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okay, lets just announce the fact that i am a super super lazy person. ooff.

(if y'all didn't know.)

                  My eyes opened facing the white fan which rotated with the highest speed.

My head felt heavy, as it felt someone was hitting me continuously with a hammer.

"Ragini," I heard a faint whisper.


My eyes twitch at the heavy brightness as I try adjusting it.

"Thank god Ragini, you are fine!" a second voice reaches my ears as I now open my eyes.


What was he doing here? What was happening?

"Miss Ragini," Ma's voice crisp and clear laced with the worry only I could decipher.

"Where am I?" god! so typical.

"Ragini, you are at the college's medical room. Can you sit up?" Ma asks as I nod my head.

I try getting up in the process but I lose balance. Laksh helps sit up on the bed, his one arm on my waist while the other wrapped around my shoulders.

The best part about the scenario being my mom watching the entire scene.

Once I am sitting up, Ma asks," So Ragini, how did you faint, were you unwell? or was it sudden?"

"Ma-'am, I don't remember. I had a vocal debate with my teacher and I felt extremely angry at her, as soon as I left the classroom, I started repenting and before I could go back and apologise, I fainted."

"You were angry?" Ma asked unsure of what she was hearing.

"Ma'am, she looked extremely pissed." Laksh added.

I narrowed my eyes at Laksh, who gulped a smile.

"Ragini our college doesn't stand any misconduct or wrong behaviour. I want you in my cabin as soon as the Dr. Revti allows you to leave." Ma sternly orders and leaves.

Laksh sighs as soon as Ma goes and I look at him confused. My mom wasn't that scary, or was she?

"You are fine, right? I was so nervous when I saw you lying down unconscious, so scared." He said at the same time I spoke.

"How did you find me?" I ask Laksh realising he was in the class when I had left.

"That, uhmm, after you—"

"After I?"

"After you left, we all left."


"Anish, Shanaya, Radhika and I. Only difference I actually noticed you fainted," Laksh said as I looked at him.

"Anish didn't know?" I ask clearly angry at my useless brother who left for home, even.

"Anish?" Laksh asked his voice turning cold as I looked at him confused.

Before he could say anything else the doctor came informing me that I could leave.

I smiled at her while Laksh's mood had changed completely. What was wrong with him?

How can his mood change in a second?

One second he was acting so sweet asking about my health and cut to the next second where he started behaving as if I am someone he doesn't even know.

His behaviour always pinches my heart. I have no clue why but nothing has ever impacted me or my heart this soon but one glance of anger or hurt from Laksh is enough for my heart to be scared, to beat erratically.

I haven't encountered any trait of him being a wizard but I know he was one. I could feel. I can sense his powers, sense his magic.

And I could never feel any body's power. Cause witches cannot feel the presence of other wizards.


My eyes nearly pop up staring at Laksh. Did he feel the same emotions? sparks?



        Seeing Ragini answering to the Prof, in such a rude manner for a second I really thought she couldn't have been Ragini.

The way she answered back to her was something I had never seen Ragini doing, she was always the calm, docile one. Yet today, it was something else.


Ragini, has been in the college for now some good concrete months. I have known her afar.

I had noticed how she never spoke too much about her family, how she was constantly looking out for Radhika, how she loved reading books, how she hated being scolded. I had noticed everything.

Even how she was always so dependent on Anish. How, Shanaya hated her to core even if Ragini never did something to offend her.

Instead, Ragini has always been kind to her but today her kindness was like vanished into the thin air.

Today, we all students were asked to attend the dramatics lecture because apparently the Prof was going to tell us about an important inspection which was going to take place soon.

Before she could have started, I had noticed Ragini being not present I had started thinking that she was unwell when she showed up.

Radhika who was sitting a few chairs away from me told me then how the dramatics professor hated Ragini.

Ragini was like her new prey, apparently.

The professor as expected had started taunting her, but what surprised all of us was when Ragini back answered to every taunt of hers.

The way Ragini left the classroom, banging the door behind her had silenced the professor. Who was extremely raged, and it looked that she would have really killed Ragini if she had the power to.

Before she could commence the class, Shanaya stood up and gathered all her stuff, left the class behind Ragini.

Soon after Anish followed. Radhika and I had looked at each other deciding after which we both stoop up too and left the already angered teacher, even more angry.

Way to go.

Anish looked stress when I saw him leaving the school quickly. Shanaya wasn't in sight and Radhika had decided to follow Anish thinking he might know where Ragini would be.

Why would Anish even know where Ragini was? Why were Anish and Ragini so close, it had been only some months of them knowing each other right?

But, then Ragini knows me for the same time period and you are already crushing on her.


I might as well love her, she wasn't some normal human for me. She was mate.

