears start to form. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Open wide, Augur." Rachel Dare held up a fry, teasing him lightly. He laughed and pulled her hands over the table.

"Oh Rachel Dare, what would I do with out you?" He asked, popping another fry into his mouth.

"Probably, cut open a couple more bears searching for a girlfriend in your prophecies." She answered, brushing salt off her hands. She leaned back in her chair, revealing her paint splattered jean shorts and baggy paint spliced top. Her hair was pulled back in a green bandana that made her hair seem brighter than usual.

"I-" He was drowned out when Reyna yelled.

"I said Leave me Alone!" They glanced over in time to see the leader of New Rome storm off leaving Nico Di Angelo sitting at her table. He shrugged and turned back to Rachel.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked motioning to the vast city sound them. "I know every place, so take your pick."

Rachel looked around seemingly unimpressed with shops around them. Then her eyes lit up with delight.

"I know!" She said delightfully. "Why don't we go see a movie?"


"Yeah, ya know, at a movie theater, with a bucket of popcorn, and soda. But it has to be a scary movie, that way you can protect me!"

He frowned. "I don't think New Rome has a movie theater."

He hated seeing her disappointed. It made his heart break. He struggled to find an alternative. His mind lit with a dangerous idea.

"We could go outside." He suggested. "I recall a nice theater not too far from here. I'm sure I have done mortal money-"

"Isn't that against the rules?" Rachel asked suspiciously.

He couldn't meet her eyes. "Sorta?"

Rachel grinned triumphantly. "You are the best!" She hugged him from across the table.

He blushed a deep red. "I know." She playfully slapped him. "And modest, too."

They paid for their plate of fries, and hurried to his temple. He grabbed a wad of mortal dollars that he kept around for emergencies and a black jacket.

"Let's go." He said smiling at her.

"Lead the way!" Rachel said. They locked arms and held hands as he showed her the secret way out of the boundaries of New Rome. He tried to ignore the feeling that this was the last time he'd see the place, and enjoyed Rachel's company, sharing jokes, and laughing.

He'd left his dagger and teddy bear in his temple, much to Rachel's clear appreciation. These days he only cut open a bear if it was completely necessary. He spent most of his time with Rachel, and he learned to accept the Greeks, though Percy Jackson still annoyed living daylights out of him.

They had almost made it out of the city when the statue started fusing. Rachel shrank behind him, as he sighed ideally.

"I can't believe this! A disgrace, Augur!" Terminus ranted. "Not only to be seen with a Greek, but to also be breaking the rules with one! I demand you have your rank removed! You have dishonored your family! I expected more from you!"

He could have said more but they had already slipped by him and made their way to the mortal world.

He smiled at Rachel and they walked along. The streets were lined with Mortals selling and buying objects, and Octavian reasoned it was market day. He let Rachel pull him to a stand, that was selling paint bushes, and allowed her to marvel at the bristles or the handles until he bought her one.

It felt good to see Her face light up, and her squeals of delight as she hugged him thank you. He asked the woman selling the brushes if there was a theater nearby and got directions.

Everything was looking fine.

That is until they reached the theater. They were deciding what movie, standing outside.

"I don't see any scary movies." Rachel pouted. He put his arm around her.

"I can still put my arm around you anyway." She smiled up at him, and kissed his cheek.

"You're so-" He never heard what she said next. Something hard slammed him in the head. Blackness filled his vision and he toppled over gripping his head. 

"Octivian!" He heard Rachel scream before she was muffled. His head errupted with pain, tears weld up in his eyes. He was barely aware that someone was dragging him away. He had to focus just to keep himself conscous. The times he wished he kept his dagger with him. He heard the faint thud as the paintbrush that he had bought for Rachel topple away from her, as his body scraped along the ground

The pain in his head dimmed to a dull throb and the black cleared, but the vision that it showed made him want it to come back. Rachel was struggling against two huge bulky figures, for all the good it did her. A knife was held right under her neck, one good flick of the wrist and she was gone. 

They were in a small alley between buildings a dead end on one side and the only way out was blocked by whoever was pinning him down.

He felt his own body forced uncomfortably into a kneeing postion, his eyes never breaking contact with Rachel's. He tried to send her a message of comfort and relaxation but her eyes were filled with strict terror. 

He felt a hand slap across his face causing him to gasp in pain.

"I asked a question, boy." A Male voice said of to the side. He didn't recall hearing anything. "Answer or I'll tell my big guys to slit your girlfriends throat." Rachel's eyes widened and she let out a whimper of fear. "Where is the camp?"

