Looking After A Toddler (RIBB Shu) 🌹

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Usually, it would take me less than half an hour to get ready for school. But today it almost took two hours.

First of all, I had no idea where to go. The house I was in was completely unfamiliar to me. Also, the little girl, I mean Kirika, is a big handful. I only looked away for a few minutes to brush my teeth and the next thing I knew, she was attempting to climb into the bathtub with her pyjamas still on. Luckily there was no water in it.

"What on earth are you doing?" I asked Kirika. "You will hurt yourself."

"No I won't," said Kirika as she stuck her little tongue out.

I decided to change Kirika myself. But she wriggled so much as I tried to help her put on her clothes that I think that she is trying to make it difficult for me on purpose.

I looked at Kirika's messy hair. I have no idea how to do hairstyles. I could brush her hair, but tying it would be a challenge.

I tried watching tutorials on how to tie hair on YouTube, but I still couldn't get it right. Finally, I gave up. Hopefully her preschool isn't too strict on having hair tied. If so, I would have to ask a teacher to help me tie it.

"Hungry," said Kirika.

"Okay. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Ice cream!"

"No, you will catch a cold."


"Do we even have cake?"

"Yes. The boy with the pokey pet gave me some yesterday."

"Er... I will see."

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the cake Kirika was talking about, so I ended up making her toast with scrambled eggs. She seemed to like it.

As soon as she had finished, she said, "Let's go to preschool now."

"Where's your preschool?"

Kirika giggled. "Silly Shu."

I felt a little annoyed at being called silly, but I guess that Kirika was wondering how I could forget where her preschool was if I had signed her up.

I decided to look through my phone to see if I had saved the address. Luckily I had, and my password hasn't changed.

I also looked through my contacts. It seemed like I was still keeping in touch with all my friends from Beigoma Academy. Valt had even sent me a text wishing Kirika good luck for preschool.

Hold on a minute. Where was Rose? I couldn't find her contact anywhere. I tried calling her number, but nobody picked up the phone.

Where was Rose? Now that I think about it, in my time Rose and I were going to be partners in a Science project. Why did I have to suddenly go into the future?

Unless this isn't the future. This is an alternate reality, which means that maybe Rose doesn't exist. I felt really sad thinking about that.


Kirika was starting to sound like Valt, so I decided to just take her to preschool.

However, as soon as I entered the building, I was greeted with shrill screams and yells. Were kids always that loud? They made Valt seem quiet.

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