Chapter Ten

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Harry Potter- Wizard

He stared unmovingly at the clear reflective surface. His own eyes peered back up at him. The eyes he got from his mother. Except...they weren't as bright as they once were. They weren't as loving and kind and strong. They were just a shell.


A tear rolled down his cheek. He let it fall, sniffling back the sobs that always followed. It dripped off his chin and landed with a soft plop.

The reflect distorted as waves rippled through it, showing the cool, sand floor of the pond about six feet down. Like peeling back the illusion of a happy kid and seeing the scars left on him from every single thing he's been through.

His parents died before he knew them.

He grew up in a family of pathetic muggles that were down right Horrible to him.

The one time his life was going right, the dark lord who murdered his parents returned and nearly killed him.

His Muggle family put bars on his window to keep him from going to school.

A house elf tried to save his life, resulting in painful encounters with a cake, a wall, and a blugger.

A snake was set loose in the school petrifying the students who all thought he was controlling it.

He nearly died of basilisk poison.

He found out his godfather was an escaped criminal from azkaban and coming to kill him.

He was attacked be a hored of dementors.

He found the truth about his godfather, but was forced to let him go back into hiding after the real culprit ran.

He was entered in a dangerous tournament, that set the whole school against him, nearly got him killed, and ended in the return of Voledmort.

He was chastised by the daily Prophet because no one believed the dark lord was back.

His favorite professor stopped talking to him for what seemed like no reason at all.

A new DADA teacher forced him to write lines using his own blood.

His godfather died right in front of him, at the hands of a death eater.

He watched the girl he loved make out with another guy right in from of him.

His favorite professor was murdered by a person he trusted.

He set off on an impossible quest to find magical object that could defeat the dark lord.

He and his friends were hunted by the ministry of magic.

His best friend deserted them.

They robbed the highest sercuity wizarding bank, and escaped on the back of a dragon.

They fought an army of death eaters, while searching for more of the magical objects.

Oh and that little thing...HE DIED.

They stacked on top of him like building blocks trying to crush him. like an andaconda wrapped around him slowly squeezing out his last breath. Like Guilt trying to swallow him whole.

And succeeding.

He died and came back while everyone else stayed in the underworld. His parents, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Fred, Mad Eye, Dumbledor, Snape...

Fresh tears threatened to spill, as he remembered those who had died in the battle and after on the flight to safety.





Gods, even even missed Draco.

Everything in him hurt. He was done. He couldn't hold on any longer. He couldn't face another grief filled wizards and lie to them, telling them everything will be okay. He just couldn't do it anymore.

He was done being strong for others.

He was done being strong for himself.

Percy had died saving that Demeter girl. Annabeth was dead with a knife in her chest. Leo was on life support. Will had gone missing. Nico hasn't been seen in days. Herminone refused to move.

Who was left to keep them strong?

He looked down in to the reflection again his hands clamped the grass under him tightly. The lightning scar in his forehead had been faded over the years, but the years of fear and pain were fresh as ever. His glasses were perched on his nose and his wild hair gave him the illusion of his dad.

Something flickered in the picture. Like a second image underneath. 

Was that him, smiling

He leaned closer. Yes, it was. But he wasn't. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He refixed his grip on the grass. And then he put his face in the water, like looking in the pensive back in Dumbledor's office.

He opened his eyes, feeling the tingling sensation on water hitting his eyes. The water was clear leaving a perfect veiw of the under water sand pool. 

Nothing. Nothing that could have made that picture was down there. 

"Oi!" A voice called. He pulled his head up, wildly looking around. But no one was there. Water drippled down his face. He looked back at that wavering reflection. Sun hit the water  in rays but the warmth made him shiver. The water turned a faint golden and the water ripples created more disclosed pictures. 

He dipped his head gently under the liquid and was greeted by a strange sight. A good sight.

His friends sat laughing at a sparking Gryffindor table, Chatting and tossing food between the tables. The teachers looked happy but worn sitting up at the table. McGonagall sat in the place of Dumbledore, and he knew he wouldn't get use to that.

He shook his head. No this wasn't right. Hogwarts was gone. He'd seen it collapse. This was just a memory.

Something slammed into him, causing him to stumble.

He looked up and saw Draco, who kept his head down. Shame and guilt obvious on his face. Draco started at him shaking slightly as if waiting for him to yell at him.

"Oi! Harry!" Ron shouted from on the bench, his face happily enjoying the mood of the room. "Com'n! I saved you some Cauldron Cakes!"

He glanced between Draco and Ron. He nodded towards Draco, who muttered a small sorry, seeing as he was busy and walked back to his table. Harry noticed that of the four tables the Slytheren one seemed to have the least amount of students.

Not knowing what else to do, he trudged to where Ron and Ginny sat. Dean and Seamus sang off tune, in a loud voice that implied they were both thoroughly drunk.

"What's the matter, Mate?" Ron asked already stuffing his mouth with one of supposedly Harry's cakes.

"It's Just-" He started but was cut off by large sound of applauds as Dean climbed on top of the table after finishing his song.

"Hey!" He yelled. ""HEY!" Everyone quieted down for him to speak, and he grinned. "I'd like to propose a toast! -SHUT UP! LET ME FINISH- so everyone raise your globlets high! You too Goyle! Yes, Yes, now everyone we've all got a lot to be thankful for so this is for you Harry!"

Harry looked at them surprised as everyone raised their globlets to him. He was sure his face turned a bright red color from the attention. Of course then Ginny nudged him and when he turned to see her sparkling eyes, she slammed her lips on to his. 

He was stunned for a second his mind rapidly searching for the file in his head labled: IF GIRL KISSES YOU, unsuccessfully might he add. She had almost pulled away when he pulled her back and responded, thinking to hell with it. 

