What Is Going On? (IJWTBL Shu) ♥️

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I decided that there was no point trying to figure out how I ended up back in my twelve-year-old body and just... Go to school?

It felt weird. I was used to looking through files on my laptop before going to school. I also had to make Kirika breakfast (if I was rushing I would skip breakfast) and help her get dressed.

However, I was almost late for school because I had to go back home twice. The first time was because I had left my phone at home. The second time was because I realized that I had forgotten to lock the door.

By the time I had arrived at school, I was already exhausted. Well, at least I wasn't...

Suddenly, what looked like a blue hurricane came running into school. "Yes! I'm on time!"

I would recognize my best friend anywhere. "Hello Valt," I said.

"Shu!" called out Valt. "Can't you believe that the Christmas holidays are coming soon?"

"Wait what?" I asked. Then I remembered that it was also almost Christmas in my time.

I went to my locker to grab my books. I had checked the day on my phone. It was a Friday, and I had looked at my schedule. I had English class first, then History.

After taking my books, I rushed to the class, barely making it on time. Suddenly, I realised that I don't remember where I sat (I don't have a photographic memory).

I saw the teacher looking at me. "Why are you standing there, Mr Kurenai?" she asked.

"Er... I..." Would she believe me if I told her that I don't remember my seat? I'm supposed to have an excellent memory.

Just then, a red-headed girl waved at me. I waved back awkwardly.

"Don't tell me that you forgot where you sit," said the teacher. "You sit next to Miss Charmille over there."

I was more confused than ever. "Who?" I asked.

Just then, the red-haired girl got up and took my hand. "You sit next to me, silly," she said.

I was so confused when the girl brought me to her seat. "Er... Who are you?" I asked.

The girl gave me a puzzled expression. "Don't tell me that your retrograde amnesia has been messing with your mind again. I'm your girlfriend, Rose. Remember?"

Wait what? Girlfriend? Retrograde amnesia? I realised that I haven't gone back in time. I had gone into an alternate reality!

But why would I have a girlfriend? I don't have any interest in dating.

I tried to pay attention to the teacher, but I just feel so confused. How different are things here? There was this girl who I barely know, who is currently looking at me.

A few months ago, Fubuki and Lain secretly put me on a dating app. I was furious with them, but they insisted that I give dating a chance. Reluctantly, I tried the app out just to humour them.

I did end up making friends with one girl called Lessie Trillin. She said that she wanted to meet me at a cafe, so I went there.

Well, it was a disaster. Lessie's name is actually Cassie Banter, and she was a lesbian! The fake name my students had registered me under was a gender neutral one, and the fact that I like pink and cooking made her believe that I was female. We decided not to see each other again.

"Shu? Shu?" I saw Rose waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you okay? You're acting weird."

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine," I tried to convince her. But Rose looked at me with her baby blue eyes, clearly unconvinced.

"Are you sure? You're acting weird."

I tried to play it cool. "I... It's nothing." I did my best to really pay attention, not wanting her to get more suspicious.

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