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I WAS WALKING ALL ALONE on my way back home when I heard a shrill cry. I turned towards the sound as I realised it came from the garden nearby.

I ran and found that the sound belonged to the young girl who I had no clue how was hanging from the tallest branch of a long tree.

Her mother stood there shouting and crying for help as I saw the girl's terrified look.

I could have helped her in a second, before I could snap my fingers and help the lady, Laksh came there running.

He was panting as he came there running.

"Beta, Beti please please help my daughter," the lady cried as I gulped.

I couldn't use my powers in his presence, neither could I all together use my powers or else Ma would lock them.

Before, I could react with anything Laksh started climbing the tree efficiently as he quickly reached the top.

Within three minutes he was back down with the young girl around his waist.

Astonished and shocked. He had fucking great strength. That was actually quite visible from his muscular body. He did work out a lot.

"Thank you thank you," the lady thanked Laksh as she kissed her daughter. The daughter cried hugging her mother.

I smiled at them and decided to leave the scene.

As soon as I started walking back, I felt a presence behind me.

I stopped and turned around to find Laksh following me.

"What?" I curiously asked.


"You are following me?" I said as I held back my smile.

"Am I?" His cheeks turning a light shade of red as I looked at me biting my cheeks.

"Buddhu," and I started walking back. He had stopped following me and I was happy. I couldn't let him see where I lived.

I had soon reached home but before I went inside I felt something pulling me towards the mail box. The feeling was so strange it felt O was being attracted by a magnet.

Inopened the mail box which had been empty since the past ten years, it had a mail.

A single envelope. It was dusty and in bold cursive handwriting the name of the sender was written.

"Save me."


Ragini. T

I almost fell back reading the letter. Aashna's letter?

But, but..Aashna was dead? She had died. Ma had told me how Aashna, during her WUW practical exams had used a wrong spell getting herself killed. Ma had told how Aashna had written in her diary that she regretted going to WUW.

Ma, ma she told how Aashna died.


I stumbled. Yet, I ran back inside. To question Ma, to know what was that she hid from me? And why?

"Maa!!" I shouted as soon as I entered the house.

"Ha, Ragu?" Ma came out from the kitchen.

I stared at her, how could she lie to me? About my own sister? My elder sister?

Aashu? She was 17, just seventeen.

"Aashna," I cried. Ma's expression changed as I looked at her.

(Hint: did you hear about any aashna in my other story?)

"Ragini," her voice strict and crisp. She looked at me with an undivided expression.

"Why?" I raised the envelope and showed her.

Aashna was alive.

Ma took the letter from me and read the content. Her eyes welled up.

"Maa, she is alive."

"I know," she replied slowly measuring her words.


"She was kidnapped. WUW was a trap for her, and her actions became the bait. She lost her powers. She is caged." Ma informed as I cried.

"Ma, we should save her. We should go now! You know who kidnapped her? Lets bring her back, she needs-"

"Silent Ragini," she shouted as I cried.

"We can't go, you can't. I lost Aashna and I not losing you! You get that!? We can only save her if -"


"Not now Ragini. Go back to your room. And," she suddenly came closer. Taking my hands she swiftly pushed a ring in my finger.

"Aaaaah," I shouted as it hurt. The ring burned on my skin.

"Ma, what is this?" I said in pain.

"It has locked your powers for now. Only I can remove it, I will do it soon. Till then you are a normal human." She told me as I looked at her shocked.

"You can't do this to me Ma,"

"I can Ragini. I am not risking your life. Get that clear. Go," her voice croaked. I knew it was difficult for her.

So difficult, yet I knew I trusted her more than anything. And with that Inlet her lock my powers.

My strength.


aint i too loveable?

I know you all love me.

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