Thunderstorm (IJWTBL Shu) ♥️

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Rose stayed over at my house and said that she would help me. "Well, thanks," I said.

"Actually, I just want my Shu back," said Rose. "It gets very confusing knowing two Shus."

She playfully booped me on my nose, and it kind of made me blush. But I wasn't sure how Rose was supposed to help me.

We searched up similar cases, but all that came out were Freaky Friday movies and similar movies about body swapping, including a Disney Channel movie from 2017 and some others I have never heard about before.

Rose groaned. "This is hopeless! How are we supposed to find out why you body swapped with my Shu? It doesn't make sense."

I sighed. "Nothing makes sense."

I made lunch for Rose and I. She smiled at me as she ate her food. I tried not to look at her...

Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, followed by a rumble of thunder. I wasn't hungry anymore. I ran into my bedroom.

I hate it. I hate the sound of thunder. I tried covering my ears with pillows, but the thunder was deafening.

After twenty minutes of constant thunder, I was practically in tears. "Make it stop," I begged.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Shu,  are you okay?" came Rose's voice. "I know that you are scared of thunder. Do you need me to come in?"

I didn't want to get out of bed. I was really scared. It was raining heavily now and I could hear it. I just wanted the noise to stop.

"Shu?" asked Rose.

"G... Go away," I said softly. I didn't want anyone to see me in this state. I was ten seconds away from crying.

"Shu, if you're not coming out, I'm coming in."

Rose isn't serious, is she (Don't look at me like that, I'm not trying to make a Harry Potter pun)?

Oh my gosh, she is serious. Rose came into my room and looked at me.

"Shu, it's okay," she said. "The thunderstorm won't hurt you. And you can cry all you want."

It seemed like a dam had broken inside of me, because I couldn't stop crying. I felt Rose gently pull my head on her lap. The thunderstorm only made it worse.

I cried for almost an hour, and by the time I stopped, I was so exhausted from crying that I couldn't cry anymore, my eyes burned, and I had wet Rose's skirt.

"Sorry," I sniffed.

"It's alright. You're scared, and that's normal," said Rose.

It actually felt good to let out my emotions. I could never let Kirika see me cry. I knew that if she saw how stressed and upset I was, she would cry too. I don't see any reason why she needed to be burdened with the weight I carried.

Being the manager of the Raging Bulls is extremely stressful. I always had a ton of work to do and I still had an education to think of. I had resorted to online classes, but it only added on to my work.

Sometimes I didn't sleep at night to finish my work and had to drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks to keep going. I know that it isn't healthy, but don't judge me.

If I had a really bad day, I had to wait for Kirika to fall asleep before having a breakdown in my room. If my friends heard about me scheduling my breakdowns, they might try to force me to see a therapist. They have been really overprotective of me for the past three years.

"Do you want to sleep?" asked Rose. "You seem tired."

I shook my head. I was tempted to sleep, but I couldn't hide in my room forever.

The next hour was mentally exhausting. I still found no results on the subject. I think that Rose was exhausted too, for she fell asleep. On me!

At first, I was embarrassed and anxious. But I noticed that having someone sleep on you isn't as unpleasant as I thought.

Rose's hair smelled of shampoo scented like her namesake. It was very soft, and I found myself playing with it.

Rose was clinging on to my arm as she slept, and it was pretty cute. She also moved around a little, so I just let her sleep on my lap.

The next time I looked at the clock, it was three in the afternoon. I had been searching for information for nearly four hours. No wonder I felt so drained.

The rain had subsided a little and the thunder had stopped, much to my relief. It was pretty chilly, so I gently moved Rose's head and went to get a blanket to cover her so she would be warm.

I didn't need to let Rose use my lap as a pillow, but the sensation was strangely comfortable. I yawned a little. Maybe a nap wouldn't be too bad...

But as soon as I closed my eyes, my phone rang. It was Valt. He was in tears.

"Shu! Shu, come quick!"

"Valt, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"It's... It's my Dad!"

I had no idea what was going on, but it had to be very bad news if Valt was this upset. "Hold on Valt, I'm coming!"

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