"W-What c-c-camp?" The Augur stuttered.

"I don't have time for this." The voice sneered. "Tell me where the Roman freak camp is."

He stayed silent, praying that they were bluffing about killing his girl. Though he didn't know to who.

He could see from the corner of his eye, the figure who asked him the question motion towards the one holding the bladed to Rachel. He went to move the knife across her neck but he stopped him.

"Don't! Please! Leave her alone!" He shouted. 

"Tell me where the camp is and I'll let her go free." He tried to think despite the pain in the back of his head. He was in a sistutation. And he couldn't get out. All the Demigods of New Rome, or the love of his life?

Rachel whimpered. 

Sweat formed around his brow. His chest felt like it was being squeezed, his stomach collasping under pressure. His brain spun looking for a way out. pain laced his thoughts holding most of his thoughts back.

He couldn't do it.

"A service tunnel, in Caldecott Tunnel." He said. Ashamed he couldn't do anything, he hung his head.

"Very good, thank you." He watched as the man walked out of his line of vision motioning to the Mortal with the knife. The blade pulled away from his girlfriend. She looked at him somewhere between forever grateful and terrified for her friends. Their friends.

Then he saw the movement. The movement that ended his world. The knife plunged into her chest, dripping red. Green light exploded from Rachel's body, beams of the Orcale shooting into the sky like lightning. 

"RACHEL!" He screamed somehow he found himself next to her, pulling her body close to his. He could see the light fading in her eyes as she coughed. "No! Rachel! Hold on!"

"...Octivian...." She gasped. "I...I"

Octivian screamed, pure agony rippled like fire through him. Tears streamed down his face pooling under him and Rachel, mixing with her blood. He clothes stained but he didn't let go. She couldn't be gone. Not like that. It was all his fault. Everyhting was his fault. 

"I like laser light shows." the man that had stabbed Rachel said. "Let's see if the other one does that too." 

Something in him snapped. Firey hatred built up in him, turning his vision red, and suffocating him. He shook all over, his body ached from sobs. He looked up and his normal icy blue eyes were lit with fury. It was so fierce they hestiated from stepping near him. He was Apollo's legacy.

And at that moment the only thing he wanted was revenge. 

He didn't remember anything other than a bright light. A light strong than anything he'd ever seen. A blinding light. But somehow when it faded he was fine. The other people weren't.

Bodies laid smoldering, against the building, thrown back but hte sheer intensity. Pieces of trash that had been in the alley flickered with fire. He looked around and realized he had done this. Everything. His anger had unlocked the power of Apollo in him. And anyone near him had been blinded or...he looked at the pile of sand in his hands. Completely obliterated. 

He stayed there, sobbing, unable to move. His body felt like lead, his mind a wasteland of broken thoughts, his heart ached, its fragmented pieces digging into his chest. 

He was the reason she was dead. 

It had been his idea. His thoughts, his fault.

His guilty heart, flooded with pain.


Terrible sadness. 

He didn't know anyone was talking to him, until he felt the hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey! Man, Are you okay?" 

Okay? Okay!? That was a joke. He'd never be okay. 

"Dude, The police are going to be here any second. Let me help you, I've got a place not too far from here...."

Who cares if the police come. They'll kill him. He'd join his family and friends in the underworld. He'd see Rachel's starry eyes again. He'd hold her in his arms. 

"Dude, I'm not joking!" The voice said. "I don't care if you're a mutant of a wizard or even a demigod, I don't want to see your dead body on the news. Please man!" 

He's get to watch her paint, or kiss her forehead. They'd share another plate of fries. Maybe they'd even get to see that movie she wanted to watch. He didn't feel in control of himself. He felt his body pulling away from her. And even then he couldn't say the words.

Every thought sent a jolt in his heart a painful reminder it was all his fault. His tears fell like raindrops to the gravel ground.

"Hey, mister, what's your name?" 

Octivian let out a shuddering sob. "Dare." He cried. "Owen Dare."  He felt the last of Rachels golden ashes slip from his hand.


He stared into the mirror reflect, his hands in tight fists. He had gotten everyone killed. There was no one left. No one to share his burden. No one to help him live through it. He was stuck alone in the facade he built around himself.

His natural instinct to survive. 

He wished she would appear again. Even if he couldn't touch her. Even if he couldn't hold her. Even if he couldn't kiss her that one last time. Or protect her the way he promised he would. He'd get to say the words. 

"I love you, Rachel Dare." He said to the air. "I love you, too."

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