Allergies (RIBB Shu) 🌹

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Kirika kept coughing and gasping, and it was seriously worrying me. If she died, it would be all my fault.

Finally, I made it to the hospital. A nurse stared at me in surprise. "Goodness me, don't say that you have hurt yourself again.

Again? How many times have I hurt myself? Okay, in my timeline, I have injured myself twice.

"No, it's my sister. She seems to be in pain."

"Oh dear," said the nurse as she took Kirika from me. "Definitely an allergic reaction. I'll send her to a doctor immediately."

I felt really worried as I waited in the waiting room. I saw that the photo of me and Cassie had almost a thousand likes already. Though there were some comments defending me.

WonderBoy: I don't think that they are a couple. Shu said that he's not ready for a girlfriend yet.

WhiteTyrant: Kurenai with a girl? Doesn't look like they are a couple to me.

I was surprised to see that Lui was standing up for me. Maybe he has changed.

TheLaughingGiant: I know Shu well, and it looks like he isn't dating that girl.

DeerBoy: I don't know a thing about romance, but I'm pretty sure that Shu doesn't like that girl. They both look shocked.

ForneusBlader: Shu doesn't want to date. All of you guys should stop exaggerating.

I felt weird. This was getting out of hand. I had to tell Cassie about this.

I switched to WhatsApp and sent Cassie a message.

Me: Someone posted a photo of us on Instagram and people keep saying that we are a couple.

Cassie: I know. I saw them too. What can we do about it?

Me: I don't know. My friends know that I'm not ready to date, but the rest of the world doesn't know that.

Cassie: My friend Susan is searching for information about you. We will talk later.

Uh oh. If Cassie's friend Susan was searching about me... What if she finds out that I was Red Eye? Or that I abandoned my friends once? Or that...

My thoughts were interrupted by a nurse calling for me. She told me that Kirika had been given some treatment for her allergy reaction and now she was no longer in critical condition.

"We will be keeping your sister in the hospital overnight just in case," said the nurse. "We gave your sister a sedative so that she won't feel any pain, so she is sleeping now."

"Oh, I see," I said. "Can I visit her?"

"Yes, but only for five minutes," she said. "Visiting hours are almost over. Just don't wake her up."

I was led to a children's ward. Kirika was put in a single room so that she wouldn't be disturbed. She looked a little pale, but peaceful. I asked the doctor about her allergies.

He looked at me funny. Honestly I don't blame him. He had probably already told me other self about Kirika's allergies.

"She's allergic to strawberries. I believe that I have already told you a year ago."

I felt foolish. I had given Kirika strawberry ice cream. Oh why had I been an idiot? That doctor probably thinks that I'm stupid now.

It was very dark when I returned home (it feels weird to call it home). I laid down in bed, trying to figure out how I had somehow switched bodies with my alternate self. I had watched movies where two people switch bodies. But it was two separate people in the same universe, not the same person from alternate universes.

I remember once reading a Ninjago fanfic on Wattpad where Lloyd from the TV show switches bodies with the Lloyd from the movie. But the fanfic was unfinished, and I never knew why it happened.

Just then, my phone rang. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Shu, did you see that photo in Instagram of you and some random girl..." started Valt.

"Yes, I saw it," I told Valt. "I was with that girl, but we are just friends. We barely know each other."

"Whoa, Shu really was with a girl," came another voice which I didn't recognize. "I feel kind of bad for the girl if she..."

"Valt, who's that with you?" I asked.

"Shu, don't you remember Aiger?" asked Valt.

I was confused. "Who's Aiger?"

"You know, Aiger Akabane. You helped him recreate his bey after Phi destroyed his old one."

"Who's Phi?"

"Shuuuuuuuuuu! Do you have amnesia? Phi destroyed Spryzen as well as Achilles."

"Wait what? Spryzen got broken again?"

What on earth had happened to the other me?

There was silence at the other end for a while. Then Valt said, "Shu, I'm really worried about you. I'm coming to America right now."

"I'll come too," said the other voice.

I felt horrified as Valt hung up. Uh oh, what do I do? Tell Valt that I am from an alternate universe?

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