A weird match, I had heard that the concepts of wizards and witches having mates were baseless.

None of my wizard friends had mates then how did I?

And I was pretty confident of Ragini being my mate because the way her presence caused my heart go racing, the way I could recognise her scent from anywhere. I knew she was my mate. So confident.

But, she was a human. I would have to wait, wait for her to like me, which might never happen.

I couldn't impose myself on her but neither could I let her go.

She was mine to keep, to take care of.


I was walking towards the library when her scent hit me. I was confused at first, I thought she had left. I started moving following the traces of her scent, when I saw her unconscious.

I had run to her, trying to get her back to senses.

I brought her to the medical room, asking the medical help there to check her. She had asked me to call the principal ma'am, as it was a very rare thing to happen.

And that is how I was here, looking at the unconscious Ragini, with Janki ma'am next to me both of us waiting for Ragini to gain senses.

Sometimes I wondered how Janki ma'am and Shanaya could be even related. Shanaya was an obnoxious person, never caring for others.

For her only her powers held importance while Janki ma'am loved everyone. She was the sweetest witch.

My thought chains were broken when Ragini suddenly opened her eyes.

"Ragini?" Ma'am spoke not even letting a beat pass.

Ragini's eyes blinked, adjusting to the brightness.

"Ragini," I whispered now.

"Miss Ragini," Janki ma'am repeated one more time.

"Where am I?" Ragini asked looking clueless to whatever had happened.

Ma'am asked her whether she was able to sit, to which Ragini replied with a nod.

Immediately she tried to sit up, but I realised she couldn't. I stepped forward trying to help her.

One hand on her waist, other on her shoulder. I could hear her heart beating erratically. Biting back a smile, I stepped away after helping her.

Ma'am and Ragini had a discussion about the incident that took place in the theatre room. After which she left leaving Ragini and I alone.

"You are fine right? I was so nervous," I ranted infront of her and at the same time she asked about how I found her.

After explaining her how Shanaya, Radhika, Anish and I had left after her and while others had gone home thinking she had left too, Ragini's one question was enough to ruin my entire demeanour.

"Anish, didn't know."

Why the fuck would Anish know where she is.

What was it that I didn't know about her, was Anish that close to her? Really?


did she like him? Were they dating? What was it that I had no clue about.

The entire atmosphere had changed, I suddenly loathed the privacy we had got. I suddenly hated the feeling of likeness which I felt for her.

I was angry, too pissed of to think, to process.

And that was when I dropped Ragini to the principal's cabin and left.

Left and decided to never bother, whatever this feeling was I was hating it. I couldn't stay near seeing her with someone else.

And I could not force her to be mine too, the disadvantage I have in her being a human.

And for the first time in the three months, I decided to go the place where I was sure I won't return.

I dialled her number, my fingers contemplating my decision.

"I want to meet you, are you at home?" I asked as soon as I heard her saying hello.


"Are you home?"

"I am."

"I am reaching in ten minutes," I informed as I dashed for my car.


I had reached in whole seven minutes.

The rusty door infront of me, I wouldn't lie saying that I had no thought of leaving.

Infact, I was too sure of leaving. That felt to be the best decision, but I couldn't. I had come here for a reason, to forget Ragini.

I knew the way, and I shouldn't back away like a coward. I raised my hand forward knocking at the door loudly. The empty house had heard its first sound in a long time.

The stairs screeched, and footsteps were heard before she opened the door.

Her face hadn't changed even a bit, the same long hair, the same gleamy eyes, the same full smile.

"Laksh," she breathed as I looked at her.

My face broke into a smile of its own.

"I didn't think you would return,"

"I wouldn't have, but I need answers Ma. And I know only you can give those to me," I told her, her face fell a bit realising I hadn't come here to meet her.

I did miss her, a lot. But I had sworn to never return to her, to her house, where I had found her using her witch powers for evil powers, I had seen her misusing her powers infront of me.

Witches weren't bad, only a few of them; and my mother was one of them.

One bad witch, and here I was going to ask her about my mate.

The only thing I knew she would never do is to harm me, or my sister. I trusted her for my life, but not for others.

That is why I would not tell her who my mate was, I would get my answers from her, and leave. Keeping my promise.

"Can I come in?" I asked and she nodded opening the door widely. I moved inside noticing nothing particularly had changed.

Sitting on the sofa opposite to where she sat, I looked at her. Her eyes, old, looking at me with love, repentance.

"You had told me we wizards and witches don't have mates, right?" I said directly jumping to point.

"Yes, we don't have mates."

"Then why do I have one?" I asked.



2038 words. i know you all love me.

just saying.

btw, tell me how you are liking the story so far!

Take care in this problematic situation❤️

do vote and comment!! (warna updatemahi karungi 😛😛)

till then


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