I Am Not Okay (RIBB Shu) 🌹

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I don't know how long I was unconscious, but I woke up to see everyone looking at me in concern. I thought that Valt would be overly panicky, but he was surprisingly mature about it.

"Shu, are you okay? You just fainted and we were all worried."

I sat up. I found that I was in my own bed at home. "I think that I was just tired."

"Tired?" asked the maroon haired boy. His name is Aiger, I think. "You just passed out without warning. The doctor said that you fainted from exhaustion."

"A doctor came to see me?"

"Shu, are you sure you are fine?" asked Valt. "I have known you for so long. I always know when you are faking it, like when you hurt your shoulder!"

I knew that Valt was right, but I couldn't tell him the truth, could I?

"Valt, can we talk? Alone?"

"Oh, of course," said Valt. "Can everyone else go out for a few minutes?"

Everyone else exited the room. Valt looked at me. "What is it?" he asked.

"I... I am not the Shu you know."

"What?" asked Valt. He sounded worried now. "What do you mean?"

"I am from an alternate universe."

Valt stared at me for what felt like forever. Then he asked, "You're not serious, right? Please tell me that you're joking!"

"I wish that I was."

"But... That's impossible! How can..."

"I'm younger in my own universe. I am twelve years old."

"You're still a kid? Lucky."

"I wouldn't call myself lucky."

"That explains why you don't know Aiger and Lain! You haven't met them yet."

"Yeah. And I have no idea what's going on here. How did I become the manager of the Raging Bulls?"

"It was a bit complicated," said Valt. "Shortly before we finished sixth grade, you were asked to be the manager. You were hesitant at first, but you were convinced to take up the job. You moved to America and took Kirika with you."

"And... How was Kirika born?"

"I don't really know. Your parents didn't want her and dumped her onto you. You named her and raised her."

Suddenly, I thought of Kirika. "Shouldn't we be checking up on her? She's probably waiting for me."

"Do you not notice how tired you look?" asked Valt. "You look like a zombie. At least take a short nap. I will get Kirika for you. She knows me."

I sighed. I did feel drained of energy. "Fine. I will sleep."

Well, resting was easier said than done. Any time I fell asleep, I would have vivid nightmares about the Snake Pit. I woke up feeling more exhausted than I was earlier. I noticed that my room was completely messed up. Unless someone came in and caused chaos, I must have been sleepwalking again.

On top of all that, my head was pounding. I felt really weird, like I was sick or something.

I tried to get up, but my legs felt weak and I had to hold on to a chair to stand. There was definitely something wrong with me.

I walked downstairs really slowly. Maybe I should call a doctor. Either I was running a temperature or I was just too tired to function.

Valt must have told the others to leave me alone, for the house was empty. Something caught my attention.

A single red rose on the dining table.

Every time I see roses, I get reminded of her. Once when I was at the Snake Pit, Norman Tarver told me to send a gift basket to some girl he liked. I couldn't really concentrate on the task as it was filled with roses.

I really missed Rose. She was pretty, but there was more to her than that. She was courageous and kind. She was smart and showed me the affection that my parents wouldn't give me. She saw past my perfect image but still accepted me regardless of it.

Nothing about our relationship is perfect. We had fights sometimes. I broke her heart when I became Red Eye. Even our first kiss was imperfect. It was shocking and unexpected.

Rose had gone to check up on me in the hospital. It was the first time I told someone about my neglectful parents. Then Rose just kissed me. I had been shocked and had no idea how to react.

Rose and I have hurt each other at least once, but our relationship always survived. She helped me when I was depressed. I wished that she was here.

I shook away the thought. I couldn't focus on a girl I can't reach. I had to focus on getting back to my own body. But how?

I checked my phone. I had a text from Valt.

BFF: Kirika's been discharged. Bringing her home right now.

Well, that was something. At least Kirika was fine. But then another message came in.

Cassie: I'm sorry I upset you. My Mom told me that it was very insensitive of me to ask you questions you were uncomfortable with.

I thought about Cassie for a bit.

Me: Do you get bullied for being a lesbian?

Cassie: No. Why?

Me: I once knew someone who was harassed brutally for being themself. They ended up doing the unthinkable.

Cassie: What's the unthinkable?

I couldn't tell her. Mainly because it would trigger her a lot.

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