I Don't Know (IJWTBL Shu) ♥️

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Rose knocked on the bathroom door. "Shu, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Shu... I have told you a million times not to lie to me. We have talked about this."

I was panicking now. I don't know what to say to Rose. I have hardly known her for a day but she already seems to know me extremely well. I could imagine her at the other side of the door waiting for me to come out.

"If you're still throwing up in there then I should be calling the doctor to check up on you. Mom said that if you still don't feel well then you should go to bed. I can lend you some spare clothes again."

Wait, what? Just how often do I stay over here?

Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. A few seconds later, I heard a very familiar voice call out for me.

"Shu, are you okay? I have been worried about you, and now Rose is saying that you haven't eaten anything."

"Valt, I'm..." My voice trailed off. I couldn't bring myself to tell an outright lie to Valt. "I have no appetite, but I don't know why."

I ended up stepping outside the bathroom and Mrs Charmille was waiting with a thermometer and medicine bottles. I felt embarrassed. It was like I was a baby.

Mrs Charmille checked my temperature and found out that it was normal. She got confused and checked it again to receive the same result.

"I can't make out what's wrong with you," she said. "You seem healthy, but you also seem sick."

Valt handed me some Beybread. "Maybe you would want Beybread. Here Shu."

I still didn't feel hungry. But I tried to eat the Beybread to please Valt. But I couldn't eat any more after a few bites.

Rose got really worried. "That's it, you're seeing the doctor! And don't you dare try to get out of it."

I felt myself blushing at that. Is it just me, or is this girl starting to drive me crazy?

I wanted to protest, but Rose gave me a glare that said, Don't even try. I found her really annoying, but also really fascinating (wait, what am I saying? I must be losing my marbles).

Well, I had to go to a doctor who asked me questions and gave me a checkup. I had to get my temperature checked for what felt like the tenth time today. And of course, I didn't have one.

But guess what? The doctor told Rose's parents that my problem was most likely mental and I should see a therapist. I don't need therapy!

Or maybe I do. I have suffered from so much emotional damage from my parents that my self-esteem is really low. I don't ever plan on telling Kirika about them.

Mrs Charmille asked me that if I needed anything, I could talk to her. I wish that she will stop treating me like her own child. It's getting annoying. But somehow I like it at the same time.

Why on earth am I so confused? But maybe I am a bit too hard on Mrs Charmille. She is really pregnant right now, and Rose told me that her mother might give birth at any minute now.

If Kirika existed in this universe she would probably be a few months younger than Rose's sibling. In fact, I think that Rose has baby fever.

She has this weird baby doll twins dressed in pink and blue and Rose acted like they were her siblings, feeding them pretend food and milk, pretending to change their diapers, and singing them to sleep.

I must admit that Rose has a great singing voice, but it's weird watching her acting like her 'siblings' are real. She told me that her grandparents gave the book to her for her birthday so that she could prepare herself for her new sibling.

I don't have grandparents. All of my grandparents are dead. My father's parents died in an accident when my Dad (I hate having to call him that) was in college. My mother's father died when I was an infant and my maternal grandmother died when I was seven. Now that I think about it, it's awfully depressing.

Rose kept treading on eggshells around me, as if I was depressed. I mean, I am a little sad, but I am not depressed.

Okay, I did get depressed when Spryzen broke and after the Red Eye incident, but I'm more or less fine.

"Shu, are you sure that you are okay?" asked Rose. "You look really tired. And you haven't been talking to me much. Don't you love me anymore?"

"I... I... I don't know."

That was the worst thing I could have said. Rose burst into tears and ran to her room.

Valt looked at me in horror. "Shu, why did you have to say that?"

"I don't know." It seems to be all I can say today.

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