Chapter Two

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Hermione Granger- muggle born wizard

She screamed as the ground around her blew up. Rocks rained down on the wizards, pieces of earth buried the students. Hogwarts collapsed in explosions and gunfire rung in her ears. Screams could be heard from everywhere. People trampled others to get away from the horrid destruction. Why hadn't they listened to them?

Because of her. Because she said they couldn't be trusted. Because she was terrified of them. And now because of her the race of wizards was going to be exterminated.

Ginny screamed as a explosion engulfed her. Harry yelled,a sound of pure agony, like the one thing he had loved most was ripped from him.

Because of her.

"Ginny!" Ron yelled. He tried to stop. He tried to save her. But Ginny was gone. Smoke threatened to suffocate her. Fire burned and the wails of tortured souls swarmed them almost as thick as smoke itself.

Because of her.

"Ron! Harry!" Lavender yelled appearing for seconds out of the chaos. Half her face was coated in blood. Tears and pains evident in her eyes. Then she was trampled by another person in swishing robes. Professor Slughorn.

Lavender was gone.

Because of her.

This was her fault. She didn't deserve to live. She had sentenced hundreds of kids, children, to death, because she was afraid. They had been trying to help. She couldn't just accept it. The wizards were a strong race. You couldn't possibly kill all of them. You couldn't even hurt them.

She was wrong.

Hermione Granger was wrong.

"The bridge!" She heard someone yell. "To the forest!"

She ran refusing to believe this was her. She could hear Ron beside her panting heavily. Slowing down. They hit the bridge, it's newly repaired wooden planks thumping under them.

"Look out!" A girl screamed.

Too late. Something slammed into the bridge behind them. Hermione was tossed forward skidding across the wooden planks. Harry landed painfully next to her.

"Ron!" She screamed. She saw life in slow motion. Ron jumped, fear obvious in his face. He mouthed three small words to her. His eyes glistening with the ghost of the laughter that they had been sharing barely five minutes ago.

'I Love You'

Red and orange engulfed him, along with the rest of the bridge. Hermione screamed as loud as she could. Ron was gone. Half the school was gone. Her life was gone.

Because of her.

She tried throwing herself back for him. She couldn't do it alone. She didn't deserve to live anymore.

"Hermione, No!" Harry yelled grabbing her back away from the edge. "Draco! Help!"  Hermione fought him. Tears smeared her vision till all she could see was one big blur. She sobbed harder, racking her entire body. It was her fault.

She felt wind burst by her. She felt someone grab her. She felt herself beginning saved from that terrible chaos. She felt the small handle of a broomstick under her. She felt Draco Malfoy tighten his grip on her until she couldn't fight anymore.

"Hermione, wake up!" Hermione sobbed, waking from her dream. From her nightmare. From her reality. She whimpered looking into the reflection in Harry's glasses. He regretted saving her. He regretted asking Malfoy to help. She didn't deserve to be living when she caused all those deaths.

Harry looked at her. "It's almost time." He whispered. Hermione took a shuddering breath letting the silent tears continue to flow.

She pushed herself up off the floor of the room. Around her she could see from the moonlight trickling in from the open window, the other girls. Each of them whimpering their own little fears.

They had long since given up on waking them. There was no one left to comfort them. There was barely anyone left at all. She followed Harry silently, trying to think of anything other than her nightmare.

Draco was coming back. He had to come back. He was the only one who understood. She and Harry stepped out of the house and walked down the sidewalk to a car, that was purring, it's lights the only way to see in the darkness. He didn't bother opening the door for her. He climbed in the driver's seat and Hermione in the passenger's side.

The clock read two a.m.

The team was late.

They drove out of town heading to the out skirts. They didn't talk. There was nothing to say. The survivors were little. Because of her.

Harry stopped the car, pulling in next to the others. They got out to see the rest of the groups there. Still no van.

Draco wasn't there. The van wasn't there. They were late. Hermione wished her mind wouldn't put the pieces together.

She started shaking. She felt light headed. She felt the tears start to fall and an arm wrapped around her. She didn't fight as she leaned into Harry and cried.

The van jumped out of the shadows coming to a screeching stop in front of the group of them. Harry and Hermione had silent tears, and Dakota turned away the back doors opened.

Nico stepped out of the driver's seat, paler than usual, his cheeks stained with tear trails. The back doors opened. Katie stepped out as if in a trance. Annabeth looked up from the floor of the empty truck.

They made eye contact and she knew.

Draco was not coming back. Draco Malfoy, who had saved her, when she didn't deserve it, who had understood her, who had tried to help her forgive herself, before she had pushed him away. Draco Malfoy was dead.

Because of her.

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