Confusion (IJWTBL Shu) ♥️

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"Shu, wait up!" called Rose as she ran to me.

I looked around. "What?" I asked.

"Shu, is everything okay?" asked Rose. "You have hardly spoken to me. Did I do something to make you upset?"

"No, it's... Never mind."

"Never mind?" asked Rose. "Shu, I thought that you promised that you would tell me if something was troubling you."

I felt my stomach clench. I hated breaking promises. But I don't remember making such a promise to this girl.

"Also, we are supposed to be working on our Science project, remember?"

I suddenly stared at Rose. "What?" I asked.

Rose stared at me. "Shu, I think that you need to go back to the doctor. Your retrograde amnesia seems to be getting worse."

When did I have retrograde amnesia?

"SHUUUUUUUUUU!" Valt came running up to me again.

"Hi Valt," I said.

"Valt, Shu's acting weird," said Rose. "He doesn't seem to remember me at all."

Valt looked at me in surprise. "Shu, this is your girlfriend, Rosalie Charmille, or just Rose. You guys have been dating for a year."

"A year?"

"Yeah, don't you remember? She moved here from America and you guys became friends. But then you started to get attracted to her and I kept telling you to confess your feelings to her. Then the day when we were at Xander's dojo, you guys became boyfriend and girlfriend."

Okay, I remember that day at the dojo well. But I don't remember anything about Rose being there. But I just ended up making myself appear stupid.

Suddenly, I found myself at the nurse's office. "No, this isn't necessary. I'm not sick."

But Valt and Rose are acting like worried parents (ironic, considering that my parents basically neglected me) and insisted that I have a checkup.

The nurse checked my temperature and did some other stuff. "You seem physically healthy," she said. "But your friends said that you seem to have forgotten some events in your life."

Not quite. I'm not the same Shu they knew. But they wouldn't believe me if I told them the truth.

The nurse asked me if I wanted to go home, but I shook my head. "No, I'm not sick."

As I walked to History class with Valt, he asked, "Shu, are you sure you're alright? You're acting strange."

"I'm fine, really."

Valt looked at me doubtfully. In any universe, he knew me well.

"Shu, I'm really worried about you. You're acting weird. I don't think this is an effect of your retrograde amnesia. If there is something bothering you, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone else if you don't want me to."

I felt really bad. If I didn't tell Valt, he may think that I don't trust him. But if I did tell him, he would think that I have gone insane. It's a lose-lose situation.

"Shu, I'm not sure if you remember, but Rose really cares about you. When you... Um... Became Red Eye, she was devastated. But she didn't give up on you. She even broke into Theodore's office to try to help you."

Wait what?

I stared at Valt. "She... She broke into his office? Why?"

"I think she wanted to find information about the Snake Pit," said Valt. "She disappeared and after you stopped being Red Eye, you tried to contact her, but she didn't reply. You were afraid that she may have killed herself because you broke her heart."

I broke her heart? It seemed like Rose genuinely cared about me. But it was one-sided, because I don't remember having any connection to her. Maybe the Shu she knew had feelings for her, but I don't.



"I'm... From an alternate reality."

Valt stared at me. "What?"

"Shh. You can't tell anyone."

"Sorry. But how... Is this possible?"

"It's... Complicated."

"But how..."

"Listen, we'll talk later, okay?"

"Er... Okay, I guess."

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