Chapter Four

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Luna Lovegood- wizard

She stared into the street. Everything felt strange from up here. The shingles shifted under her feet. Would they care? Would they grieve? She had cried all her tears. She didn't feel anything any more.

All her life people had laughed at her, made jokes. She pretended she didn't care what they thought. Loony Luna Lovegood. Crazy, weird,  deranged. Would they regret saying those things? Would they even notice?

She let a tear slip down her face. Her hand fell to her pocket. She pulled out the smaller of the two items in it. A necklace. The last thing her dad had given her.

The Deathly Hallows. The elder wand, the invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone. Her fingers rubbed over the cool metal of the sign.

It had been the morning of the attack when the family owl had dropped a thin envelope in her plate of eggs. There wasn't a note, just the necklace.

It had been one of her father's most prized possessions. She couldn't figure out why he had just sent it to her. That was until after potions.

She had met up with Neville, Her boyfriend, and they had walked down to the lake.

"I know a plant that could give them horrible hives all over. Or, or, a  seaweed that could make them grow another foot-" Neville stuttered until she cut him off.

"It's ok. It doesn't really bother me, what they think." She lied. "As long as your with me."

Neville smiled, one of his awkward shy smiles, that she found adorable. "Why do you let them say those things about you, Luna? You're too nice for your own good."

She would have replied with something about not caring but that was when the screams started. She and Neville shared a look and pulled out wands. They bounded towards the the other grounds, against the flow of the students.

The sky was a light with green and red spells, but they didn't seem to have an effect on the dark shape in the sky. Suddenly a blur of blond and green toppled on her.

"Luna!"Draco exclaimed. "We've got to run! They were right! The muggles are attacking!"

She could see flashes of light and screams as people fell. Dirt exploding, people flying into the air. She reached for her dad necklace, as if it could take away the sight.

"Quidditch field." She said. "Come on! Find everyone who can fly a broom!"

Luna grabbed Neville's wrist pulling him after Draco as they fought their way to the broom shed. A crowd of Hufflepuffs were surrounding the shed. Cho turned and she looked at them scared.

"I can't get it open!" She sobbed. "We're going to die!"

Draco pushed by her shoving her to ground. "You stupid Hufflepuffs! It's enchanted!" He said roughly. "We are not going to die!" He tapped his wand the handle and the doors sprung open.

Draco grabbed his Nimbus 2001 and Neville jumped forward grabbing a Cleansweep. He tried for another but the broom was ripped from his hands. For a second Luna watch in horror as Neville disappeared under the crowd of wiz q fought ards. These people, the ones she had learned with, the ones she had  with, suddenly transformed into a pack of vicious animals.

"Neville!" Luna screamed. "Neville!"  She pushed past the other students desperately attacking each other for a broom. Someone grabbed her arm digging their nails into Luna's skin, drawing blood. Luna cried out.

"Luna!" Neville yelled above the other screams. She whipped around elbowing the Gryffindor who had grabbed her in the face.

"Neville!" She screamed.

She fought her way away from the broom shed. Her classmates were going to kill them. So it was either die from her friends or die from the muggles. She didn't want to stay and see what her classmates could become. She couldn't even fly a broom!

"Luna!" Neville appeared out of the chaos. "Come on! I've got a broom!"

Suddenly the castle behind them clasped in explosions and smoke. A huge dark shape appeared in the sky menacingly. The ground around them exploded as bullets rained down crowd. Luna screamed, joined with dozens of others as bullets pierced skin and people fell.

Luna saw Neville yell, his eyes grow wide. He reached towards her one last time. Luna watched the light leave his eyes. She screamed, pure rage filled her mind.

He was the one. Hers. He understood her better than anyone ever did. He would do anything for her. He stick up for her when people called her weird or strange. He had saved them. He was a hero. He was suppose to have been hers.

Luna took her wand and channeled all her anger. Tears streamed down her face. The pain almost killed her. In some ways she wished it had. Bright orange exploded from her wand striking upwards. The muggle ship blew up in a red orange display of fireworks. The orange light continue to climb up through the top the ship creating a giant hole in the front. Screams and alarms and explosions rang around her. The ship started to fall. Luna cried.

"That was for Neville." She whispered. "I loved you."

She didn't move or run as the ship list altitude. She sobbed as the huge black mass swung wildly towards her.

She wasn't going to save herself. She could see Her dad in the debris waiting for her. Neville smiling. Her mom was even there, laughing. She was almost there.

Then another object grabbed her pulling her away.

She screamed as her family faded from her vision, crushed in the collision the ship the ground. She kicked and fought to get away but the guy holding her kept he tighter. She sobbed gripping her dad necklace until her knuckles turned white.

Why had Percy saved her? Why had he rode his Pegasus into the battle to save her? Couldn't he have just let her die? What was left here? Anywhere?


Exactly what she felt now.

She felt the shingles move again. She leaned forward a little looking down. She could see the new girl, a demigod, and Travis talking. Would they notice? Just a little step...

She could she Neville on the sidewalk smiling up at her waiting for her to come down.

"Hey I found this really cool book on standard gillyweed!" He said. "Come check it out with me!"

"Luna." Luna turned slightly to see Hermione standing behind her. Hermione was pale and shaking. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing really." She answered looking down at Neville. "I think I might go down and see Neville's new book though."

Hermione took a shuddering breath. "Luna, please come away from the edge."

"But I've got to see Neville's new book." Luna frowned. She leaned a little father to see if she could see the title on the book.

"Luna..." Hermione said.

Just like that it happened. The shingles gave out. Luna went sprawling over the edge of the house.

"LUNA!" Hermione screamed after her.

Neville looked up from the book smiling.

"Oh Luna, sometimes your just so clumsy. I'll catch you."

Luna smiled. And everything went black.

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