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NEW CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!




WITHOUT POWERS life was boring to be honest, but I was getting used to it. Yesterday strangely Laksh, in a very strange manner had asked me to be his friend which I obviously agreed to seeing how my mind was getting attracted.

I had first decided to maintain my distance but then melted as soon as he spoke those words.

The thing troubling me was Aashna, I didn't have guts to ask Ma neither did I have any powers to investigate myself.

Who might be the one? Who kidnapped her? Did Anish know that person?

Anish, had been my constant suppirt the past week, helping me with notes and also aith human ways. He knew how dependednt I was on them.

"Anish!" I called loudly as I saw him in the hallway. Today was a meeting, and all students were called to the assembly room at the end of the day.

I ran towards him to match his pace.



"Ayee, tameez, I am your elder." I ate the word sister as I saw Laksh just infront of us with his eyebrow up. His gaze at my hands wrapped around Anish's arm.


"Hey bro," Anish said casually not noticing Laksh's change if expressions.

"Hey," Laksh said eyeing me while I smiled back.

I hated to say but one more person whom I noticed behind Laksh was Shanaya who looked hurt but she soon masker her expression.

Why was she hurt? And why was Laksh angry?

"Ragu, I'll leave for my class. Message me if you wanted to say something important or we'll go home together- I- mean I'll drop you today," Anish said as he left.

"Hey," I said addressing Laksh who looked silent.

"He drops you everyday?" He asked suddenly as I looked at him curiously.

"Most of the times," I answered.

"Oh," and he quickly left the spot. Weird.

Before I called him, the speaker blazed with Ma's voice asking us to assemble then.

" Good Morning students," Ma started," I have called you all here to discuss about the upcoming events. As you all are aware of the celebration held before Summer Vacations. There would be stalls and games and all students are supposed to take part in this event. The date is 31st May, after which you all will have your summer gap. I hope that is clear,"

A chorus of yes ma'am went by as we all started moving out. A celebration on my birthday would actually be super cool.

"Ragini," I stopped listening to Radhika.


"Our group would be handling the shoot and win game stall. You don't mind right?"

"Naa, I am in, before you even ask,"


I smiled at her as I left the school.

I reached home tired from the events from today I had planned on finishing the homework and then to finally ask Ma about Aashna.

That is when,

"Raguu," I heard Ma's voice from the hall. I quickly went down amd saw her waiting.

"Come here,"


She swiftly held my hand and removed the ring. And like a thunder I felt energised. It felt my lost strength was regained. I felt powerful and happy.

"Thank you Ma,"

"I love mere baccha,"

"Very Good, you both love eachother only, what about this youngest kid here?" Anish popped up as Ma and I laghed pulling him into the hug too.

And that is how I couldn't ask Ma about Aashna again. How will I solve this problem? What is it that Ma has been hiding from me? And I am pretty sure there is something.


I WAS AGAIN LATE, my dramatics prof. is going to love me. I think I should really change my name to miss Late comer, cool right?

I open the door to the class, and shrill voice pierces through my ears.

"Aha, see whom do we have now?" I raised my eyes to find the class extremely full. Normally we don't have so many students in Dramatics.

"Ragini," I smiled at her. Let the game begin.

"The late comer, is it?" She smirked descending the sitting stairs.

"Bingo," I murmured.

"What did you say, late comer?" The professor smiled devilishly.

"Nothing ma'am, I was trying to search for a seat,"

"Seat you said?" She questioned.

"Yes?" I confusedly asked and then as my eyes roamed around the room, it zeroed upon a familiar pair.


What was he doing in my class? He had taken other subject, didn't he?

"Oh no my darling you aren't taking a seat now. You are infact going bear a punishment."

Oh, okay. Expected. How can this 'beach' spare me.

"Miss Late comer,"

"Ragini." I corrected. I hadn't changed my name yet.

"Miss Late comer-"

"Ragini, I don't remember changing my name. Also, I would highly appreciate if you treat me as a student and you behave as a teacher, I wouldn't tolerate any ragging especially from a teacher. Also, I am well aware I am late and so as your right you can give me a school related punishment or detention, but treating me as a doll and wanting to do whatever you say just cause you are my teacher won't be tolerated." I cleared pronouncing each and every word clearly.

"How dare you-"

"Don't go that tangent, cause if I really want to show how daring I am, I will right now leave this class room and head towards Principal's cabin and complain against you. Which tell me, I actually should do the exact." And with that I turned around and left the classroom.

The door banging behind me.

I reached Ma's cabin when I started feeling heavy.

It felt weird. I felt weird. It was like I started repenting it.

She is my teacher, how could I misbehave?

I should have respected her, done what she told me.

Why did I behave like that.

Wait, why am I suddenly feeling sorry?

I closed my eyes gulping and taking today's scenario in my mind.

I did a mistake.

No I did what she deserved.

My brain's two half were fighting, it felt so wrong yet so right.

And with that blackness washed over me and I swept to oblivion.


Do vote and comment and tell me how was it!


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