Telling The Truth (IJWTBL Shu) ♥️

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Uh oh. I knew that I may have severely impacted my, I mean, my other self's relationship with Rose. She was sitting in her room sobbing.

I tried to apologize to her from the other side of the door, but her only response was, "Go away!"

Valt told me that Rose was really fond of me. I didn't know that she would care so much about me. It was really sad now that I think about it.

I was feeling really strange and confused. My brain won't stop wandering to Rose and I can't even see her face (wait, when did I care about seeing her face?).

Maybe I should just go home. I didn't want to upset Rose any further, and it's not like she was speaking to me anyway.

It was pretty dark, but that shouldn't have bothered me, right?

Wrong. Maybe I wouldn't be bothered a few years ago, but after living in America for 3 years, I had become much more wary.

America is a dangerous country. In my first week at the Raging Bulls, there had been a shooting outside. I remember feeling so scared and hiding underneath a table. It took ages for the adults to convince me that it was safe for me to come out.

Risks of getting kidnapped or harassed in America is also high. I know that Japan is much safer, but it still made me feel wary.

I didn't feel safe. I looked around, expecting to get mugged on the spot. I was so thankful when I arrived home.

I looked around the apartment. Everything appeared the same. Then I went into my bedroom.

It was then when I saw the photo of Rose by my bedside. And another photo of me and Rose wearing party outfits. Some school dance, I suppose.

I couldn't help but cry a little. I thought about Kirika. I don't know why, but I had this strange feeling that there was something wrong with Kirika at the moment.

Suddenly, I heard voices in the living room. My parents? I didn't want to see them. I had even told them so.

I hoped that if I just stayed quiet, they won't notice me.

Are you really that scared of your parents?

It took me a few moments to figure out that it was Spryzen talking to me. I took it out of my pocket.

"No, I just don't want to see them. They have hurt me a lot."

I know. I remember watching your parents inflict all that trauma onto you. If I was human I would have told them off.

I remember having a similar conversation with my Spryzen once. But then I heard the doorbell ring.

My first instinct was to go and open it. But my parents opened the door and there was a huge row.

"I thought that I told you to go away!" I heard my mother scream.

"You can't force us to stay away!" I heard Valt yell. "Where is Shu? I want to see him."

"Like we care," I heard my Dad say. "I have a good mind to slap you."

"You can't do that," came a female voice (Rose?). "If you do that, I will report you to my parents."

I couldn't stand it any longer. I went out of my room to discover Rose and Valt arguing with my parents. Everyone looked at me at once.

"Rose?" I asked.

Rose turned a little pink. "Hi Shu," she said.

"Shu!" called out Valt. "We wanted to see if you were alright."

"But... Rose, I have hurt your feelings. I thought that you won't want to see me anymore."

"You're lucky that I care about you," said Rose. "I knew that there must be a reason why you were acting this way. Only by the time I had come to my senses, you had already left."

I looked into those beautiful blue eyes of hers (am I going crazy?) and felt bad for her.

"Rose, I'm so sorry I have hurt your feelings. You did not deserve that."

"I don't care," said Rose. "I love you."

My heart melted a little at those words. Nobody had told me that they loved me. Well, Kirika has said that before. And Valt said that the Beyclub loved me. But this girl who I have never met was saying that she loved me. It was really heartwarming.

"Excuse me?" asked my mother. "What did we say about having her here?"

I was angry and hurt. "Just go away!" I said. "I don't want to see you anymore."

Everyone looked stunned, even Valt. I guess that my other self had never said anything like that to my parents.

Just then, Rose showed me a pink charm bracelet she was wearing. "Do you remember this?"

I was super confused. "No," I said.

Rose sighed. "This is the charm bracelet you gave me last year for Christmas. I don't know what's going on, but if you want a break in our relationship, I guess that I can handle this."

I was stunned. A break? What would my other self say to that?

"I... I... I..."

"Wait," said Valt. "Let's all talk this out. In private." He gave me parents a glance as he said that.

So the three of us sat in my room. I wasn't sure if I should tell Rose the truth.

"I'm... Really confused at the moment. I don't know what to think. Maybe it won't make sense to you, Rose, but I am not exactly the same person you knew."

Rose looked confused. "Don't tell me you have been possessed again."

I stared into her gorgeous blue eyes (Why do I keep saying this?) and pondered whether to tell her. I looked over at Valt.

"It's... Complicated," said Valt. "I'm not sure if you would understand."

Rose sighed. "Shu, I don't know what's going on with you. But I'm sure that I can handle it. I have died and reincarnated, remember?"

"What?" I asked. "You're dead?"

"No, yes... I thought that you already knew. Are you sure your memory is alright?"

"Oops," said Valt. "I forgot that you wouldn't know that."

I stared at Rose's shocked expression. I had a ton of questions, but maybe I should confess.

"Rose?" I asked.

The red-headed girl looked at me.

"I'm not the same Shu you know. I am from an alternate universe."

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