The room errupted in cheers so loud all of Scottland must have heard it. Not that he noticed. His one tracked mind registered  that he was kissing the girl of his dreams, her lips tasted like watermelon, and he couldn't quite breath. When they finally broke apart they both looked at each other breathlessly, which wasn't new for Harry. Ginny always left him breathless. 

Then Ginny's smile widened and they when back for the kiss. This time Harry felt the air go out sooner as fireworks blossomed in his head. Ginny snuggled into him and Harry gladdly held her tighter. This is where he wanted to be. 

Kissing Ginny Weasely, with his friends and new family around them, cheerful laughing and playing, having one too many drinks, and celebrating all the time. He could see Neville giving Luna a piggy back ride around the Great Hall and the smiles widenly plastered on everyones faces.

Happiness seemed to flow from the room grabbing people from the halls and wrapping its delight around them, in them, until they were helpless and joined in the merryment. He could even see Draco smiling a genuine smile, not just something he put on so everyone would think he was okay.

Then everything had to go wrong.

Before Harry could react the room grew noticeably freezing. Girls screamed as shadows whipped around everyone, pulling towards the center of the tables. McGonagall stood up, horror etched in her features, as if she was debating what horrible thing could have been doing that. The shadows lopped together formed a huge black mass.

He stood up trying to get a better look at the blackness. Ron welded his wand with Harry right beside him. Wizards shrunk away from the cold inky form brewing in the center of the room.

Then stepped out two figures. The whole room gasped. Even Ron hesitated with his spells.

The boy on the right looked like death, no worse than death. He was unbelievably pale with coal black hair and eyes that looked like they were burning into your soul. The ghosts of Hogwarts screamed either falling down to their knees or fleeing the room entirely. A black sword hung at his side menacingly.

"WHAT THE HADES, NICO!" The one on the left was -even Harry admitted- good looking. He had tussled black hair that looked like he had just woken up and sea green eyes. He couldn't place it but something with his eyes was wrong, like he'd seen things worse than he'd like to admit. He wore a simple pair of jean shorts and an orange shirt. He also looked like he'd had been taken forcefully from a nap, because in his hand was a plush Nemo, stuffed animal.

"What?" The boy on the right said, grinning slightly as his walked away from where they had landed. He looked at McGonagall, who seemed to have no idea what to do and bowed formally to her. "Percy, do me a favor and bow politely."

"Dude I was sleeping!" The guy with a stuffed animal, Percy?, groaned and muttered something like, "Annabeth's gonna kill me."

"I should've brought Annabeth instead." The boy replied dully. "Except I value my insides."

Wait, Percy..Nico...NO! They were the reasons everything ended. He couldn't let that happen! He looked around at the slowly fading joy on everyone's faces. He couldn't let them go. He saw the entire room waver, as if something was disrupting it and all the memories of pain and saddness wound up in him. NO!

"You two!" McGonagall said, "Explain yourselves!"

"NO! STOP!" He yelled but no one paided any attention. "Stop! You're going to ruin everything!" 

"Yeah Nico!" Percy said crossing his arms. "Explain yourself."

The boy, Nico, glared at him. "Chiron sent us."

"He did?" Percy and McGonagall said at the same time.

"SHUT UP!" Harry tried again. "I don't want your stupid world to ruin mine! Get out of my home!" He gulped viciously for air, but it wouldn't come. "Go Away, you stupid Demigods! Fight your own wars!"

"He said it's time they knew. About us." Nico said, not without an eyeroll. He glanced at the ghosts and glared, hissing distastefully. His oxyn eyes flashed dangerously and the ghosts whimpered and the rest fled the room. Some ran straight through tables or walls or students causing a rukas among the wizards.

"Mr. Di Angelo, if you would kindly stop scaring our ghosts." McGonagall said crossly.

"Dude, knock it off." Percy said at the same time shuddering as if it brought back bad mermories. Nico muttered something about paperwork as the last of the ghosts exited the room.

"Sorry, I find ghosts deeply offending." He shugged as if it was no big deal. "Does my dad know about them?"

"Yes, Yes!" Mcgongall said nervously at the mention of Nico's father. Murmers of a Powerful wizard shifted through the air. Obviously someone to make Mcgongall worried was a force to be reconded with. "Now, please, let my students have one last day of peace before you mess up their lives."

"YES! Go away! We don't want you or your stupid promblems! The Muggles wouldn't have found us if it wasn't for you!" Harry yelled a fiery passion filled him. "It was all your Fault! You stupid Demigods! I don't care that your parents are Gods! Go to hell!" He was too angry to remember that Percy had been there, done that.

"Wish I had a warning." Percy muttered. Nico snorted.

"Yeah right, Mr. two time Saviour of Olympus. Because a warning would have helped." 

"Shut up."

Nico raised his hands and the shadows started to gather around him. Percy crossly stood near him muttering things about Annabeth and being late for a date. The temperature dropped and with a measly flick of his wrist Nico and Percy where swept straight through the cloud of shadows and disappeared.


"Good Radiance!" Harry yelled happily. The room responded to his joy and the festivities started again as if the whole incident had never happened. Harry joined in singing and drinking till he couldn't move his body. His limbs felt like lead but he smiled and enjoyed Ginny's watermelon lips. Ron didn't even complain once!

Instead the red haired boy frowned and looked around. "Hey I haven't seen Hermione. Do you think she's still alive?"

Of Course the actual memory didn't involve Harry yelling at the demigods to leave. Or Ron asking about Hermione but it didn't matter. Harry's fingers had already slipped from the grass that anchored him to the land and he slipped into the water silently.

And after a while the bubbles had stopped appearing over his head.

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